Monday, 30 September 2013


Le 16 décembre 2012, nous évoquions dans ce blog la double peine infligée aux assurés en cas de sinistres dont ils sont les innocentes victimes(1).  Lorsque les sinistres sont trop fréquents (et il suffit parfois de deux dans une même année) la compagnie d'assurance résilie purement et simplement le contrat multirisques habitation, ou, selon le cas, l'assurance auto alors même que l'assuré n'a aucune responsabilité dans ces sinistres !

Le projet de loi relatif à la consommation présenté par Benoît Hamon, actuellement en cours de discussion au Parlement, introduit, entre autres dispositions, le principe de la résiliation à tout moment, au delà d'une année d'engagement, des contrats d'assurance auto et multirisques habitation, ceci afin de faire jouer la concurrence, en principe au bénéfice des assurés...

Toutefois le droit de prendre ainsi l'initiative de la résiliation n'améliorera pas la situation des assurés victimes à répétition de sinistres qu'ils subissent sans en être responsables.

Sollicité, un nouvel assureur ne manquera pas en effet de se procurer le relevé des sinistres antérieurs et d'ajuster ses tarifs en conséquence ...

Pour mettre fin à la double peine, il faudrait contraindre l'assurance de la victime à exercer systématiquement un recours contre l'assurance du responsable auteur du sinistre ! 


(1)  "Assurances: la double peine !"


Sunday, 29 September 2013


For the last twenty years Berlusconi has weighed heavily in Italian politics !  He is now at a point where he searches, and relies on, former henchmen to support him to avoid "the guilt and its consequences" at present weighing on him in the supreme court in Italy ! 

What has Berlusconi done during the last 20 years in Italy and for Italy ? 

Has he not organised his affairs, those very private and others more publicly, very differently ?  Why is he so weighed down in legal appeals ?

The latest news seems to be that Berlusconi has ordered the "Ministers" in his party's "Political Alliance" with the Coalition to withdraw, which for personal Berlusconi reasons, creates a new political problem in Italy ? 

In fact, would Italy, and the EU, without Berlusconi not be better off without him ?

The whole problem in Italy is, for the moment, pure conjecture ! Afterwards we will see the impact on the EU and on the EURO !  No one seems to want to forsee the "EURO" problems on the horizon of this issue !!!

Italy has an enormous national debts, public or international !  It amounts to almost 2 000 billion EUROS !  The way Italy seems to be going the signs are that Italy is imminently going to request EUROZONE for aid to prevent Italy withdrawing from the EURO by creating the "NEW LIRA" ! 

This could be the next schock in the EUROZONE, but Italy is fortunate.  The President of the EUROBANK is Mario Draghi.  Would he ever dare not to support his dear country ? 

He will have other new ideas up his sleeve to prevent Italy from having to face too many short term problems ! This is a wait and see situation !


Saturday, 28 September 2013


Remplacer deux jours fériés chrétiens pour fêter Yom Kippour et l'AID, c'est ce que suggère Douna Bouzar, une anthropologue spécialiste du fait religieux qui vient d'être nommée à l'observatoire de la laïcité par le Premier Ministre, Jean Marc Ayrault...

Il y a actuellement, en France, onze jours fériés dont six correspondent à des fêtes chrétiennes. Pourquoi, au nom de la laïcité, ne pas supprimer tous les jours fériés à connotation religieuse et les remplacer par des fêtes purement païennes ?

A l'Observatoire de la Laïcité, je suggère par exemple:

   - La fête de l'internet,
   - la fête de la musique,
   - la fête du beaujolais nouveau, 
   - la fête de l'ail rose (oui, elle existe!), 
   - la fête du pain, 
   - la fête des pères, des mères, des grands mères, 
   - la fête des familles recomposées...

Tous ces nouveaux jours fériés auraient l'avantage de tomber un dimanche, jour de repos hebdomadaire pour la plupart.  Les entreprises y trouveraient  donc leur compte.

Quant à ceux qui souhaiteraient bénéficier d'un jour chômé pour célébrer une fête religieuse, ils pourront toujours poser une journée de RTT ou l'imputer sur leurs congés payés.


Friday, 27 September 2013


Now is the time to ask all Candidates particularly those in the UK who want to stand for election to the European Parliamentary Assembly, why they want to stand !!! 

What do candidates aim to change in the EU ?  Or are they just "happy to go along" with things as they are, without having any real aims  ?

This Blog has already asked a simple question of electors who will vote in the next EU parliamentary elections scheduled to take place in all EU countries between 22-25 May 2014.   

   "Can you name your last MEP ?  What has he done to        protect your interests or those of your country ? " 

MEPs are elected every 5 years come what may.  When national General Elections in any country take place and there is a change of Government, MEPs are not affected. They remain in place even if they no longer reflect the current ideas of the new Government in their country ! 

This is a perfect example of the lack of Democracy in the EU !  It also underlines the importance of the Election of MEPs, the deputies of the EU Parliament !  All countries pay taxes to the EU, and YOU the taxpayer in your country pay part of these costs !



Thursday, 26 September 2013


What is undeniable is that in Germany "mummy" Merkel is more than just popular.  She is a Stateswoman who is admired in Germany and throughout the EU !

But, she got less than 50% of the MPs that she needs to govern alone and unfetteld.  She therefore needs a coalition.  She does not want a handful of "turncoats" from other parties;  she knows she needs and thus wants a solid coalition.

This is therefore the next step in negotiations, which could take weeks to resolve !   This may lead to compromises on past rules concerning particularly Germanys' underwriting of future "Bail outs" of EUROZONE countries !

Angela Merkel will still be a forceful leader but must now respect the views of other parties in Germany and in EUROZONE countries !

This is a wait and see situation !   No politicians anywhere want to play as the "second fiddle" !!!


Wednesday, 25 September 2013


As of January 1, 2014, in accordance with EU rules, citizens from Roumania and Bulgaria will have the right to come to work in all EU countries, France and UK included, and live like a local citizen !!! 

These two countries have waited patiently for seven years to be able to live in the EU like any other member countries.  

All politicians have also been made well aware of the problems which await the EU countries which will, in particular, be faced with nomadic "ROMS".  "ROMS" are well advised of their rights even if they have no workskills and cannot speak the local language.  They all know how to obtain Social Benefits.

One of the first politicians to draw attention to the illegal camps was President Nicolas Sarkozy who in 2010 proposed that camps should be closed and that temporary controls should be introduced to prevent the influx of illegal immigrants from outside the EU.

This however scandalised the French "Left Wing" particularly François Hollande who at the time was the Secretary of the Socialist Party.  None the less, Manuel Valls the current Interior Minister, has now repeated the same message as the former President Sarkozy ! 

Changes to EU Treaties are necessary to contain the influx of not only "ROMS" but also Chinese and Asiatic workers.   Should any new entrant into the EU not be identified with a "Temporary Passport" and "Temporary Resident Permit" at the point of entry ?  Renewal procedures should then be necessary in due course.

It would seem that a discussion and vote on this subject in the EU is now long overdue and now more than just necessary !  It is urgent to do something efficient !



Tuesday, 24 September 2013


"C'est illusoire de penser qu'on réglera la place des populations roms à travers uniquement l'insertion" a déclaré ce mardi Manuel Valls sur France Inter.  Et d'ajouter "il n'y a pas d'autre solution que de démanteler ces campements progressivement et de reconduire ces populations à la frontière".

Des propos réalistes mais qui venant d'un ministre de gauche risquent fort de surprendre...

On se souvient que Nicolas Sarkozy, dans son discours de Grenoble, le 30 juillet 2010, s'était, en particulier, engagé à faire démanteler la moitié des camps illégaux de Roms dans les trois mois. Ce discours avait suscité des réactions très hostiles notamment de la part des partis de gauche et d'extrême gauche !

Quant à Marine Le Pen qui s'est souvent exprimé sur la question des Roms, elle venait de déclarer le 18 septembre dernier devant quelques journalistes "le seul problème qui échappe totalement à Manuel Valls, c'est les Roms"...

Dans la perspective des prochaines élections municipales, le Ministre de l'Intérieur n'a pas voulu laisser le champ libre au FN. Mais ses paroles de fermeté seront elles suivies d'effet ? Ou n'ont elles été prononcées qu'à des fins électorales?

Là encore, les électeurs jugeront.


Monday, 23 September 2013


Lurking in the background of all the political discussions in French politics is "What went wrong for Sarkozy ?" when he was beaten by the Socialists and François Holland who replaced him as President !

Any keen observer of the French political scene knows that refusing any sort of alliance with the National Front, or the extreme Right, and then saying "if in doubt vote Socialist but never for Marine Le Pen" was suicidal !

The National Front during recent years has mellowed.  It now proposes common sense policies which directly appeal to "floating" voters.  The result has been an astounding success for the National Front Leader, Marine Le Pen, according to Opinion Polls.

One of the fundatmental policies proposed by the NF, which really appeals to voters is the Limitation of Immigration into France and immigrant rights to Social Security benefits, at a moment when rising unemployment is a major issue in France ! 

The policy of "never vote National Front" was initiated by Jean-François Copé, the Secretary of the UMP party. His aim seems to be clear. He "dumped" Sarkozy with this policy but now seems to want to be a candidate in the next Presidential vote in France.  Will he follow the same anti NF policy he advocated for Sarkozy ?

However Fillon, the faithful and loyal Prime Minister of President Sarkozy during the five years of his Presidency now also seeks his "independence" !  He recently scandalised the UMP heirarchy by saying that between a Socialist and NF candidate he prefers the least sectarian.  

He in fact seems to have adopted some NF viewpoints as one can read on his internet site "Force Republicaine".

However, Sarkozy also appears to have "hankerings" to return and stand again. The infighting has started !  But there are at least three years to wait.  And in the meantime there will be casualties and other new candidates !  


Thursday, 19 September 2013


C'est sans doute avec amertume qu'un million de français constatent aujourd'hui que, jusqu'alors non imposables, ils doivent s'acquitter de l'impôt sur le revenu.

Ceci est la conséquence direct du non relèvement des tranches du barème de l'impôt sur le revenu et de la suppression, par le gouvernement de François Hollande, de la défiscalisation des heures supplémentaires instaurée par Nicolas Sarkozy.

L'assujettissement à l'impôt sur le revenu entraînera non seulement l'assujettissement à la taxe d'habitation.

 Les réductions accordées et les avantages versés par les municipalités sur présentation d'un avis de non imposition seront de ce fait également supprimés...

Après " le mariage pour tous" voici donc " les "impôts pour tous " et pas seulement pour "les riches"!



In France, but this also applies to the UK, we have a typical case of the rights of whether a citizen can defend himself when he or his business, is attacked.

The case in point is that of a Jewelery Shop owner who had again been "visited" by "intruders with guns" and who this time used a pistol to repel them.  One was killed !

This happened very recently and the case is therefore "sub judicae".  For this reason no further details the popular press has revealed are repeated here !

However, the problem is the "law", in France or the UK.  The Interior Minister in France, Manual Valls was very pleased to announce that his Departmental costs had been reduced !  But he said that the number of Police would increase !

Even if the Minister of the Interior increases the number of policemen this will not mean that more will be available to protect Jewelery Shop Owners !  He will certainly not order that a policeman should be stationed with a gun in front of every Jewelery Shop in France ! 

Manual Valls must know that the real problem is that to kill when defending oneself, or one's family or property, is not a legitimate reaction !  The police cannot be omnipresent !  But potential criminals must also be made aware of the risk they are taking !  

Even private, harmless people, Householders or Shopkeepers have "Human Rights" !!!  Do Criminals not abandon their "Human Rights" when they go on a Criminal Rampage ?  

Should laws not be changed ?  Even at the top level in the EU !!! 


Wednesday, 18 September 2013


The incredible story of the short life of Daniel Pelka was revealed in court during the trial of his mother and her "boyfriend".  They were both jailed for 30 years each for the murder of Daniel aged just four !

Daniel was tortured, scavenged for food in bins and at school, but no one ever really talked to the boy about his life or problems. Just before he died Daniel looked like a bag of bones !

To be more direct, the Police were called to the house where he lived on 27 occasions !  Social Workers and Teachers were aware of the situation and made comments, but no one acted !  Meetings came to nothing !

To say the "system" failed him, is being just too glib and superficial.  

The real question which need to be answered is who in the Welfare Department in Coventry did not do his job ? Something is seriously lacking.  Is there no internal organisation ?  Once a case like this becomes known, someone should have the "responsibility" to follow it up.

To be quite blunt, once again in public services, no one is guilty, no one gets the sack, even when they are aware that something is wrong !  Life goes on as before, but alas, Daniel is dead !



A compter du 1er janvier 2014, les retraites complémentaires Agirc et Arrco des salariés seront versées chaque début de mois et non plus chaque trimestre.  Les salariés recevront leur retraite en 12 versements mensuels au lieu de quatre versements trimestriels.
Un avantage financier certain pour les organismes de retraite qui paieront d'avance en début de mois au lieu de payer d'avance en début de trimestre.

Pour les retraités locataires qui payent leur loyer mensuellement, cette mesure facilitera, sans doute, la gestion de leurs revenus.

En revanche ce changement risque de gêner considérablement de nombreux retraités propriétaires de leur appartement: les charges de copropriété sont en effet payables d'avance et au début de chaque trimestre !

Par ailleurs, les cotisations versées aux régimes complémentaires de santé (mutuelles) sont le plus souvent prélevées trimestriellement.

Tout ceci contraindra nombre de retraités à bien anticiper leurs dépenses.


Tuesday, 17 September 2013


At the end of this week we will know the result of the German General Election.  Angela Merkel seems to be a certain favourite to retain her post as Chancellor.

However, there has been an undercurrent in Germany against the blind German support of the EURO !  Greece, Cyprus and now Italy, if not other countries, are lining up for more "financial aid". 

 Will Germany in this context, still be prepared to support more aid if other EUROZONE countries become hesitant to shoulder their share of the burden ?  The answer to this question will become clearer in the coming weeks.

The next elections for the EU parliament are scheduled to take place 22/25 May 2014 when about 751 MEPs will be elected.  This will also bring to an end the "appointment" of Manual Barroso, the President of the European Commission.  

The new candidate for President will be proposed by the EU Council and will then be elected by the European Parliament.  Thanks to the Lisbon Treaty, this introduces just a tiny little bit more democracy in its functioning ... 

Real democracy for EU electors will only come if and when:
     -  MEPs are elected at the same time as local MPs, when a country calls for a General Election !  Only then will the EU Parliament really feel the wind of change on a current basis !
     -  Ultimately, MEPs in the EU parliament choose their own candidate for the post of President of the European Commission !              .      


Monday, 16 September 2013


Apres avoir déclaré qu'il n'excluait pas de voter pour un candidat du Front National, François Fillon a tenté un rétropédalage. Et d'affirmer vendredi "aucune alliance n'est possible avec cette formation politique".

Et pourtant parmi les 35 projets de François Fillon que l'on peut consulter sur son site internet "Force Républicaine", certains semblent sortir tout droit du programme de Marine Le Pen !

Citons par exemple:
  - La limitation par le Parlement du nombre de migrants que nous pouvons accueillir sur notre territoire, les compétences dont nous avons besoin et les régions du monde vers lesquels nous souhaitons nous tourner.

  - La fin de l'acquisition de la nationalité française pour les enfants nés en France de parents étrangers.  Autrement dit la fin du droit du sol !

  - Réserver l'accès aux prestations sociales aux migrants légaux présents depuis plusieurs années sur notre territoire.

Double langage ?  Manoeuvre politicienne pour engranger les voix des électeurs du Front National ? Ou réel virage à droite ? 

Les électeurs sauront en juger et  sanctionner par un vote approprié.



Now, 16 months after the election of François Hollande when he became the new President of France, everyone is privately asking the question "why ?".  Why was Sarkozy beaten ?

What went wrong, who was responsible ?

At the time of the run-up to the final vote on May 6, 2012, both candidates had their chances.  Sarkozy had all his chances intact.  

Hollande, it transpired later was being ably coached to follow a scripted attack on Sarkozy.  He attacked him on television, for what he had not done to fulfill his election pledges and then blinded all spectators with a multitude of promises of "When I am President..... ".

Sarkozy was stunned !  He was KO'd !

Sarkozy in fact had been handicapped in his Presidency by the General International Economic Depression.  It meant he could not just do what he would have liked !

Sarkozy at the time was badly advised and guided !  He lost all in the last televised confrontation against Hollande !

It is now, just 16 months later that a new political Scene in France is unfolding !  It is becoming evident that many political actors on the right have changed their ideas, due to the poor performance of the Socialists and also the high Opinion Poll ratings of the Extreme Right !

The EU will change whatever the result in the German General Election on 22 September 2013.   France will also change after the Local Elections in early 2014.

In fact the changes in France will become very clear in the next week or two when all Political Parties, large and small, hold their annual "Get togethers".  There will be many new "leaders" and "victims" following policy changes and new orientations !

Follow this Blog !   


Saturday, 14 September 2013


En appelant à voter pour "le moins sectaire" en cas de duel FN-PS lors des élections municipales de 2014 et pour le plus capable d'agir pour sa ville ou son village avec tolérance et pour le bien public, François Fillon a-t-il ouvert une brèche dans la ligne qui était jusqu'alors celle de l'UMP ?

Il s'en est  ensuite défendu en affirmant qu'aucune alliance n'est possible avec cette formation politique (le Front National)...

N'empêche...on est déjà loin des propos de Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet, porte parole du candidat Sarkozy et candidate à la Mairie de Paris en 2014, qui affirmait alors qu'entre un candidat FN et un candidat PS, elle choisirait le candidat PS ! 

On  connait et on  mesure aujourd'hui les conséquences de telles déclarations !


Thursday, 12 September 2013


La formule était alléchante..!  Pour quitter la Gare de Lyon à 23heures 15, en provenance du sud de la France,
et rejoindre mon domicile à Paris17ème, la SNCF me proposait, 5 jours avant mon départ, la possibilité de réserver une voiture avec chauffeur en la partageant avec un autre voyageur allant dans la même direction. En trois clics, j'avais réservé et versé 20 euros pour le prix de la course.

Un mail me confirmait ma réservation, le temps de trajet et la distance.

La veille de mon départ, un mail récapitulait l'heure de prise en charge, le nom du chauffeur et le type de véhicule.

A l'heure d'arrivée du train, le chauffeur attendait avec une pancarte à mon nom, portait mes bagages jusqu'à la voiture et 40 minutes plus tard me déposait à ma porte.

Un service que j'ai estimé simple, pratique, peu onéreux et qui m'a évité la toujours trop longue attente d'un taxi.

Je n'ai pas eu le temps de tester la connexion Wi Fi promise à bord du véhicule.  Ce sera pour la prochaine fois !


Wednesday, 11 September 2013


Kate Allen of Amnesty International, appears to be against the use of Stun Guns by the Police !  The next question is "Is Kate Allen on the side of the Criminals or the Police ?".

Unless Britain becomes a "police state" where criminals are not always prosecuted, where the Police (and Army) are above the law, the judgement of how and when Police should use Taser Stun Guns is not a real problem at present in Britain.

One has always trusted the Police in Britain, and the Bobby above all !  At heart they are not killers !

Criminals respect no one ! They are prepared to kill !  They pursue their intentions and use all the modern inventions to avoid arrest.  Some stop at nothing and kill!  Should the Police now refuse the latest weapons to arrest blatant criminals ?  To give them another chance ?  To respect their Human Rights ?

How would Kate Allen pacify the victims of their crimes ?  With counselling ?




Do Politicians and Diplomats realise there is a civil war going on in Syria ?  UNO and numerous countries are seriously discussing whether the poisonous stockpile of chemicals in Syria should be destroyed !

Destroying such stockpiles is a slow undertaking.  It would probably take not one week but at least one year !  To avoid accidents and the death of those working on such a project, to protect civilians in the neighbourhoods of such stockpiles, will also take time.

How are those concerned going to be protected from either side in this civil war ?

Will UNO organise a "Peace Force" which will be prepared to stay at least one year ?  How will the Expert Workers be chosen ?  Will Russians and Americans and perhaps Chinese form part of the workforce and work side by side ?

By the time all these problems have been solved "diplomatically", Bachar al Assad will have rehidden his chemicals, or sold them to another country !  That could provide funds for him to rebuild Syria !



Monday, 9 September 2013


Suddenly Russia and Putin awake, just after the G 20 Summit !!!  What have they suddenly learned that is new ?  Do they now have the first echoes of the awaited UNO report ? 

Russia and Syria have close trading relations.  One must ask the obvious question:  was Bachar al Assad honest in his dealings with the Russians ?  Did Russia really not know that Syria had Chemical weapons for mass human destruction and was using them ?

Has China been involved in these latest decisions ?

Bachar al Assad has had enough time to reorganise since the first UNO Inquest Team in Syria left last week.  To now invite the same team, or another one, to come back to oversee the destruction of Chemical Weapons defies belief !  Did the first team really see nothing ?

Is this an attempt to delay the publication of the Report of the first Team ?  Or is this the way Russia and Vladimir Putin want to withdraw gracefully from this whole problem ?

Perhaps it is Bachar al Assad and his Henchmen who want to avoid the charge of having committed  "Crimes against Humanity" !!!

Should one not await the First UNO report ?



The old English saying is "Don't count your eggs before they are hatched" !!! 

Gordon Brown "crowed" when he was Prime Minister and by taxing them destroyed Private Pension Schemes.  Then to balance his Bank accounts, he sold Gold at a knock-down price !  He then crowed that he had solved the World Financial Crisis !

Things seem to be getting better in Britain, and the next General Election is in 2015 at the latest !  

After Miliband's victory over Cameron, which was purely Political and which completely missed the whole point of the Commons Debate on Syria, as expected, Miliband is now fighting for "recognition" !  Is he still the "real" leader of the Socialist Party ? 

Let's be clear, current "eventual" Socialist Leaders will leave Miliband to linger for another year and then real Candidates for his succession will present themselves to lead the Socialist fight in the next General Election, in 2015 !     

George Osborne, the current Chancellor must be prudent.  He must play his cards close to his chest !  Do not "crow" too soon !!!  Deliver slowly but prudently ! Your future depends on this !


Saturday, 7 September 2013


The death of the Taliban leader of an Al Quaida cell in Pakistan has been announced in the press.  He was Mullah Sangeen Zadran aged 45.

He was killed by a US drone !

Is he not typical of Al Quaida fanatics who never fight openly but who just kill, to achieve their aims ?  Al Quaida is faceless but infiltrates countries everywhere !

Recent articles in this Blog on Syria have been clear !  Al Quaida is waging wars against anyone who gets in their way.  It is an underground faceless organisation !

Bravo for the USA which has again made a strike against terrorism !

However, is it not UNO which should lead the way ?  Should Ban Ki Moon not lead the way to a vote of UNO countries to declare war against Al Quaida ?


Friday, 6 September 2013


Even at the G20 meeting in Moscow the real might and weight of countrries is not always evident or appreciated.

The USA has Power and Wealth and a reputation of the way it has used these in the past.

The same thing can be said of Britain.  The heritage, the relic, the real testimony, of this little island's past is the existence of the Commonwealth of Nations.  It is composed of free Nations and Colonies all over the World, which respect the values of freedom, democracy and self determination. 

If Mr Putin would reflect on the recent past of the old Soviet Union, of when the Berlin Wall was breached, he must regret that so many of the old satellite members dating from 1945, desperately, then and later, sought their independence !  Mrs Merkel could help him understand.

Is Mr Putin now seeking to "affiliate" Syria with Russian  aid to bolster the Russian Empire ? Does he really need the help of Hitler-like dictators who exterminate their opposition ?  Or will he change his intentions once he has read the report from the UNO investigators ?


Thursday, 5 September 2013


Britain and France have the same Policy of  "Soft Justice" and for the same reason.  Both countries lack enough prisons and cells to house criminals, for short stays or for long stretches of time !

However both countries are now building new prisons to house criminals and to replace very old prisons built many years ago, even before 1900 !

There is one piece of information which this Blog cannot find concerning either country.  For example, in 1900 how many Prison Cells were available and what was the total population of each country then and to-day ?

Each day one sees in the French Press or that of Great Britain, that criminals have been either given a soft punishment or that for "humanitarian" reasons they have benefitted from an early release !

The idea that imprisonment should act as a déterrant has long been abandoned !  Is this "justice" ?  Not in the eyes of right thinking judges, but Ministers of Justice have been weak in not providing Judges with the means of protecting the public.

Ministers do not not suffer from this.  They plead they are saving costs !  Is this really true and acceptable ?

Victims of crime have another opinion, but they are   never heard !  Alas as electors they do not count.


Wednesday, 4 September 2013


A limited strike in Syria to destroy Bachar al Assad's Chemical Weapons and thereby support the rebel forces, is admirable but not enough. 

The fly in the ointment is Al Quaida, an invisible, secret Terrorist Organisation, which has struck in many countries with the aim of forcibly introducing extremist Muslim principles, like the Charia Law, against the will of the people.     

Bachar al Assad is right when he says Al Quaida is waiting to seize the chance to take over in Syria.  This is why a limited strike is not enough. 

A limited strike will accelerate subsequent events, in particular if Assad is accused of crimes against humanity.

A Peace Keeping Force must be planned into any action like a "Limited Strike" !

Tuesday, 3 September 2013


Syria as a country is not easy to analise.  The reactions of international countries as a whole is not any easier either !  Today we have a "wait and see" attitude to discover what "someone" might do ! 

Problem n°1 is BACHAR AL ASSAD:  He and his henchmen decided to use chemical weapons to eliminate political oponents and their supporters in Syria.  More than 2 million Syrians are refugees in neighbouring countries !

Any right thinking Politician or Statesman knows this is the equivalent of a Crime against Humanity !
Worldwide countries must recognise and demand that Bachar al Assad stands trial.

Problem N°2 is AL QUAIDA:  Bachar al Assad has said that the problem in Syria is Al Quaida, but this alone does not justify his use of Chemical weapons to exterminate the opposition together with hapless civilians.  

Worldwide should countries not recognise that AL QUAIDA is a Worldwide Organisation with Terrorist aims and intentions ?  Anyone can identify numerous countries where Al Quaida has been active during the last 20 years.  

On an international basis should UNO not force a vote that WAR is declared on AL QUAIDA ?

Problem N°3: The void or chasm after the demise of Bachar al Assad ! 

Politically, Socially and Religiously there will be uncertainty.  There will be a void which needs to be filled !

Is it not now this void should be foreseen and filled with an International UNO Peace Keeping Force in Syria ?  The next obvious question is for how long and why ?

Then options could present themselves !  Could a new Syrian leadership not propose Democratic Elections ?  Time will be needed for the new "political forces" to take their place and to decide independently what needs to be done, without outside interference except for the garanties that the presence of a UNO Peace Keeping Force could provide and ensure. 


Monday, 2 September 2013


Pour limiter la surpopulation carcérale et accompagner les condamnés pour mieux prévenir la récidive, le projet de loi sur la réforme pénale concocté par la Garde des Sceaux, Christiane Taubira, prévoit une nouvelle peine alternative à la prison, "la contrainte pénale", applicable pour les délits passibles de moins de 5 ans de prison.

Pour Philippe Bilger, ancien Avocat Général, cette réforme "donne au laxisme ses lettres de noblesse" (voir l'interview de Philippe Bilger publié dans Nice Matin du 1er septembre).

Et Philippe Bilger d'ajouter avec beaucoup de bon sens:  "il n'y a pas trop de condamnés mais pas assez de prisons".

Philippe Bilger sera- t-il entendu ? 


Sunday, 1 September 2013


The initial confidence of Western Leaders is being scrutinised by the Syrian opposition, and by Bachar al Assad in particular !  He has never had any hesitations whether to use Chemical Weapons to eliminate his opposition in a civil war !

The Report by the UNO investigation team is expected shortly but certain chemical tests need a long time before they can reveal their hidden truth.  This gives more time for Bachar al Assad to cover traces and to prepare his defence against expected questions.

The puritan initiative by Cameron, who wanted "two" votes on what to do about Syria, was ambushed by Miliband and his henchmen who turned the debate and the vote into a political "Vote of Confidence" against the coalition. 

Miliband smirks now, but may well regret his lack of "Statemanship" later in his career !  Even now  some of those henchmen eye their own future possibilities !

The Cameron defeat hurt Obama but Obama has realised that he too must not neglect the "puritan" approach of electors in the USA !  The last word of the UNO report will not be published today as announced.  First impressions yes, but the real report in two weeks time.

President Hollande realises now that a debate must take place in Parliament, but at present such a debate will not be followed by a vote.  At present 64% of the people in French Opinion Polls are against France intervening in Syria for the time being.  We must wait to see what happens this week in France ! and also elsewhere !   

Bachar al Assad can still breathe comfortably except for just one last thing.  He risks being accused of the mass extermination of civilians for using Chemical Weapons, and this is a Crime Against Humanity !

We will have to wait and watch what happens next !
