Wednesday 11 September 2013


Do Politicians and Diplomats realise there is a civil war going on in Syria ?  UNO and numerous countries are seriously discussing whether the poisonous stockpile of chemicals in Syria should be destroyed !

Destroying such stockpiles is a slow undertaking.  It would probably take not one week but at least one year !  To avoid accidents and the death of those working on such a project, to protect civilians in the neighbourhoods of such stockpiles, will also take time.

How are those concerned going to be protected from either side in this civil war ?

Will UNO organise a "Peace Force" which will be prepared to stay at least one year ?  How will the Expert Workers be chosen ?  Will Russians and Americans and perhaps Chinese form part of the workforce and work side by side ?

By the time all these problems have been solved "diplomatically", Bachar al Assad will have rehidden his chemicals, or sold them to another country !  That could provide funds for him to rebuild Syria !



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