Wednesday, 27 September 2017
Is Theresa May listening, but also weighing the results of the recent General Elections in France and Germany ?
Macron is the new President of France with a comfortable majority in the National Assembly. He was elected to reform France after the castastrophic Presidency of François Hollande ! France must become "profitable" again !
Yesterday Macron in his speech clearly stated he too, like many other Leaders in the EU, wanted major changes in EU Treaties to control at least, Immigration and to confront Terrorism, so as to ensure the Security of the EU.
In Germany, "Mutti" Merkel's Party again obtained the most votes (33%) but now faces the fact that she may not be able negotiate a Coalition with acceptable conditions, to remain as the Chancellor of Germany as she has been since November 2005. Electors clearly voted for a new approach by Germany in the EU ! If she fails she could find herself rebaptised as "Oma" Merkel !
Many countries in the EU are yearning for Changes to Treaties, not only Macron in France ! In view of the current BREXIT negotiations, Theresa May is duty bound to reappraise the situation : "What does Britain want now "?
Sunday, 24 September 2017
En cas d'absence du concierge pour maladie ou congés payés, se pose la question de son remplacement, des tâches qui seront demandées au gardien remplaçant et du salaire qui lui sera versé.
Un concierge de catégorie B, donc logé, peut être remplacé pendant une durée déterminée par un gardien de catégorie A, donc non logé, pour des tâches limitativement énumérées au contrat.
D'une manière générale, "la rémunération d'un salarié titulaire d'un contrat à durée déterminée (CDD) ne peut être inférieure au montant de la rémunération que percevrait dans la même entreprise, un salarié bénéficiant d'un contrat à durée indéterminée (CDI), de qualification professionnelle équivalente et occupant les mêmes fonctions" (Code tu travail art.1242-15).
Par ailleurs, selon la Convention Collective des concierges et gardiens d'immeuble, les remplaçants sous CDD perçoivent une rémunération "décomptée en fonction de la qualification exigée et du taux d'emploi". Cette rémunération est majorée de l' indemnité compensatrice de congés payés, de l'indemnité légale de fin de contrat, d'un prorata du treizième mois et pour tout remplacement de moins de deux mois, d'une indemnité conventionnelle de 10% (article 26 de la convention collective).
Le gardien remplaçant doit en principe percevoir une rémunération équivalente à celle du salarié remplacé. Toutefois équivalente ne se traduit pas par identique. Par ailleurs, selon la Convention Collective des concierges et gardiens d'immeuble, les remplaçants sous CDD perçoivent une rémunération "décomptée en fonction de la qualification exigée et du taux d'emploi". Cette rémunération est majorée de l' indemnité compensatrice de congés payés, de l'indemnité légale de fin de contrat, d'un prorata du treizième mois et pour tout remplacement de moins de deux mois, d'une indemnité conventionnelle de 10% (article 26 de la convention collective).
Une différence de rémunération est justifiée:
- lorsque le remplaçant n'a pas une expérience comparable à celle du salarié remplacé (cass. soc. 8 juillet 2010 n°08-4569) ; ce qui est le cas lorsque un concierge expérimenté est remplacé par une gardienne dont les seules qualifications sont celles d'une femme de ménage;
- si le remplaçant n'exerce qu'une partie des tâches du salarié remplacé. Par exemple les travaux qualifiés tels que petite serrurerie, électricité, plomberie, peinture ou encore surveillance de la chaufferie dont est chargé contractuellement le concierge remplacé, ne seront pas forcément dévolus au salarié remplaçant et justifieront une rémunération différente.
Encore faut il veiller à exclure du contrat des formules telles que : "Madame X (la remplaçante) interviendra sur l'intégralité des charges de Monsieur Y (le concierge remplacé) ".
Les Syndics ne respectent pas toujours ces principes lors de l'établissement des contrats et cela au détriment de la copropriété. En voici un exemple :
Ce Syndic, de sa propre initiative, a majoré le salaire mensuel conventionnel du gardien remplaçant d 'un "complément contractuel" de 580 euros au motif que le concierge remplacé en bénéficiait en vertu d'augmentations personnelles accordées au fil des années par l'Assemblée Générale de copropriétaires.
Le Conseil Syndical en a eu vent. Bien entendu pas question de réclamer au remplaçant ce qui lui avait été versé; mais le Syndic conscient de sa responsabilité a proposé de dédommager la copropriété.
En effet seul aurait dû être prévu dans le contrat de travail du gardien remplaçant le salaire conventionnel correspondant à la pesée de son poste et calculé au prorata de sa durée de travail. A l'exclusion donc de tout complément non décidé par l'Assemblée Générale.
Friday, 22 September 2017
Four months ago President Macron was elected and then his political Party "En Marche", obtained a comfortable majority in the National Assembly after the General Election.
Following the promises he made as a Candidate, Macron is now introducing changes in France to make its industries competitive again.
This necessarily means "employment conditions" will be modified, to encourage industrials to grow their businesses. That should help reduce the very high total of unemployed in France, which Macron inherited from the previous Socialist President, François Hollande.
Some Trade Unions have reacted and organised national protest marches in coming days ! This now has led electors to question : "Who rules in France today ? The Electors through the elected President and MPs in the Parliament, or the Trade Unions in the Streets ?"
Tuesday, 19 September 2017
THE BREXIT issue has created Chaos for both sides in the negotiations, between the EU and Britain !
Basically one can question whether the BREXIT issue was launched before either side was really ready.
On the EU side one can even question whether anyone there really knows how the EU will evolve during the coming years !
In particular, the "revealing" remarks by Jean-Claude Juncker last week, that every EU country must adopt the EURO as its currency, was typical of his previous unguarded assertions. His statement was immediately watered down by Angela Merkel. She at present is fighting for her re-election as Chancellor of Germany. The General Election is this coming weekend !
Juncker's idea of the ultimate type of EU seems to be like one Country with one currency with omnipotent and centralised powers to rule. The current type of EU already allows each non EURO Country to manage its currency and allows all countries significant local powers to tax and run their countries.
Several EU countries like Britain, do not want to adopt the EURO as their currency. This is one important reason why Juncker wants Britain out of the EU as soon as possible but ..... not before having paid an astronomic Financial penalty to get out !
BREXIT is also causing chaos in Britain for other reasons. Theresa May was chosen as Prime Minister after the unexpected and close majority for BREXIT in the Referendum vote. She immediately adopted this divine mission and is fervently negotiating, to get Britan out of the EU but also to reduce the astronomic cost of the leaving penalties demanded by the EU.
Alas, the popularity of Theresa May and that of the Conservative Party, has slumped. Does May ever hear or listen to the people around her who are having second thoughts about BREXIT ! In fact, is there now in Britain still a majority in favour of leaving the EU ?
But, to survive the EU must now quickly update its Treaties : there is an urgent clamour for this to be done. The main bones of contention are Immigration, Terrorism and the Insecurity in the EU, all provoked by the Islamic State aggression in the Middle East !
Finally, it is high time for Brussels to define the form of the future EU it proposes to adopt ! After that, will there still be a BREXIT and/or other EXITS ?
Monday, 18 September 2017
Un jour qu’il visitait une « Administration », Clemenceau qui n’était pas tendre avec les fonctionnaires dit aux officiels qui l’accompagnaient : « Parlons bas, nous pourrions les réveiller » !
*** J’espère que les fonctionnaires qui vont recevoir ce dessin ont suffisamment d’humour pour accepter cette plaisanterie. Dans le cas contraire je les invite à rechercher sur internet la méthode de pliage qui permet de réaliser de magnifiques cocottes en papier.
Sunday, 17 September 2017
The BREXIT request by Britain to leave the EU has a cost which must be negotiated, but the UK is prepared to pay. However, should adjustments not be made to this cost for the policies which British electors found unacceptable when they voted in the Referendum to leave the EU ?
It would be foolish for Britain to accept, or for the EU to want to impose a Financial Penalty if, as soon as Britain has paid and left the EU, Treaties are changed to prevent further "EXITS" by other EU countries !
There are several situations where clear notes should provide for a reimbursement if ultimately Treaties are changed. The obvious ones concern the Rules for Immigration and the Freedom of movement in the EU !
Judging from published comments, the EU and in particular its Head of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, may not appreciate these observations !
Albeit, but in the serious World of Business the Rules of Equity must be applied !
The age old justification from Victorian times that natives born in Britain do not need an Identity Card, because they are known in their Community, is no longer valid or acceptable in the modern Britain of today !
One of the main justifications underlying the BREXIT VOTE was the wish to control and reduce immigration from the EU and elsewhere. That is easy ! One can refuse entry if identity documentation is not acceptable.
However, does Britain really have the PRACTICAL means to verify easily the identity of everyone already living there ? How many visitors have overstayed their "temporary entry" ? Where do they live ? How many are working on the black market or living on their wits ? Also, for example, is a voter the same person that was registered on the electoral list ?
Furthermore, to travel abroad Passports are generally required, but identity cards could facilitate re-entry and also contain additional information like an identity number for tax purposes.
Theresa May, the Prime Minister, must seriously weigh the pros and cons of issuing Identity Cards, particularly if she really wants and intends to control immigration !
Saturday, 16 September 2017
The next significant event in the EU is the German Election on September 24, 2017 which will decide whether Angela Merkel retains her post as Chancellor.
This will also indicate whether there is any NEW hope that the EU could finally start updating its Treaties, by changing some of the old basic principles which no longer defend EU citizens in this changing World !
Merkel and Germany seem to want the EU to become one political unity with one Government ! BUT would such an objective really suit all the 28 member countries of the EU ? At present this does not seem to be the case.
The Rules being applied concerning Immigrants or Migrants or Refugees from the Middle East or elsewhere are far from satisfactory.
Should all external frontiers of the EU not be policed to increase the security of EU citizens, particularly now when Terrorists are so active ? Who should secure either the internal or external frontiers of the EU ?
In fact, is the principle of the Freedom of Movement in the EU of goods or persons, still tenable as it is at present defined in Treaties ?
Finally, is "BREXIT" not a good reason to update Treaties ? Or will this only be done when Britain has "PAID" a punitive price to leave ?
Thursday, 14 September 2017
Saturday, 9 September 2017
Friday, 8 September 2017
Friday, 1 September 2017
Today's edition of the Daily Mail (September 1, 2017) reveals the instant and addictive effects of the drug SPICE. The pictures of addicts in several towns in Britain are enough to worry any right thinking citizen, particularly parents.
SPICE is increasingly available and is much cheaper than Cannabis ! The recipe of each batch of the drug produced can vary, as can the effects on an addict. Users are almost immediately "knocked-out cold" !
The maximum penalty for supplying SPICE is a prison sentence of 7 years, but is this an effective deterrent ? Police forces throughout Britain admit they do not have the means to prevent increasing addiction.
The foregoing summary serves as an alert, but another consideration needs serious attention. If the instant effect of SPICE is that it could kill, giving or selling SPICE to anyone must be severely deterred ! It could be an act of Manslaughter or even Murder !
To stop the spread of SPICE any punishment must be severe !
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