Thursday, 31 October 2013


Le moins que l'on puisse dire, c'est que face à une résistance populaire le président  Hollande ne s'obstine pas dans ses projets !

C'est ainsi qu'au cours de ces dernières semaines, le gouvernement a renoncé à augmenter l'imposition sur les PEA, PEL et l'épargne salariale face à la colère des petits épargnants, a suspendu l'écotaxe face à la fronde des paysans bretons, et face au mécontentement du patronat, remplacé le projet de  nouvelle taxe sur l'excédent brut d'exploitation par une surtaxe temporaire sur l'impôt sur les sociétés....

Enfin pour mettre fin aux manifestations de lycéens, le Président Hollande avait proposé le retour en France de Léonarda !

Malgré ses renoncements successifs, le Président Hollande n'a pas pour autant gagné en popularité!

Même l'excellente nouvelle de la libération de quatre de nos otages a été ternie par la polémique concernant le versement ou pas d'une rançon...

C'est le journal "le Monde" qui parle ainsi d'une "volte-face" de François Hollande, assurant que sur le paiement, "François Hollande donne son accord, contredisant ses déclarations devant les familles des otages d'Arlit en janvier auxquelles il assurait que la France ne paierait plus."


Wednesday, 30 October 2013


After only 18 months in office President Hollande's popularity is diving to all time lows !

Not only in the France as a whole, but even and also in all the groups on the left, like the Socialist Party, the Communists and the Greens, which elected him as President and then gave him a comfortable "coalition" majority in the National Assembly.

One cannot be sure at present whether he still has a working majority among Socialists alone.  There are several critical dissidents.

How has this situation arisen ?  Simply said, it is due to his lack of leadership, his hesitations, and even the incompetence of his Government.  

His ultimate "forecast" is that "unemployment" will fall before end December 2013.  In present conditions, French people are doubtful whether this "hope" will be fulfilled.

During recent weeks, the Government has attempted to create new taxes, but due to popular pressure was obliged to withdraw its projects.  Some commentators see as another sign of weakness by Holland and his Government.  

The question now is whether and when President  Holland will "reshuffle" his Cabinet ?  It contains 34 Ministers, 17 Male and 17 Female, of all constituant parties in the Coalition !   Some alas, are still completely unknown to electors !

Will Ayrault remain Prime Minister or will he be replaced by the very popular Minister of the Interior, Manuel Valls, in order to create the therapeutic shock required in France at present ?


Tuesday, 29 October 2013


For more than two years we have heard about the regular landings of illegal immigrants in Lampedusa. There have been many deaths which are always quickly forgotten, but too soon, afterwards !

Last Friday, at the last meeting of the EU Council of Ministers in Brussels, no solution for Lampedusa illegal immigrants was found.   In fact the next meeting at which this problem will be discussed was scheduled for end December 2013.

During all the sterile meetings in which no solutions have been found, nothing has been said about the real problem, which is that none of the gangs or their Leaders ferrying hundreds of immigrants in treacherous conditions, have ever been brought to justice ! 

Poor immigrants pay large sums of money for their voyage, but many perish before their arrival.

Should EU leaders not now decide to plant spies in Northern Africa to mingle with candidates for transportation to Lampedusa ?   Would this not be a way to "nip the problem in the bud" ?   The cost would be negligeable, particularly at this time when the EU has no budget to stop illegal immigrants or the Gang Leaders !

Do Angela Merkel and David Cameron have no recent experience of International Spying ?  If not, they should consult Barack Obama !

Monday, 28 October 2013


All member countries of the EU have signed agreements which mean they must accept the consequences of EU rules ! That is, alas, the problem to-day !

Therefore in 2014, immigrants from Romania, the "Roms" as they are known, will be able to migrate where they want in the EU !

No one at present really wants to change EU conditions concerning immigration or migration in the EU !  Yet no-one will now argue that all EU members, when they signed-up for free migration, anticipated the possible free flow of ROMS or others into their country and  that they are now still satisfied !

EU politicians, elected or not, should be questioned each time they talk about the "EU" and how they and their proposed policies will improve the life of the citizens of the country they are elected to represent !

David Cameron in Britain wants the EU rules to be changed yet he faces EU opposition ! Is this just lethargy or do others have more very personal election problems ? 

The EU is too "comfortable" with the current legislation, but in the end it is "YOU" the EU born taxpayer who pays if EU legislation remains unchanged and is not updated to reflect current realities !

Saturday, 26 October 2013


In the article "King Blatter will do it all alone" dated 3/6/2011 this blog said that Blatter will again stand for a re-election in 2015 because he needs a few months more again to complete his "mission". 

What has Blatter done since then to clean-up FIFA ? It would seem there now more problems than before connected with the World Cup in Qatar, as well as the with Brazil and also Russia !  And FIFA has no yet been reorganised on modern lines.

This would seem to justify Blatter's "leaked" suggestion that the next FIFA President should be elected not just for 4 years but 8.

Blatter has been a leading light since his first election to the FIFA Ethics committee in 1975 !  By 2015 he will have served FIFA for a period of 40 years and he will then be aged 79 !  He has been President of FIFA since 1998.

That FIFA needs to be "organised" is clear.  There are organisations which are specialists, and there are younger Men who could easily step into Blatter's shoes if they are given the chance.

To put it another way, no one wants him to die in office due to overworking !!!


Friday, 25 October 2013


Les médicaments sont remboursés en tiers payant (l'assuré ne fait pas l'avance des frais), à condition que l'assuré accepte le médicament générique s'il existe. Toutefois le médecin conserve le droit de prescrire un médicament "non substituable" et le patient bénéficie alors du tiers payant.

Cependant de nombreux assurés ont eu la très mauvaise surprise de se voir refuser, par leur pharmacien, le bénéfice du tiers payant pour des médicaments non substituables, ceci sur instruction expresse de certaines caisses d'assurance maladie.

Qu'en est il donc exactement ?  Le ministère des Affaires sociales et de la santé a récemment fait le point:  il a précisé que le directeur général de l'assurance maladie avait demandé aux caisses primaires d'assurance maladie de renoncer à cette politique.

Mais attention, la mention "non substituable" doit être expresse et portée sur l'ordonnance sous forme exclusivement manuscrite.  L'apposition de la mention par tampon n'est pas acceptée.  Par ailleurs cette mention a vocation à être exceptionnelle.

Le pharmacien doit pouvoir accorder le tiers payant en cas de mention "non substituable" portée sur l'ordonnance conformément aux dispositions ci dessus (réponse du ministre des Affaires sociales et de la santé, JO du16 avril 2013 p.4119).


Thursday, 24 October 2013


Mercredi 23 octobre, les députés socialistes ont voté la taxation à 15,5% des revenus et plus values des produits des PEA (plan d'épargne en actions), PEL (plan d'épargne logement) et assurance vie réalisés sur ces comptes.  Ce nouveau taux s'appliquera à compter du 26 septembre 2013 à la totalité des gains constitués depuis 1997.

Ainsi que l'a déclaré  dans " Le Parisien", Philipe Crevel, secrétaire général du Cercle des épargnants, "entre deux personnes ayant ouvert un PEA en 1997, la plus vertueuse, celle qui a laissé son argent se voit pénalisée par rapport à celle qui l'a retirée avant".  Et d'ajouter: " il y a rupture d'égalité entre les épargnants".

Avec cette taxation rétroactive, c'est donc la parole de l'Etat qui est remise en cause, et l'insécurité juridique et fiscale....Le Conseil Constitutionnel retoquera-t-il cette disposition?

Ce gouvernement avait récemment promis la pause fiscale;  n'était ce donc qu'un mensonge de plus ?



At present the EU is staunchly sitting on old ideas and has no intentions of changing anything before the next elections of MEPs in May 2014.  This is convenient for all politicians and managers, elected or not !

The reality is quite different.  During the last 30 years ideas have changed.  The ideal of a Federal EU has been rejected and National Ideals have come to the fore.

In particular the EURO has become a problem.  EURO   Countries have lost the right to govern their interests independantly because EU rules and laws take precedance !        

Imposing inflexibly laws and rules to support the "EURO" means the EUROZONE dictates what countries in the Zone can or cannot do !  How long can this go on ?  Germany in particular finances the "solidity" of the EURO !

Immigration and Unemployment concern EUROZONE countries as well as other member countries of the EU.  These are major problems which must be addressed and solved ! 

Will the EU close the Frontiers of the EU ?  In the future will there again be continuous invasions like those at LAMPEDUSA ?  Who will do what to change anything ?

No one will act !  The EU is stagnant and its Leaders also !  Leaders meet, but they need to be locked-up in a Conference and forced to come up with practical solutions !  Not one will accept, they are all too busy !




This is not the first time that the USA has been accused of monitoring the 'phone calls of selected National Leaders !

Angela Merkel is fully justified to react angrily when she realised, or even thought that her 'phone conversations were being "tapped" !  Other leaders in South America (and who knows, elsewhere also perhaps) have been conveniently "fobbed off" up to now !  No admission, means no acceptance of any responsibility !  However one should not remain naïf.  The USA is perhaps not quite so clean in the final analysis !

In the circumstances what this really means is that Leaders like Merkel must tighten-up their internal controls.  How else can you fight eavesdropping spies armed with the latest techniques !  The activities of such spies will never be admitted !  Neither by the USA or Russia or any other country !

Merkel who comes from the former East Germany knows this better than most modern Leaders ! 


Saturday, 19 October 2013


President Hollande has been fully aware for some time of the unease in France at present, both in his Cabinet and in the electorate in general.  He knew privately that he must do something to revive his authority !

The opportunity arose a few days ago when Manuel Valls, the Minister of the Interior, ordered the expulsion of a family from Kosovo which had illegally entered France in January 2009.  Permission to stay had been repeatedly refused.

It is known as the Leonarda affair, because a daughter of 15 of that name was rounded-up on a school trip by police in order to join her expelled family. The left wing of the Socialist Government was scandalised and severely criticised Valls.  

François Hollande ordered an administrative enquiery to verify what went wrong.  Today he made known his decisions.  He said that the expulsion ordered by Manuel Valls was correct and justified by French law.  This appeased 74% of the French population who appreciate his work as a Minister.

However, to pacify the French Left, he applied the wisdom of Salomon and said that if Leonarda wanted to continue her education, she could return alone without her family, and would be accepted in France.

The reaction today was immediate !  Her French schoolfriends said they would continue to strike, others asked who would pay her costs.  Is it "human" for her to be without her family ?

This is a perfect example of the wisdom of Hollande !  He talks but stamps his authority on nothing !  The problem does not "go away" !  The French Press will make a thousand comments like this to-morrow !  Opposition MPs will not be tender with their remarks either !

In fact Holland fosters anxiety instead of acting and solving problems.  






François Hollande vient donc de s'exprimer après avoir pris connaissance des conclusions de l'enquête administrative sur les conditions de l'expulsion de Léonarda et de sa famille en situation irrégulière  en France depuis près de 5 ans .

En confirmant que l'expulsion de Léonarda et de sa famille est conforme à la réglementation, François Hollande satisfait 74 % des français qui, selon un sondage effectué pour "le Parisien", approuvent Manuel Valls et entendent que les lois de la République soient respectées.

Toutefois, comme trop souvent François Hollande s'empresse de mettre un bémol à sa fermeté. Il ajoute que si elle le veut, Léonarda peut revenir mais elle seule....ce faisant, il entend calmer la gauche donneuse de leçons de morale et les lycéens qui manifestent .

Mais ne serait ce pas inhumain de séparer un enfant de 15 ans de ses parents et de sa fratrie ? et qui prendrait en charge les frais de Léonarda ?

En cherchant à ne mécontenter personne, François Hollande révèle une fois de plus le manque de courage de ce gouvernement, et le flou qui entoure trop souvent ses décisions.


Thursday, 17 October 2013


Il y a deux semaines, la polémique éclatait entre Manuel Valls , Cécile Duflot, qui s'offusquait des propos tenus par le Ministre de l'Intérieur sur les populations Roms et leur nécessaire reconduite dans leur pays d'origine (voir ce blog du 24 septembre).  François Hollande avait alors tenté de ramener le calme au sein de son gouvernement, mais en se gardant bien de prendre parti en faveur de l'un ou de l'autre de ses ministres.

Aujourd'hui la polémique rebondit avec cette affaire:

Léonarda, 15 ans, rom du Kosovo est cherchée par les policiers lors d'une sortie scolaire le 9 octobredernier, afin qu'elle puisse rejoindre sa mère et ses 5 frères et soeurs dont l'expulsion vers le Kosovo était prévue pour ce même jour.  Le père avait été renvoyé la veille au Kosovo.  La famille était entrée irrégulièrement sur le territoire français en janvier 2009; sa régularisation avait été refusée à plusieurs reprises et les possibilités de recours avaient été épuisées.

La gauche crie alors au scandale, parle de "rafle", Vincent Peillon, Ministre de l'Education, demande qu'on sanctuarise l'école et souhaite que ce genre de situation ne se renouvelle pas, les lycéens manifestent dans la rue, Mélenchon demande la démission de Manuel Valls.

Et que dit François Hollande ?   Rien pour le moment, il a indiqué vouloir y voir plus clair...une enquête administrative a d'ailleurs été ouverte pour vérifier si l'ensemble des règles ont été respectées.

Toutefois dans ce tohu bohu gouvernemental et ce tapage médiatique on se pose la question: Peut on encore en France appliquer les lois de la République ?



Not only have Opinion Polls made François Hollande the least esteemed President of the 5th French Republic after only 16 months in office but Politicians everywhere, particularly in his Socialist Coalition, and the electorate as a whole, have criticized his Leadership Style.

He wants to lead but in the end decides nothing.  He dithers.  He personally announces good news when he can but is "abroad" when bad news surfaces !

After the National Front victory last Sunday in Brignolles, one of the leading Opinion Poll Agencies (CSA) sounded out electors to discover who among leading politicians best covered their major concerns ?

The answer was Marine Le Pen, leader of the National Front.  What really was staggering was that she polled 46% of favourable replies !  Two Leaders of the Right (Fillon 18%, Copé 13%) polled 31%.  Bayrou and Borloo of the Centre 5% each.  Melenchon of the Extreem Left obtained 13% of favourable replies.

The next real question is "What major concerns worry the French Electorate most ?" They are certainly the following;

     -  Uncontroled Illegal Immigration !
     -  Unemployment !
     -  Unpunished Crime and Drugs Abuse.

The fact that there is continual in-fighting by leading politicians in the medias every day, does nothing to pacify electors who are suffering. What President Hollande will do next is awaited, but with anxiety !


Tuesday, 15 October 2013


The EU is a comfortable "club".  All taxpayers know that EU politicians (MEPs) are paid more than National MPs ! This is just one concrete reason why "club" members want to avoid any changes in the rules which govern them in the EU.

MEPs are elected once every 5 years, even if there are General Elections in the country they are "supposed" to represent. This in fact means that the "wind of change" reflected by a national General Election will never affect the already elected MEPs !

There is only one way to introduce more Democracy into EU elections !  It is to change the rules and to ensure that MEPs are always elected at General Elections just like National MPs !

What can National Leaders do when their country has elected them to govern, to "change things", when EU rules and laws prevent them ? 

Examples like this are at the crux of many EU problems, which need changes.  Changing EU "rules and conditions" is at present almost impossible.

David Cameron must be admired !  Obstinately he will soon raise similar problems !  His electorate want less immigrants;  in fact they want him to grab back powers which have left the English Legal System sterile to apply British Laws !



Manual Barroso, former Prime Minister of Portugal, has never raised a finger to intervene and help in the search for Madeleine McCann aged 4 when she went missing on a holiday to Portugal !!!

MANUAL BARROSO when President of the EU COMMISSION ensured that Portugal obtained the "financial EUROZONE aid" it needed at critical moments !

Yet, when the Portuguese "political and legal system"  refused to help the McCann family to find the "criminals" who had abducted their daughter Manual Barroso did not want to help ! 

Is this an example of EU unification ?


Monday, 14 October 2013


There was a little by-election in Brignolles in the south- east of France which ignited National Politicians when the Socialist backed extreme-left Communist Candidate was eliminated after the first round of voting.

The right-wing UMP candidate was left to fight the extreme-right candidate of the National Front (FN) who had a very comfortable lead after the first round.

In desperation the Socialist "Left" urged voters to back the UMP candidate !  The result of the Second round of voting revealed a victory by the FN candidate with a high turnout of voters by 54% against 46% !

This election was initially an unimportant cantonal by-election !  It had no effect on the "working majority" in the Town Hall Council of Brignolles !

However the idea that the "Extreme Right" could capture a seat in the little town of Brignolles irked National Politicians to the quick !  Facing the fact that FN had regularly, in all types of elections, and also in Opinion Polls, obtained an increasingly bigger following, National Politicians in France have become more than just wary.  In Brignolles they acted solidly to defeat the enemy but lost ! 

Why ?, is the obvious question !  The answer seems to be that heavy-weight National Politicians are out of touch with voters !   

The President dithers rather than really acting.  The Prime Minister backs him to the hilt !  The result is that no one addresses their real problems which concern the influx of Migrants, legal or otherwise.  The cost of Social Benefits and Retirement Rights are "smudged over" not to provoke unpopular reactions from Trade Unions and "voters" !  Taxes and costs of all sorts are furtively increased !

Nothing really changes but, and that is the problem, particularly when voters in Brignolles for example, express themselves by voting FN !  

Local Elections all over France will take place this coming March and then, in April, the EU-wide Elections of MEPs !  That is when FN will probably achieve an unwanted score ! National Politicians not only in France but also in other countries may be very surprised with the results if they do not take action before then !


Saturday, 12 October 2013


La tragédie de Lampedusa, naufrage qui a fait plus de 300 morts parmi les migrants en provenance de la corne de l'Afrique a provoqué horreur et compassion.

Certains ont rapidement accablé l'Europe qui serait non seulement responsable mais également coupable.

Mais les vrais responsables et coupables ne sont ils pas les Etats, qui laissent partir leurs ressortissants à leurs risques et périls sans aucun contrôle, et les passeurs qui exigent des sommes toujours plus importantes pour amener les candidats à l'immigration vers cet eldorado que représente l'Europe?  

Certains pays européens, la France par exemple, avec leurs nombreux avantages sociaux, sont devenus de véritables miroirs aux alouettes pour les migrants.

Et comme le relevait Yvan Rioufol dans son bloc note publié dans Le Figaro du 11 octobre, "cette migration du tiers monde se garde de rejoindre les riches mais inaccueillants pays du Golfe".

A l'Europe de faire savoir que sa situation économique ne lui permet pas d'accueillir de nouvelles populations et d'exiger des Etats africains qu'ils contrôlent les flux de leurs ressortissants.



Who in the "EU" has voiced any opinion about the miserable "would be" immigrants who pay "hard cash" to reach the ELDORADO of the "EU" ?

It is not Italy, even though Lampedusa is a part of Italy and therefore in the "EU" !  But Italy already has enough problems after the demise of Berluscony and his tribe !
Italy will certainly not want to accept to pay for the Lampedusa solutions alone, and quite rightly !  The country faces bankruptcy in the near future anyway !

The ultimate solution of the actual and past problems named "LAMPEDUSA", and similar problems which can be expected elsewhere, are in the hands of "EU" MEPs and the HEADS of the National Members of the Council of Europe.

The real solution is one which the Leaders of the EU have never wanted to face.  WHY ?  Because of the principle of "free circulation" in the EU ?  This reason would be just too facile ! 

This has lead to the principle that no controls are the legal rule.  A comfortable excuse !  Therefore nothing needs to be done !  All this is incredible but fact !

No serious "FRONTEER CONTROLS" exist at present, but the costs of verification should be shared by all EU members ! That is the real stumbling block !  All potential immigrants at any EU entry point must be verified.

If ever the "LAMPEDUSA" problem is solved, one must ensure that elsewhere "desperate" immigrants are properly controled !  The EU with its rules at present is the "ELDORADO" of miserable immigrants.  If there are no solid new rules, real EU citizens will become the next new migrants to "elsewhere" !



Wednesday, 9 October 2013


Uninvited Immigrants are never really welcome, but this is the "Crunch Question" now, once again in Britain ?

Yet, in spite of this, politicians are never really too clear about "what they want" or "what they do not want", particularly when EU elections are on the agenda !

Electors will vote for MEPs throughout the EU in 2014. In Britain they will vote for "what", for "whom", for which "party" ?  This is the problem in the UK at present !

In previous EU elections no major Political Party in GB has ever participated vigorously with the aim of wanting to present its policies for the "Future of Great Britain" "in or out" of the " EU !  

 UKIP at present has a large number of MEPs but they do not really reflect the political scene in Britain !  They are "unknowns" on the home front.  They represent Britain in "Europe" but is there ever any "feedback" ?

Britain needs "leaders" in the EU who know how to present and to protect British interests as and when questions arise !  

Today the current problem concerns "unwanted  immigrants" in Lampedusa, and not for the first time ! But there are also other problems.

What is the aim of these "unwanted immigrants"?  To be blunt, it is to "settle in the UK" !  It is to get away from their misery and then to sponge on the free services available in Britain !  These "services" are available with the benediction of the principles of the "Court of Human Rights" !

This is why British Parliamentary leaders must fight the next EU Elections !  UKIP wants an "in or out" vote now !  Now, before anyone is ready ?  Is this really the solution ?  Should real leaders not want to make changes to the EU Treaties where necessary as David Cameron has proposed to undertake ?  

Other countries will back Cameron if he is permitted to launch his assault !  Even Merkel !



Alors qu'une député écolo s'exprimait à l'Assemblée Nationale au cours de l'examen du projet de loi sur la réforme des retraites, Philippe Le Ray député de la deuxième circonscription du Morbihan, siégeant dans le groupe UMP comme "apparenté" s'est mis à imiter bruyamment les caquètements d'une poule, ceci sous les regards complices et amusés de certains de ses collègues.

Un tel comportement est pitoyable et inadmissible. N'y a-t-il donc pas une charte de bonne conduite à l'Assemblée Nationale ?

Monsieur Le Ray dont on ignorait le nom jusqu'à hier n'avait il pas d'autres moyens de se faire connaître ?
Il faut espérer que ses électeurs et électrices s'en souviendront lors des élections législatives de 2017 et le renverront dans son exploitation agricole.


Monday, 7 October 2013


The origins of "Strictly Dancing" was Ballroom Dancing ! It has now become something else than "just dancing" !

Can you imagine going to a normal dance, a "hop" at a university dance or a Saturday evening dance at a social club in your community, and then having to perform accrobatic "flips" when "half dressed" to impress your partner ?

Going to a Dance used to be a way to meet potential partners for life.  It still is in fact !  It was never seen as an opportunity to impress partners with athletic abilities !   Older people can dance in a way which would surprise many a younger debutant !  

"Strictly Dancing" Competitions should be renamed and organised as qualification Competitions for getting to the Olympic Games ! 

Sunday, 6 October 2013


Why does Nigel Farage, Leader of UKIP (United Kingdom Independent Party) , suddenly "now" attack the policy that David Cameron has announced for the Conservative Party and Britain for the next coming years, 2016 to be more precise ?

Is it not because Farrage realises that he has to fight the EU elections for MEPs in APRIL 2014 ?  The reaction of Nigel Farrage is such that the Conservative Party and others must in fact  also "react" !  Must they not also organise their "voice" for the next EU elections of MEPs ? 

Not to react is to condone passively all the critical  attacks launched by Farrage and his Party against all the policies of Conservatives (and Socialists also) not to speak of the Liberal Democrats !!!  

David Cameron wants to fight in the EU to change certain "basic" principles in EU treaties which at present are concreted so fundamentally that they prevent easily any possible changes of a democratic or "revisionistic" nature.    

Farrage and his MEPs must set out and publish the details of the objectives they want to attain after their election as MEPs next April 2014 !

Conservatives and Socialists must fight these elections with a clear program !  What elected MEPs can do in the EU should be controlled in "Westminster".  Or has the centre of "GB Government" been delegated to "Brussels" ?

Friday, 4 October 2013


Banks and International Regulators seem to have forgotton the basic rule in Britain that there is a law on "Usurious Interest Rates".

In Britain there is at present a problem on "Pay-day" loans !  Why ?

The problem seems to be that there is no longer anything which limits the interest rates which "Sharks" can oblige borrowers or repeat borrowers, to pay ? 

Should George Osborne not cover this regrettable situation with updated laws ?   Should "Sharks" not be prosecuted .  "Pay-Day loans " or any other loans at usurious interest rates cannot be tolerated and should never form the basic justification of any National political policy !  Not to act is condoning what "Sharks" are doing now !


Thursday, 3 October 2013


Tant au plan international qu'au plan national, François Hollande semble avoir du  mal à se faire entendre et à atteindre ses objectifs.

Il voulait et le répétait haut et fort: il faut punir Bashar al Assad.  A l'ONU, il n'a pas été suivi...

Ses ministres de l'intérieur et du logement sont divisés sur la question des Roms et le font savoir ouvertement. François Hollande tente de ramener le calme mais sans arbitrer en faveur de l'une, Cécile Duflot, ou de l'autre, Manuel Valls...

François Hollande veut inverser la courbe du chômage avant la fin de l'année et les chiffres publiés le 25 septembre dernier semblaient annoncer une embellie:  50 000 chômeurs de moins en un mois, une baisse d'une telle ampleur n'avait pas été vue depuis 2000 !

Las !  Ces chiffres, vient on d'apprendre, résultaient d'un "bug " le recul serait de 29 000 au lieu de 50 000...


Wednesday, 2 October 2013


David Cameron and George Osborne lament the fact that large and small multinational "operations" can get away with paying just "nominal" tax on their results in Britain !  They can even invoke "tax loss carry-forwards" against a subsequent profit !

The basic rule in taxation is that "one cannot be faulted for avoiding legally to pay tax".  False declarations can lead to prison sentences !

The British press has highlighted repeatedly how important multinational "groups of companies" have "arranged" their operations so as to pay "pitiful" income tax on the results of their "controled subsidiaries" !

There are in fact two major ways to reduce the net income of group subsidiaries, -

     1)  - Invoice the purchase of goods which leaves a minimal profit margin on resales.

     2)  - Invoice "management fees" from head office or "Royalty Charges".

No amount of "audit investigations" on the validity of inter-company charges can substantially change the national problem which is to collect normal profits tax on operations in the UK by multinational companies !

The only way to tax correctly and to cover "suspicious" charges is to make a fundamental change in taxation laws.  

Should George Osborne not introduce a tax based on "turnover" which could be applied when companies blatantly report unrealistic "profit or loss" results ? 

This solution could lead to the question of "what is a normal "Gross profit on sales".  It does not mean that a change in  the approach of how to tax results is not already necessary !



Tuesday, 1 October 2013


Can you imagine two EURO-politicians wider apart than Silvio BERLUSCONI and Angela MERKEL ?

On the one hand you have Berlusconi who has led a scandalous life in Italian politics for the last 20 years, to protect his salacious private life and to protect his business interests.  He is 77 years old, and a multi-Billionnair.  But he makes his money speak !  

He has now thrown a spanner into the Italian Coalition by obliging the "puppet ministers" of his party "Forza Italia" to resign from the "Coalition", with the hope that this will coerce, in the end, judges to decide favourably in any of the miriad of cases this former "Prime Minister" is facing !!! 

What can the Italian President do other than to dissolve Parliament ? This will be the next major decision !

On the other hand you have Angela Merkel,  who at present seeks a "Coalition" in order to retain her well earned place as "Chancellor of Germany" to continue her defence of the EURO and the EUROZONE !  

But, Merkel has less than 50% of the Votes and Deputies which she needs.  There is an opposition in Germany which does question "where does Germany really want to go" ?

Berlusconi has pushed the problem of the Italian National Debt of 2 000 Billion EUROS to the brink:  will Italy be obliged to ask for EUROZONE aid ?  Would Germany be prepared to underwrite "aid" in these circumstances ?  This now enters into all discussions Merkel has to undertake !  

Merkel has always been pliable in the past when recognising obvious boundaries but will she obtain the Coalition she wants ?  Or will she have to accept to redefine the conditions on which a EUROZONE country could leave the EURO ?

Only time will reveal the permanent new policy ! 
