Friday 27 September 2013


Now is the time to ask all Candidates particularly those in the UK who want to stand for election to the European Parliamentary Assembly, why they want to stand !!! 

What do candidates aim to change in the EU ?  Or are they just "happy to go along" with things as they are, without having any real aims  ?

This Blog has already asked a simple question of electors who will vote in the next EU parliamentary elections scheduled to take place in all EU countries between 22-25 May 2014.   

   "Can you name your last MEP ?  What has he done to        protect your interests or those of your country ? " 

MEPs are elected every 5 years come what may.  When national General Elections in any country take place and there is a change of Government, MEPs are not affected. They remain in place even if they no longer reflect the current ideas of the new Government in their country ! 

This is a perfect example of the lack of Democracy in the EU !  It also underlines the importance of the Election of MEPs, the deputies of the EU Parliament !  All countries pay taxes to the EU, and YOU the taxpayer in your country pay part of these costs !



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