Tuesday 3 September 2013


Syria as a country is not easy to analise.  The reactions of international countries as a whole is not any easier either !  Today we have a "wait and see" attitude to discover what "someone" might do ! 

Problem n°1 is BACHAR AL ASSAD:  He and his henchmen decided to use chemical weapons to eliminate political oponents and their supporters in Syria.  More than 2 million Syrians are refugees in neighbouring countries !

Any right thinking Politician or Statesman knows this is the equivalent of a Crime against Humanity !
Worldwide countries must recognise and demand that Bachar al Assad stands trial.

Problem N°2 is AL QUAIDA:  Bachar al Assad has said that the problem in Syria is Al Quaida, but this alone does not justify his use of Chemical weapons to exterminate the opposition together with hapless civilians.  

Worldwide should countries not recognise that AL QUAIDA is a Worldwide Organisation with Terrorist aims and intentions ?  Anyone can identify numerous countries where Al Quaida has been active during the last 20 years.  

On an international basis should UNO not force a vote that WAR is declared on AL QUAIDA ?

Problem N°3: The void or chasm after the demise of Bachar al Assad ! 

Politically, Socially and Religiously there will be uncertainty.  There will be a void which needs to be filled !

Is it not now this void should be foreseen and filled with an International UNO Peace Keeping Force in Syria ?  The next obvious question is for how long and why ?

Then options could present themselves !  Could a new Syrian leadership not propose Democratic Elections ?  Time will be needed for the new "political forces" to take their place and to decide independently what needs to be done, without outside interference except for the garanties that the presence of a UNO Peace Keeping Force could provide and ensure. 


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