Tuesday, 21 August 2018


The revelations in the Press yesterday that it is the inmates who now run and control Birmingham Prison is shocking but, alas, this is only the tip of the iceberg !   There are many other long standing political errors which require  urgent attention.  

Simply said the security of British citizens and taxpayers has been conveniently neglected, by both left and right wing governments and their Ministers of Justice over several decades.  

Was there no money available, or did governments not want to launch long term investments to counter the growth of organised gangs of British or foreign Terrorists ?  Such gangs import and sell Drugs and armes which kill !

How many new, state of the arts prisons, with cells for solitary confinement have been built during the last 40 years ?   Are dangerous Prisoners always kept apart from less dangerous civil offenders ? 

Why are so many prisoners granted early remission : were the Judges too severe with their sentencing ?   Who has the right to decide ?

Do dangerous or long term prisoners who have cold bloodedly killed or murdered their victims, retain all their own Human Rights ? 

This whole subject should be thouroughly discussed in Parliament and also in public meetings, but before the next General Election ! 

The security of the General Public must not and cannot be neglected.



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