Sunday, 26 August 2018


In France and in Britain the same phenomen has been observed : there are less policemen to be seen walking on their local beat but... motorists are being sent many more speeding fines and tickets for unpaid parking ! 

The reason for this is obvious !  Police are now occupied in their stations watching live cameras which report incidents in many more places than just one local beat ! 

However, these cameras are in no way as dissuasive as Policemen on the spot on their beat !

But, the ever increasing receipts from "speeding fines" provide welcome funds for local authority coffers !

What is this revenue being used for ?  Is it to provide security for local citizens ?  Or, is it earmarked for constructing more Prisons, so that judges are not obliged to mete out soft justice for serious  crimes,  because Prisons are too overcrowded ?




Wednesday, 22 August 2018


The Daily Mail on its front page today cites "spineless courts" which do not punish violent thugs sufficiently !   

The article in this Blog yesterday (1), provoked by the scandelous events in the Birmingham Prison, clearly explains why Judges in the Courts of Britain are obliged to impose "soft justice" when sentencing guilty criminals and thugs !   

Judges are not "spineless" in Court when sentencing : they are obliged to obey  "verbal instructions" from above !  

It is the "spineless MPs, Ministers and Governments" during the last 40 years who have failed to build new and extra "state of the arts" prisons, to house modern Gangs and Terrorists !

(1)  Read the article entitled : "The Fiasco of British Justice" !


Tuesday, 21 August 2018


The revelations in the Press yesterday that it is the inmates who now run and control Birmingham Prison is shocking but, alas, this is only the tip of the iceberg !   There are many other long standing political errors which require  urgent attention.  

Simply said the security of British citizens and taxpayers has been conveniently neglected, by both left and right wing governments and their Ministers of Justice over several decades.  

Was there no money available, or did governments not want to launch long term investments to counter the growth of organised gangs of British or foreign Terrorists ?  Such gangs import and sell Drugs and armes which kill !

How many new, state of the arts prisons, with cells for solitary confinement have been built during the last 40 years ?   Are dangerous Prisoners always kept apart from less dangerous civil offenders ? 

Why are so many prisoners granted early remission : were the Judges too severe with their sentencing ?   Who has the right to decide ?

Do dangerous or long term prisoners who have cold bloodedly killed or murdered their victims, retain all their own Human Rights ? 

This whole subject should be thouroughly discussed in Parliament and also in public meetings, but before the next General Election ! 

The security of the General Public must not and cannot be neglected.



Sunday, 19 August 2018


The British Press at present is  overflowing with  articles criticising  Corbyn, the current Leader of the Labour Party since 2016.  

They all question whether Corbyn  possesses all the qualities normally expected of anyone who could become a future Prime Minister of Great Britain !

Jeremy Corbyn, aged 69, is a known deep rooted left-wing Socialist or even a Communist !   But is this really important ?   The Labour Party which lost the last Election is split :  it is no longer the main Opposition !   Could Corbyn really rouse any more support with his current policies and ideas ?

Is there not a younger traditional center-left Socialist who could build a new Party ?  This could also curtail Corbyn's activities, not only in Britain but in the EU (if there is no BREXIT) !




Friday, 17 August 2018


After Labour was defeated in the 2017 General Election, Miliband resigned and Corbyn was chosen to replace him.   Since then Corbyn has been very reluctant to provide any more details of his "very left" leanings in the past or to explain some of his recent "utterances" !

His official explanation of his and the Labour Party  Policy concerning "Jews and the Holocaust" is today urgently awaited ! 

Information of the past of Jeremy Corbyn and his Political Ideas or Policies, is available on the Internet.  He is now aged 69 and one can question whether he is the right man to lead the Labour Party, or to become a future Prime Minister of Great Britain !      

If ever Jeremy Corbyn does manage to win the General Election with a working Parliamentary majority and then introduces some of the changes he dreams of, Britain could become a left-wing Republic or even a Totalitarian Communist Dictatorship !



Wednesday, 15 August 2018


Does endless "possession-football on the half-way line" really excite the fans who go weekly to watch their team or others, or watch it on television ? 

Do spectators not want to watch attacking football with the ball moving quickly from one end to the other, after dribblers have beaten their man, or instead been robbed of the ball by them ? 

Some younger spectators have not seen players like Stanley Matthews or Alf Ramsey and others perform !   When Matthews of Blackpool played for them in London, often an extra 10 000 spectators came to watch him play in the game !   

At present "possession football" is still the new rage and there are some expert technicians but... !     But finally will not even the stalwart fans  feel discouraged ?



Friday, 10 August 2018


Boris Johnson, a former Mayor of London and now an MP (1) has never hesitated to express his thoughts in public. Very recently he compared  Muslim women wearing a burka to a "letter box" and "bank robbers".   But can anyone deny him his legal right to make comments !   

Johnson does not "dither" like "Diplomats" often do, to avoid a "Diplomatic incident" !   Johnson directly explains what in fact many "real Brits" also truely think of an issue !   And for this he is often widely applauded !

The current issue, of whether "Burkas" are acceptable, is a typical example !   Inhabitants of Muslim countries clearly want to impose the rules of their religion on their Women and on Western visitors ! 

BUT, when Muslims enter Western countries like Britain, they are expected to respect the laws of that country.

There are two basic reasons for this :
 -  Hoods or burkas are not acceptable because they prevent easy facial identification,

  -  The official Religion in Britain is that of the Church of England.

Whether or not a Woman wants to wear a Burka in Britain is therefore a private matter :  in the privacy of her home any woman can do what she wants, but not when she is in Public !

(1) Johnson has also been a Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs.         
