After she declared a "Diplomatic War" against President Putin and Russia, Prime Minister Theresa May and Britain have quickly received spontaneous World-wide backing !
What is also significant is that this approbation has not come only from the USA and Commonwealth countries like Australia and New Zealand, but also from EU countries like Germany and France !
After Theresa May yesterday expelled 23 Russian Diplomats from London, speculation is rife ! Will Russia expel 24 British Diplomats in a "tit for tat" response ?
Putin and Russia are wide open for sanctions after all their antics on the international scene during the last 10 years and more : Crimea, Ukraine, threats to cut gas supplies, war in the Middle East to support the Syrian butcher Assad....... !
A total trade embargo with Russia, (no exports and no imports), would rouse the anti-Putin Opposition. It has been continually and totally silenced and subdued since Putin came to power in the year 2000. Such an embargo could also provoke a Russian economic crisis !
Putin's real Achilles heel today is the World Football Cup which Russia will host in June 2018 ! If he wants to impress the World with his might, who would want to run the risk of going to Russia in June, either as a Spectator or as a Player ?
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