Thursday 9 August 2012


Although UNO and all its high powered Representatives have failed to achieve any restraining power on Bashar al - Assad to limit his ruthless carnage, bloodshed and Acts of Genocide in Syria, something could still be done !!!

Russia and China have blocked every effort with their "VETOES".  As Kofi Anan said a few days ago, he was not backed by the Security Council !!!  For this reason he resigned from his mission concerning the Syrian crisis.

There is still a democratic method which remains to isolate BASHAR al - Assad !!!  Could the USA and Great Britain (President OBAMA and Prime Minister David CAMERON) not invite all "right minded" member countries of UNO to sign a petition stating that BASHAR al - Assad and his "entourage" would be Personae non grata in their countries !!! 

This would demonstrate to Russia and China and to BASHAR al Assad what the world thinks of his barbarous actions and also what he can expect if he and his family are caught in any country having signed the Petition !!!

BASHAR al - Assad would then also realize how small his world has become !!! 


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