Wednesday, 4 April 2018


Putin and/or Russia have been accused by Britain of the attempted poisoning on British soil of Sergel Skripal and his daughter Yulia.   Russia now wants the details of the proof Britain has of their guilt !  The poison used, the Novichoc nerve agent, was originally created by Russia.

For Putin and Russia this is not a new problem.   In the past they have always done what they want and blatently ignored international criticism.  A few examples underline their contempt !

1  -  Russia has troops in the Eastern Ukraine.
2  -  Russia snatched Crimea from Ukraine.
3  -  Many Russian Athletes were doped by their Trainers to enhance their performances. 
4  -  Bachar al Assad is guilty of Genocide in the Middle East, but Russia supplies Syria with troops and weapons.   What is Russia's ultimate aim in the Middle East ?

Currently Russia and the West are mutually expelling Diplomats after the Diplomatic War declared by Britain.  Is it now safe for tourists to visit Russia ?

The FIFA World Cup will be held in Russia this Summer.  How many of the countries qualified  will participate ?

Is there anything which could stop Russia from at last winning the Cup ?



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