Sunday 15 April 2018


After the Air Strikes destroyed buildings in Syria where chemical armes were produced and stocked, there was an immediate explosion of joy and relief by the "Triumvirate" (USA - France - GB)      

Is this not premature ?  How can anyone be sure that more strikes will not be necessary ?  Will the "Triumvirate" then not need more allies and supporters ?    

1)  Was ALL the stock of Syrian Chemical Armes destroyed, or was it moved elsewhere before the Air Strikes ? 
2)  Are there other locations in Syria which need to be destroyed because they could hold or produce Chemical Armes ?
3)  Russia also produces and has stocks of Chemical armes : they were used recently in the UK in an attempted murder of a turncoat Russian spy named Skripal and Yulia !    
4)  Would Syria's close ally Russia, not provide Assad with Chemical Armes he may need ?  A Russian army is already present in Syria !    

If Assad has lost ALL his stock in the attack, then Putin has enough stocks to help him ! 
Assad is naïve but expedient the way he uses Chemical Weapons to exterminate masses of his civilians in Syria because they oppose him, but Putin is his mentor and backer !  He wants and needs a foothold for Russia in the Mediterranean Basin !


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