Tuesday 15 October 2013


The EU is a comfortable "club".  All taxpayers know that EU politicians (MEPs) are paid more than National MPs ! This is just one concrete reason why "club" members want to avoid any changes in the rules which govern them in the EU.

MEPs are elected once every 5 years, even if there are General Elections in the country they are "supposed" to represent. This in fact means that the "wind of change" reflected by a national General Election will never affect the already elected MEPs !

There is only one way to introduce more Democracy into EU elections !  It is to change the rules and to ensure that MEPs are always elected at General Elections just like National MPs !

What can National Leaders do when their country has elected them to govern, to "change things", when EU rules and laws prevent them ? 

Examples like this are at the crux of many EU problems, which need changes.  Changing EU "rules and conditions" is at present almost impossible.

David Cameron must be admired !  Obstinately he will soon raise similar problems !  His electorate want less immigrants;  in fact they want him to grab back powers which have left the English Legal System sterile to apply British Laws !


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