President Macron was elected on the promise he made to reform France because it's Economy had become the "Bad Boy" of the Eurozone !
His method is to identify the areas where costs are too high or objectives are not attained. For at least the last 40 years previous Presidents of France have preferred to avoid conflicts with Trade Unions rather than apply painful solutions !
The Nationalised Railway system is a typical example of such a problem in France. Over the years Unions have obtained "rights" for its members which today can no longer be logically justified. Better working conditions now exist but Unions defend the "rights" they obtained !
The National Rail system makes huge losses : less investments are made to avoid or limit the costs which ultimately taxpayers have to fund !
There are numerous other sectors which Macron and his Ministers are investigating, like Education, the Health Service, the rising number of State Employees......
In the coming months France is ensured of numerous industrial conflicts : no one knows how and when this saga will end !