Thursday, 20 December 2018


Yesterday in Parliament Theresa May the Prime Minister, updated MPs on current BREXIT negotiations.   Her presentation  provoked the Opposition Labour Party Leader Jeremy Corbyn, who then launched an attack on her !

She immediately counter-attacked him  saying that as usual he had no alternative Policy to propose !   

Lip readers (correctly in my opinion !) affirm that Corbyn mumbled to himself "stupid woman" while she was speaking, but this he denied when challenged later !

In fact Corbyn is just like Putin : he also always denies any and all allegations of guilt !  This is fatal for someone who still harbours hopes of becoming the next Prime Minister !


Thursday, 13 December 2018


At the last minute, after 48 Conservative Party MPs forced a Vote against their Leader and Prime Minister,  Theresa May was hugely backed by Party MPs to remain their Leader !

To be quite clear, this means her mandate during the next year at least, is to proceed with the BREXIT project for which Britain voted in the Referendum on June 23 2016.

After all the haggling which MAY has been forced to face, not only from her own Party but also from MPs of other Parties AND  Journalists, the very least one must say is that Britain has at last "fallen on its feet" !

Also, after MAY said that she would not stand for re-election as Prime Minister in    2022, many candidates who were worrying more about their own future hopes rather than the BREXIT details, were pacified.   

This result is therefore a real Triumph for Theresa May but also for British common sense !



Monday, 3 December 2018


Today many people in France are wondering if a "State of Emergency" should not be declared after the recent   Riots in Paris and all over France.  The initial "demonstrations" by the "Yellow Vests" had become more like "Riots" !

The "Yellow Vests" movement started about three weeks ago as "protests" against the rising cost of petrol and   generally of the cost of living and taxation, as well as the rising level of unemployment. 
Last Saturday black-clothed "hooded Rioters" joined gatherings of pacific "yellow vests" with the sole aim to destroy Shopfronts and Bank premises, to burn Cars and destroy or damage Public Monuments like the "Arc de Triomphe" in Paris !

In spite of all this, Opinion Polls back the "Yellow Vests" movement !   This reveals a  general dissatisfaction with the policies which President Macron has adopted since his election in May 2017, and with his arrogant and disdainful attitude.

In order to control the rumbling discontent of the French people and to ensure their security and that of their property, President Macron is expected to propose important measures. 
Whatever may be decided in the next few days to ensure better security, will surely provoke a review of other current problems : unofficially a Policy of "soft justice" is currently imposed by Judges because Prisons are totally overcrowded !   This has also completely depressed the Police ! 


Thursday, 29 November 2018


                                      Quand la coupe est pleine,
                     il suffit de 3 centimes pour faire déborder le vase!


Wednesday, 28 November 2018


Assez d'entendre répéter que l'impôt sur la fortune a été supprimé !  L'impôt sur la fortune a été modifié pour ne frapper que, excusez du peu, le patrimoine immobilier.

Au 1er janvier 2018, l'impôt de solidarité sur la fortune est ainsi devenu l'impôt sur la fortune immobilière et, comme auparavant, frappe tous ceux dont le patrimoine excède 1 300 000 euros.   Un montant qui peut être vite atteint compte tenu de la flambée des prix de l'immobilier dans certaines grandes villes, à Paris notamment.

Un impôt particulièrement injuste puisque la résidence principale, après un abattement de 30%, entre dans l'assiette de l'impôt sur la fortune immobilière.

Ainsi les retraités qui ont acquis une belle habitation principale grâce à leurs revenus d'activités assujettis en leur temps à l'impôt sur le revenu, continuent donc de payer l'impôt sur la fortune immobilière.  Mais qui s'en soucie ?


Tuesday, 27 November 2018


Remarks made by the Home Secretary Sajid Javid and the Justice Secretary David Gauke, indicate that there is not yet an effective Policy for tackling the mounting Knife Crimes in Britain ! 

In France overcrowded prisons have resulted in a verbal policy of "SOFT JUSTICE" being imposed on judges !  This has never deterred any "gangs or gangsters" from commiting more crimes ! Drug Barons now even recruit and pay youngsters to resell their imported Drugs !

To deter Gangsters from crime longer sentences must be imposed : they must also deter potential recidivists !

This implies that more modern  prisons must be built to house dangerous criminals in isolation !  They should not mingle with other offenders.

Why do Politicians in France and in Britain hesitate ?  Obviously it is the cost !  BUT,  in future more "Terrorists" will also need to be housed !  The world is changing !

A long-term solution needs to be adopted by MPs in both countries, to provide the security their Electors expect !



Sunday, 25 November 2018


From the International Press it is clear that Jamal Khashoggi, a journalist, born in Medina, was murdered in the Saudi Arabian Consulat in Istanbul on October 2, 2018. 

Does this mean that any country can murder its own citizens, or its visitors, without even a trial ?

Who could be the next victim ? 

Should the United Nations not debate this subject ? 

PS : read our article dated 22/11/2018 "Saudi Arabia : More Human Rights Abused !". 


Thursday, 22 November 2018


A British PhD student, Matthew Hedges, who does not speak a word of Arabic, spent six months in solitary confinement in Saudi Arabia after he was suspected of spying !  During that time his wife was allowed to make only one five minute visit.

Then yesterday in the space of five minutes he was tried for Spying and sentenced to imprisonment for life !

On October 6, 2018, after the assassination of Khashoggi in the Saudi Arabian Embassy in Turkey, this Blog suggested that UNO should discuss this murder !   Are countries permitted to kill anyone without a trial ? (1)

There has been a discussion, but UNO has not decided what action should be taken !Perhaps now the case of Matthew Hedges should also be considered !

Some countries, which have trading agreements with Saudi Arabia,  could lead the way !  There are other Oil producing countries which would willingly replace the Arabians !

(1) Read the article in this Blog entitled
     "Khashoggi murdered....who next ?" dated October 6, 2018. 


Tuesday, 20 November 2018


Au rythme du mécontentement qui s'étend et de la grogne qui monte, chacun arborera bientôt un gilet!


Monday, 19 November 2018


Daily the tranquility of French citizens is ruined by speeding motorbikers who have little respect for residents or for pedestrians.

Typical examples are,

   -  the non-respect of Speed Limits,
   -  the non-respect of Traffic Lights,
   -  using the pavement to avoid "one way Streets"
   -  creating noise when accelerating,
   -  haphazardly parking their machines anywhere, particularly on pavements !

Although motorcars are assiduously penalised for any faults, particularly when overstaying their time limits, this is very rare in the case of motorbikes ! 

At present motorbikers are a law unto themselves, they remain the "Kings of the road" !

BUT there are other growing problems on pavements which also need attention, like electrically propelled Bicycles and Scooters or similar vehicular objects.  Their velocity is a danger for prams, young children and old or handicapped people. 

However, very recently the Municipal Council of Paris instructed its agents to report those speeding on scooters with a view to punishing culprits. 

This could well serve as an example for other Municipalities.... and even propel the Government to act on a national basis !




Friday, 16 November 2018


Prime Minister Theresa May was chosen to lead Britain in the BREXIT negotiations three weeks after the Referendum vote on June 23, 2016.

Since then she has not only faced very difficult negotiations with the EU, but also hostile criticism from MPs in her own Parliament and even her own Party !

Whatever one's own opinions may be on the basic Brexit issue (to stay in the EU or to get out), the way Theresa May calmly brushed aside all attacks, was reassuring.

Was the political fighting by MPs only temporary jostling, with a later plan to get rid of her after her Brexit work is finished ?  Is it not her job they all want ?

The reality is that many MPs have already been judged by electors !   They now know which MPs have the qualities required to become the next British Prime Minister !

An "Opinion Poll" on this would be interesting !



Friday, 9 November 2018


Overcrowded Prisons which have led to soft Justice, have provoked a general feeling of Insecurity in France.   It is one of the reasons why the popularity of President Macron "the reformer", has  recently slumped !

Building more Prisons in France is part of the solution, but this takes time and money ! 

BUT, the Penal Laws in France, and also in some other countries, must be updated to cover the recent social changes, like the growing activities of Gangs and Terrorists !

For example, well organised Gangs import Drugs for resale in poor neighbourhoods, with the help of youngsters living there, who are well paid !  Now, some of these areas have become "no go areas" for the police !

Terrorists, mainly working for Islam, add to the current insecurity.

It is therefore time that the Penal Code is revised by specialised lawyers !  The current Law is no longer a deterrent for Gang leaders or for "their young resellers" !  

The terms of imprisonment they now face, if and when caught, must be lengthened.  AND, for anyone who is caught again for a similar offence, the term of imprisonment should be doubled !   Soft justice must be stopped !     

Then France would have an effective deterrent !   Later, after the first conviction of a recidivist under the changed laws,  other possible recidivists will think twice !



Wednesday, 24 October 2018


In France every week there is a report in the Press of "another gang attack" AND reports of the early release of prisoners !   Attacks by Muslim Extremists are feared in France all the time, just like in other EU Countries !  

Sometimes there are also reports of good work by the Police when they catch gang members or drug sellers !

But there is a general feeling of insecurity in France.  The last Minister of the Interior Gerard Colomb, who for many years had been the Mayor of Lyon, resigned for personal reasons after only one year !  WHY ?     And afterwards, why did it take President Macron more than 10 days to  replace him, one of the highest ranking Ministers in the Government ?

French Prisons are VERY "overcrowded" and have been for at least 20 years in spite of "soft justice" by judges and the Policy of early releases !   Who officially autorises and monitors any early releases ? 

Criminals are fully aware of what goes on and they are no longer deterred !  In fact it really "encourages" them !

People in France now are wondering what Macron will do next ?    During the last 20 years no President has ordered the building of new Prisons !

To deter Gangsters and Islamic Terrorists France must build a large "modern state-of-the-arts" prison to house long-term dangerous criminels in isolation and at a very remote location !
Macron and Electors know the building cost may be high, but it would be spread over several years !

Might the EU not adopt such a project and share the construction cost and later also the running costs ?


Saturday, 20 October 2018


A Paris les piétons aimeraient bien qu’on leur réserve un espace pour se déplacer.

A lire sur ce blog: PEDESTREAN PAVEMENT RIGHTS NOT PROTECTED en date du 14 octobre 2018.

Voir également "LE FIGARO " du 21 octobre 2018: Les"transports doux" sèment le désordre en ville.

Sunday, 14 October 2018


In France, local authorities do not ensure the rights of Pedestrians to unhindered circulation on pavements.  In particular, mothers with prams, handicapped and elderly people often face unexpected obstacles !

Daily, typical examples of "obstructions" on pavements are cyclists of all ages, riding at all speeds or parking their bikes where they choose.  

Likewise Motorbikers : they park on arrival at their destination, but often this is the pavement !   Many of the Machines are enormous, like small cars, and, they are  driven at high speeds on busy roads and make a horrendous noise !

Unlike Drivers of cars, Motorbikers and Cyclists are not systematically penalised !  Every day they can be seen  driving on pavements, just to avoid stagnant traffic on the road !   Should Motorbikes not be obliged to have "silencers" fitted to reduce the noise they make ? 

Again, recently pedestians have also been confronted on their pavements with fast electric scooters !

It is obvious that Politicians, at a local or national level should protect their Citizens ...and Electors !  One can only imagine why they do not act.  Their "stock" reply is  certainly that such a problem can only be solved by National MPs, or EU MEPs !

In other words, no one wants to risk sacrificing their next re-election chances !


Saturday, 13 October 2018


Already 11 days have elapsed since Gerard Collomb, aged 71, the former long term Mayor of Lyon, resigned from his post as Minister of the Interior !  His reason : he wants to prepare his re-election in Lyon as Mayor, for which the Election is scheduled in....2020 !

On the day of his departure, Gerard Collomb highlighted the alarming state of the security in certain localities in France !  (1)  In some areas the local climate would soon be comparable with that of a civil war !

Is that not a criticism of the policicies of President Macron, .... but also that of his predecessors ?

Recent Opinion Polls have clearly shown that the popularity of Macron has slumped dramatically !  The fact that he has not been able to find an experienced person, a politician or technician, to replace Collomb as the Minister of the Interior, is now raising even more questions !

BUT, Macron, who described his style as being like that of Jupiter, takes his time.  As he has already said, He is the "Maître des Horloges",  - "The Master of the timing" ! 

Is he still credible as being "THE decision maker" ?

(1) Read our article entitled : "Paris : no bobbies, no security", dated 25 September 2018.


Saturday, 6 October 2018


The National Health Service in Britain may introduce the idea of organising groups of patients to meet Doctors, to learn and understand how to cope with certain Health problems, like Diabetes, Asthma or Arthritis.

This initiative should be applauded !

With the help of my wife, I (we) have happily lived with Diabetes for the last 25 years !    It obviously means that I follow a well balanced diet, by avoiding fats for example. 

This has also permitted a reduction of the prescribed medicins I take regulary. But it also means that I check and record my sugar level 4 times a day !

I walk a lot each day and consequently I am very fit for my age (82), enjoying a regulated life !

As a result,  I (we) only need to see a Doctor to obtain further prescriptions.   Now we seldom need the advice of a  Specialist !
The project the NHS has, should be beneficial for everyone directly involved !


Friday, 5 October 2018


There is indisputable evidence in Western Countries that Putin has used the Russian Secret Service (GRU) to attack and to destabilise Western installations.  

Simple examples are the Cyber Attacks in the USA and Europe and the attempted assassination in the UK of Skripal, a turncoat former spy for Russia !

Putin always totally denies everything but the basic problem is "WHY ?  What can the West do ?" 
Putin is ruthless, but also in Russia, and this is perhaps a clue !

Next spring in Russia he is facing a General Election.  Some opposition candidates have already been sidelined !  Others will surely face similar treament !

Putin interfered in the USA Presidential election : should the West not take its revenge in Putin's re-election next year ? 

Likewise blocking all trade with Russia, imports and exports, would hasten the collapse of the rouble !

Could Putin ever change ?   Russian athletes were banned after the discovery of wholesale doping : now further such cases have again been found !       

If Russia is expelled from all International  Organisations, the resulting isolation
would quickly be felt by Russian citizens everywhere !   It would create immediate social upheavals and internal problems for Putin ! 

Western Leaders must act to stop Putin !  And quickly !


Wednesday, 3 October 2018


Theresa MAY has a clear objective which is  BREXIT, i.e. to withdraw Britain from the shackles of the EU, in accordance with the Referendum vote of June 23, 2016.

But, BORIS Johnson and Jeremy CORBYN, both seem to have the same sole personal objective, which is to oust Theresa May to become the next UK Prime Minister !

Both attack May over the current BREXIT conditions, but has either of them clearly explained all the BREXIT conditions they would accept ? 

Has either explained how life afterwards would change in the UK for citizens, with or without BREXIT ?   Also, should electors expect an Election ?

These questions are important.  Boris Johnson aged 54, is a member of the Conservative Party, like Theresa May.  Jeremy Corbin, aged 71, is the Leader of the Socialist Party but with strong leanings to the extreme Communist left ! 


Monday, 1 October 2018


For the first time, since its inception in 1927, the biennial RYDER CUP golf competition between the USA and Europe has been held in France, at the National Golf centre at Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines.

This Golf Course, which was opened in 1985, was applauded by all the golfers interviewed, for its manicured greens and fairways, but also for the conception of its roughs and water hazzards !  The fairways are narrow but add to the competitveness.

There were 60 000 spectators for each of the first two days and 70 000 to witness the tense end of the match on Sunday !  Europe won comfortably in the end (17.5 points to 10.5).

The Albatros course and the organisation impressed everyone and Americans said there was no course like this in the USA !  One must not forget to also applaud the personnel who look after the course and the staff who cared for the spectators !

It will certainly not be too long before the  Ryder Cup again takes place in France !




Thursday, 27 September 2018


With the skin of her teeth, Angela Merkel the Chancellor is still clinging-on to   remain as the Leader of Germany, after the General Election in September 2017  !  

BUT, to protect her "job" she is also rebuffing all attempts by countries in the EU to undertake urgently wanted changes in EU political policies.   Some of these Policy changes will also require an updating of some basic principles in EU Treaties !

Some typical examples concern ;

1) - Selective Immigration into the EU,
2) - Open Frontiers into the EU,
3) - Uncontrolled Migration inside the EU,
4) - Uncontrolled dumping of goods by low-cost Countries,
5) - Terrorism and Security in the EU.

Traditional governing Parties have avoided addressing these and similar problems, and this could become one of the reasons why many new but small political parties have recently sprung-up in National elections all over the EU.

Chancellor Merkel and Germany must get their house in order :  EU problems now need preferential attention, otherwise one can only expect more "BREXITS" ! 




Tuesday, 25 September 2018


Citizens in some suburbs of Paris no longer see Policemen patrolling their neighbourhood streets !

The French Press has even stated that in certain areas of the suburbs, the Police are too scared to patrol due to the presence of Gangs and Drug-dealers !  As a result some citizens are too afraid to go out of doors after nightfall !

What are all the "Bobbies" doing ?  Are they now all fully occupied  watching visual pictures from traffic cameras ? When there are no "feet on the ground" criminals are not deterred !

Furthermore, "soft justice" awaits  offenders because prisons in France are overcrowded.  

No government has ordered the construction of new purpose-built prisons during at least the last 20 years !   Criminals are aware of all this !

Will President Macron have the courage to address these problems with his reforms ?  Or will he only seek to reduce the number of Bobbies to finance his other projects ? 


Saturday, 22 September 2018


Macron, the young President of France, has once more lapsed and shocked with an undiplomatic  remark !  This time he alleged that the 52% of British voters who backed BREXIT in the National Referendum were "LIARS" ! 

Added to this, at the special Brexit Conference of EU Leaders in Salzburg this week, the EU negotiators came without any new propositions to alleviate the stalemate on outstanding points !

For example, it is quite clear that the British Prime Minister Theresa May, is stubborn and will never permit the EU decide the future of Northern Ireland which must always be treated as an integral part of the United Kingdom, just like Wales and Scotland.

Neither Theresa May nor the EU have a mandate to change the status of Northern Ireland. 

Finally, if the stalemate persists and there is "no deal" at the end March 2019, Britain is ready for a new and independent future outside the EU !   No compensation will be paid by Britain for leaving if there is no deal !


Monday, 17 September 2018


Boris Johnson alleges that the BREXIT conditions would give the EU certain rights concerning the Northern Ireland border with the Irish Republic !

Does the definition of "United Kingdom" in international treaties not always include Northern Ireland ?   Has Britain INTENTIONALLY ceded to the EU any  territorial rights in a place called Northern Ireland ?   

When BREXIT finally liberates the UK from the EU, will the UK not have to defend "ALL" its borders, even those in Northern Ireland, against ALL intruders ?  The Republic of Ireland will certainly also defend its frontiers, like Britain. 

Practical cooperation between Britain and Ireland will certainly be agreed,  as has been the case in Calais for many years between Britain and France !

Before Britain signs any final Brexit Treaty with the EU, lawyers will certainly closely scrutinise all documents to ensure the conditions and terms correctly reflect the intentions of both parties !




Thursday, 13 September 2018


Putin has been quick to provide an explanation, to "prove", that the two Russians accused by Britain are not guilty of the attempted murder of the former Russian Spy Skripal on March 2 2018 !

The two suspects affirmed on Russian Television  that they were simply "tourists" who wanted to visit Salisbury Cathedral !   But, it seems that the snowy conditions and slushy roads were so bad, they cut short their visit which had lasted only two days when they returned to Russia !

After the detailed evidence made available by Theresa May, many unanswered questions spring to mind...

1)   Why did these two tourists come without their families, or are they not married ?  
2)   Were the slushy conditions in Salisbury even worse than those ever experienced in Russia ?
3)  Where do they really work ?   What are their job qualifications ?  
4 Do they always travel together ?  Which countries have they visited and for how long ? Which foreign languages do they speak ?
5)  Whom in particular did they meet in Salisbury or on previous trips ?

The Blunt denial by Putin that no one in Russia was involved in the attempted poisoning of Scripal is standard practice !  Putin never admits any such allegations !   Even this time when he has had the detailed evidence.

This in fact has really only helped him, to prepare his pitiful defence strategy.  



Wednesday, 12 September 2018


In Britain and in France (and the EU !) prisons have often been VERY overcrowded during the last 20 years !   This is no secret ! 

To alleviate this problem, Ministers of Justice (backed by all their Prime Ministers) have given verbal instructions to their Judges to apply "soft" justice and punishments ! 

Everyone knows that hardened criminals, Gangsters and Terrorists in particular, are not at all "deterred" by soft justice from again killing or committing further heinous crimes !

Is it not yet quite clear, that they have no respect for their victims or their Human Right to live ? 

Therefore, should Human Rights Legislation not be modified for mass murderers and Terrorists ?  

Any country which has signed-up to World Legislation could lead the way by passing such an Act on a National Basis !

Finally, are our Politicians not elected to protect their citizens and to build more prisons to ensure the security of their Electors ?


Monday, 10 September 2018


Corbyn, as leader of the Socialist Party in Britain, has always been slow to answer questions, or to further explain what he has said or what his own policies really are !   But one point is clear : he has always been against the EU and is now for "BREXIT" ! 

He is a Socialist but in the past he has favoured extreme-left points of view to such an extent one can question if he is not a Communist in sheep's clothing !   Many Socialists no longer know how to vote in future elections ! 

Are they not, in fact, awaiting a new, more traditional leader, to unite ALL the "floating" center-left Socialist voters to oppose any traditional center-right party to govern Britain in future elections ? 


Friday, 7 September 2018


Theresa May, the British Prime Minister, yesterday exposed all the names and detailed evidence, of how two Russian agents were sent by the Kremlin to Salisbury in the South of Britain, to assassinate a former Russian spy, Sergei Skripal.  

Vladimir Putin always systematically rejects any and all allegations of wrongdoings by Russia, but always asks for the proof of accusations.   

This time clear evidence is available !   A nerve agent "Novichok", produced by and in Russia,   was brought to Britain in a perfume bottle to kill Skripal, but he received timely hospital treatment and survived.

EU Countries are backing Britain and plan to punish Russia !   Putin can expect a reduction of Russian exports worldwide, particularly the gas which Russia sells to Europe !   This could in turn lead to a weakening of the Russian Rouble and then provoke unrest everywhere in Russia !

The USA also exports gas and has also suffered from Russian interference in the Presidential Election ! 


Tuesday, 4 September 2018


Since the last General Election in Germany in September 2017,  Angela Merkel has been desperately negotiating to conserve her former dominant position !  She and her Coalition have failed to obtain a stable governing majority. 

These negotiations have not been easy and one can well imagine they have required Policy concessions on her part, but... have ALL the details been made public ?  

AND such "concessions" concern not only internal German policies but future EU policies as well !  The EU itself seems to be at a complete standstill ! 

Its original 50 year old EU statutes and policies are now in dire need of updating ; particularly if one wants to avoid more EXITS like the probable BREXIT !  

What will the future German EU Policy be on "open external frontiers" and "immigration" ?  Do the EU "Human Rights" policies for mass murderers like Terrorists not also need to be questionned ?




Sunday, 26 August 2018


In France and in Britain the same phenomen has been observed : there are less policemen to be seen walking on their local beat but... motorists are being sent many more speeding fines and tickets for unpaid parking ! 

The reason for this is obvious !  Police are now occupied in their stations watching live cameras which report incidents in many more places than just one local beat ! 

However, these cameras are in no way as dissuasive as Policemen on the spot on their beat !

But, the ever increasing receipts from "speeding fines" provide welcome funds for local authority coffers !

What is this revenue being used for ?  Is it to provide security for local citizens ?  Or, is it earmarked for constructing more Prisons, so that judges are not obliged to mete out soft justice for serious  crimes,  because Prisons are too overcrowded ?




Wednesday, 22 August 2018


The Daily Mail on its front page today cites "spineless courts" which do not punish violent thugs sufficiently !   

The article in this Blog yesterday (1), provoked by the scandelous events in the Birmingham Prison, clearly explains why Judges in the Courts of Britain are obliged to impose "soft justice" when sentencing guilty criminals and thugs !   

Judges are not "spineless" in Court when sentencing : they are obliged to obey  "verbal instructions" from above !  

It is the "spineless MPs, Ministers and Governments" during the last 40 years who have failed to build new and extra "state of the arts" prisons, to house modern Gangs and Terrorists !

(1)  Read the article entitled : "The Fiasco of British Justice" !


Tuesday, 21 August 2018


The revelations in the Press yesterday that it is the inmates who now run and control Birmingham Prison is shocking but, alas, this is only the tip of the iceberg !   There are many other long standing political errors which require  urgent attention.  

Simply said the security of British citizens and taxpayers has been conveniently neglected, by both left and right wing governments and their Ministers of Justice over several decades.  

Was there no money available, or did governments not want to launch long term investments to counter the growth of organised gangs of British or foreign Terrorists ?  Such gangs import and sell Drugs and armes which kill !

How many new, state of the arts prisons, with cells for solitary confinement have been built during the last 40 years ?   Are dangerous Prisoners always kept apart from less dangerous civil offenders ? 

Why are so many prisoners granted early remission : were the Judges too severe with their sentencing ?   Who has the right to decide ?

Do dangerous or long term prisoners who have cold bloodedly killed or murdered their victims, retain all their own Human Rights ? 

This whole subject should be thouroughly discussed in Parliament and also in public meetings, but before the next General Election ! 

The security of the General Public must not and cannot be neglected.
