Sunday, 15 April 2018


After the Air Strikes destroyed buildings in Syria where chemical armes were produced and stocked, there was an immediate explosion of joy and relief by the "Triumvirate" (USA - France - GB)      

Is this not premature ?  How can anyone be sure that more strikes will not be necessary ?  Will the "Triumvirate" then not need more allies and supporters ?    

1)  Was ALL the stock of Syrian Chemical Armes destroyed, or was it moved elsewhere before the Air Strikes ? 
2)  Are there other locations in Syria which need to be destroyed because they could hold or produce Chemical Armes ?
3)  Russia also produces and has stocks of Chemical armes : they were used recently in the UK in an attempted murder of a turncoat Russian spy named Skripal and Yulia !    
4)  Would Syria's close ally Russia, not provide Assad with Chemical Armes he may need ?  A Russian army is already present in Syria !    

If Assad has lost ALL his stock in the attack, then Putin has enough stocks to help him ! 
Assad is naïve but expedient the way he uses Chemical Weapons to exterminate masses of his civilians in Syria because they oppose him, but Putin is his mentor and backer !  He wants and needs a foothold for Russia in the Mediterranean Basin !


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