Sunday 29 September 2013


For the last twenty years Berlusconi has weighed heavily in Italian politics !  He is now at a point where he searches, and relies on, former henchmen to support him to avoid "the guilt and its consequences" at present weighing on him in the supreme court in Italy ! 

What has Berlusconi done during the last 20 years in Italy and for Italy ? 

Has he not organised his affairs, those very private and others more publicly, very differently ?  Why is he so weighed down in legal appeals ?

The latest news seems to be that Berlusconi has ordered the "Ministers" in his party's "Political Alliance" with the Coalition to withdraw, which for personal Berlusconi reasons, creates a new political problem in Italy ? 

In fact, would Italy, and the EU, without Berlusconi not be better off without him ?

The whole problem in Italy is, for the moment, pure conjecture ! Afterwards we will see the impact on the EU and on the EURO !  No one seems to want to forsee the "EURO" problems on the horizon of this issue !!!

Italy has an enormous national debts, public or international !  It amounts to almost 2 000 billion EUROS !  The way Italy seems to be going the signs are that Italy is imminently going to request EUROZONE for aid to prevent Italy withdrawing from the EURO by creating the "NEW LIRA" ! 

This could be the next schock in the EUROZONE, but Italy is fortunate.  The President of the EUROBANK is Mario Draghi.  Would he ever dare not to support his dear country ? 

He will have other new ideas up his sleeve to prevent Italy from having to face too many short term problems ! This is a wait and see situation !


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