While EU Politicians are happy and proud to announce the defeat of the Islamic State in the Middle East War, they seem to ignore the fact that their Electors and EU Citizens are still preoccupied about where and when the next Islamic Terrorist attack will take place !
Daily there are Press reports of how planned attacks by Islamic cells in the EU have been foiled due to the diligence of the Police and Security forces ! BUT, sooner or later comes the news that an attack by terrorists has successfully killed more innocent citizens ! In some cases the terrorists were "known to the Police" !
Then come the statistics and explanations ! Prisons are overflowing with Terrorist suspects and there are even known cells where other "simple" prisoners are indoctrinated by Islamists serving long term sentences !
Is this acceptable ? Should normal innocent citizens and taxpayers be exposed to the risk of attacks by Terrorists who have the intention to kill as many people as possible and to destroy property ? Should taxpayers be expected to pay to keep them alive in Prison ?
The principles of the EU forbid the execution of "murderers" ! And, are EU Borders "totally secure" at all times ? Should all "Visitors" not have documented permission to enter a country or the EU ?
In fact, should ALL persons, who are proved to have actively participated in a project of mass killings, not face the Death Penalty ? Could such a law not also make some people think twice and also become a "deterrent" ?
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