Saturday, 28 December 2013


From a report in the Daily Express dated 28 December 2013, it would seem that Great Britain will have 12 million more "Migrants" by 2060 ! 

"The projections were made more than a year ago but have not been circulated widely outside Brussels and were buried on an obscure part of the Eurostat website" according to the Daily Express ! 

This is a remarkable statement which makes you wonder what the 78 elected British MEP's in Brussels have been doing all the time !  Has none of them ever alerted their Parties or electors to this report ?  Were none of the Political leaders in Britain aware of this report ? 

What is quite unclear is whether this report covers only EU "Migrants" or also other non EU Immigrants from Asia, Africa or from somewhere else ! 

All leading politicians in the EU must be aware of this Report !  Its implications for the future economic well being of the EU are fundamental and need to be addressed now ! 

Border Controls must be defined to clearly limit "immigration".  The EU cannot "invite" an explosion of its population !  Was China really wrong to limit the number of births per family ?

Without changing the "EU" economic principles would a population explosion in the EU not lead to mayhem ?





Pour la première fois depuis 70 ans, le journal LE MONDE a reçu un avis de contrôle fiscal ! (cf Le Figaro du 28 décembre 2013).

Ce qui est à mon sens surprenant, c'est qu'il n'y ait jamais eu de contrôle auparavant alors que les entreprises "normales" sont contrôlées tous les trois à cinq ans...  Une entreprise de presse ne peut se mettre au dessus des lois de la République.

Par ailleurs, le site d'information en ligne Mediapart, a également reçu un avis de contrôle:

"Une attaque illégitime du gouvernement" a hurlé alors son fondateur Edwy Plenel, pourtant si prompt à donner aux autres des  leçons de vertu et de transparence !


Friday, 27 December 2013


François Hollande, farouche adepte de la méthode Coué, et son gouvernement, martèlent depuis le 9 septembre 2012:  "avant la fin de l'année 2013, la courbe du chômage sera inversée."

Or à fin décembre les chiffres du chômage qui viennent d'être rendus publics risquent de remettre en cause la crédibilité de la parole politique. En effet en novembre avec une hausse de 17800, le nombre des demandeurs d'emploi en catégorie A, c'est à dire sans activité, atteint 3 293 300, soit en un an une poussée de 5,6%.

A quelques jours de la présentation de ses voeux aux français, le Président Hollande parviendra-t-il à convaincre les français de plus en plus sceptiques, de l'efficacité de sa boîte à outils pour inverser la courbe du chômage ?  Ou devra-t-il annoncer de nouvelles mesures pour réorienter sa politique en matière d'emploi ?




Since his Presidential Election Victory 18 months ago, with the help of his 60 Promises of what he was going to do, François Hollande still clings to the hope that the official Unemployment Figures at the end of the year 2013 will finally decline !

The official figures which have just been published for November 2013 reveal an increase of unemployed workers of 17,800, bringing the total out of work to  3,293,000 (5,6% more since last year).  

Alas unofficial "leaks" indicate that statistics for December 2013 will again be unfavourable when they are finally published later in January 2014 !
There is a ground swell of criticism from all quarters:

     -  Trade Unions, the backbone of the Socialist Party,  are on the warpath.
     -  Small businessmen complain that the cost of new workers is too high due to Social Charges. Many more small businesses are closing now than ever before.  
     -  Turnover tax rates will increase in the New Year to cover National Budget deficits.
     -  Living Expenses, in particular transport costs, are all slowly rising.

In particular the Government has been criticised for not reducing its operating costs and that this has obliged it to increase taxes.  Private industry has had to cut its costs to survive or remain on a profitable basis.

Everyone is now awaiting the annual "New Year Message" from the President !  What good news has he to announce ?  One hardly dare wonder !

After that, the next big televised occasion will be on the 14th of January 2014 when President Hollande will be interviewed by the Press.  This press conference has already been postponed from the initial date of the 15th of November. 


Wednesday, 25 December 2013


L'affaire nous a été révélée par "Sky News" et conté par le "Daily Telegraph " du 24 décembre:

Un vendeur de religion musulmane peut il refuser de servir de l'alcool ou du porc au motif que cela va à l'encontre de sa religion ?

Oui avait estimé la chaine de magasins "Marks and Spencer" en engageant ses clients à s'adresser dans ce cas à d'autres vendeurs.  Des milliers de clients avaient alors menacé de boycotter les magasins "M & S"...

Devant la pression populaire, la chaîne de magasins "Marks and Spencer" été contrainte de s'excuser auprès de ses clients et de préciser que le personnel de religion musulmane qui ne voulait pas manipuler de tels produits serait affecté à d'autres rayons tels que la boulangerie ou l'habillement...


The previous article in German on Angelica Merkel in fact poses the Question, "Who will follow Barroso as Head of the "EU Commission" ?

It is the "EU Council" of the Head of States which still has the right to nominate the next President of the EU Parliament to replace Manual Barroso who was the last President of the EU Commission !

The previous EU Parliament was composed of elected MEPs who in fact had little power !  They talked a lot but could only vote and debate on laws passed down by the EU Council of Ministers ! 

Someone like Angelica Merkel could change all this !  Should proposals to change critical failures in EU legislation not be proposed by MEPs ?  By elected Members of the EU Parliament ? 



The "profits" Councils make from Parking Penalties is comparable to a local inrease in Direct Income Tax ! 

The income, the profits from "ILLEGAL" parking are being used for what ?  To cover Local Council budgetary expenses ? 

Was the initial intention not to use these "windfall" profits to provide purpose built facilities for motorists to park legally ?

If the British Government wants to promote the increase of the Production of Cars, should it not also ensure more free parking for cars ?


Monday, 23 December 2013


Mann könnte Sich jetzt auch noch fragen ob die nächste Stelle die Angelika möchte wäre nicht als Präsidentin der EU Kommission zu werden ? 

Warum nicht ?  Sie kennt jeden Politiker in die EU !  Sie kennt durchaus alles was auch in Europaischen  Vereinbarungen nicht klingt !  Sie weis auch es gibt viele Änderungen die jetzt mehr als nur nötig sind um dass die EU das Ziel der EU Einheit erreichen kann ! 

Wieder  in eine neue Koalition mit Socialisten in Deutschland eingeschränkt zu sein, ist ein Hinderniss für ihre Zukumft !  Und auch vielleicht für die EU ?


Saturday, 21 December 2013


En dépit de l'avis de l'Autorité de La Concurrence, le ministre de la santé s'oppose à la vente en grande surface de médicaments délivrés sans ordonnance.  Les pharmaciens mettent en avant leur rôle de conseil préalable à la vente.

Pourtant s'il vous est arrivé d'acheter du doliprane ou autre paracétamol dans une pharmacie où vous n'avez pas vos habitudes, le pharmacien s'est-il inquiété de connaître les autres médicaments que vous consommez et les pathologies dont vous souffrez ?



It has become clear from the "fast footwork" by Bankers in the "EU" this week that the "EUROZONE" must now be legally created ! 

EUROZONE Bankers want to create conditions which guarantee their Banks that they will become "almost immune"  to any Bankruptcy laws !  

The real question now becomes: "Why has the EUROZONE never been legally created ?" 

Such an organisation could enact all the legislation it  requires to protect its Banks and the EURO without involving countries which do not have the EURO as their national currency ! 


Friday, 20 December 2013


The wild reactions in Brussels after yesterday's speech by David Cameron, reveal the true nature of the aims of EU Pan-European Politicians !   Some are hell bent to achieve certain objectives quickly by avoiding all  opposition !

The aims of Cameron are clear.  He wants a revision of EU Treaties which are sometimes incomplete in defining obligations and sometimes too wide due to the absence of limitations.

For example, in the case of Migrants and Immigrants, only their Human Rights and the right to circulate are specified, but none of their obligations !

There are no rules to prevent unwanted Immigrants squatting anywhere in the EU but Human Rights laws ensure they are looked after !

Angela Merkel has said frequently she will help but does not want any changes to EU treaties.  What does this mean ?  Should "incomplete or bad treaties" not be changed or updated ?  Is there no longer any room in the EU for democracy ?

With the help of the European Courts of Justice, which have gradually extended their powers, the judgements of National Courts have been overruled and the powers of National Parliaments have been usurped.

There comes a time when someone has to be "unpleasant", to say "STOP", to avoid a derailment !  That is what the British want to do !  And this would not be the first time during the last 100 Years !



Wednesday, 18 December 2013


Does the EU really want to restrict the rights of Migrants or perhaps even Immigrants who aim to invade an EU country without the permission of that country ?

The EU at present has an "open doors" Policy !  Anyone or any tourist who arrives is welcome, but for how long ?  That is the key problem !

The EU attitude is an "open arms" Policy backed by Human Rights treaties and the European Court of Justice.  That is not "Political Policy" conscientiously adopted by the EU nor voted on by the EU Parliament. 

Britain and its Leader, David Cameron, wants to stop the expected invasion of Romanian and Bulgarian "migrants", scroungers in fact,  who have nothing to offer, have never paid any taxes or social contributions in Britain, and who cannot even speak English !

Britain and its port of Dover are already the second "Lampedusa"; Calais the "Holding Point", is ready to release the "migrants" on January 1, 2014, who can then attain their "Utopia" in Dover !   British taxpayers will bear all the costs of course, not the EU ! 

In fact, with EU elections looming in May 2014 most politicians are now already more preoccupied with other personal problems !  They couldn't care less !


Tuesday, 17 December 2013


The obvious reason why Pension Rights are to decline, is because there was a "baby boom" just after the end of the Second World War in 1945 and there are now many more "old people" entitled to pensions.

What seems "obvious" is not always the reality !  There are other reasons !

The reality is that now, pensioners who want to invest money to safeguard their later years, cannot make loans to banks at reasonable interest rates !  To put it bluntly, they cannot invest spare cash profitably. 

The first "fatal blow" was when Gordon Brown "taxed" Company pension schemes.  This meant that Companies were forced to close the schemes because they could no longer ensure the benefits at the same level for beneficiaries.  

The second "fatal blow" was when Banks, with the help of computors and "speculators", were let loose on stock exchanges to "make a fast buck" !  Banks never reported "fast buck profits" but when they were caught-out after a speculator had made a huge loss, they needed huge refinancing "not to go under" !!!

The third and final "fatal blow" was when the Central European Banks decided that low interest rates must be guaranteed to help "countries" in difficulty to obtain financing at a low cost !

Now the Cameron Government wants to reduce benefits to reduce costs and just to balance the National Books !

Hammering the very people who are at the end of their lives, who no longer have the force to protect themselves, is to misunderstand what Social Security has as its aims !


Monday, 16 December 2013


The EU has no Retirement Pension Rules which would oblige all Member Countries to adopt the same rules and principles to cover future Pension Obligations in their country. 

The only measure of standardisation in this area concerns MEPs who are all paid the same wages whether they represent "rich" countries or "very poor" members of the EU !  Pension entitlements are certainly also "standard" !

Future Pensions in the EU are payable at what age ?  There are 28 EU member countries and probably 28 different answers to this question !  From experience this Blog knows that the rules adopted by France and the UK are different !

The rules adopted in different countries vary widely.  What country wants to infringe the EU "Golden Rules" by making huge "catch-up" provisions to cover expected or arising  short term future pension provisions ?

How are the accounts of "future EU Applicants" judged ? Was this problem ever considered in the past ?

What are the rights of Migrants or Immigrants who have never made any pension contributions in the country where they want to settle ?

Does the EU Commission, or Mr Barroso have an answer for the above problems ? 




Sunday, 15 December 2013


Where does "Betting Corruption" start and finish in Sport ?

The answer is clear !  In the pockets of all those who participate in the swindle !  The aim is to falsify in advance what a player should do normally.  The player is "paid" to ensure an unexpected act or an unexpected result of a match !

"Betting Syndicates" are usually located in countries where it is difficult to reach them legally !  They escape prosecution and imprisonment !

Sportsmen are often generously paid for their normal services, but are sometimes seduced by lucrative offers "not to perform", "to make mistakes", for an immediate financial gain !  They hope to "get away" with impunity ! 

This typifies what all individual Sports face when there is corruption ! There is also the additional problem of the public outcry when a well known Sportsman is "suspected". 

There can only be one "Law" !  He who is guilty must be banned for life, but from all sports !  The world governing body of each Major Sport must clearly specify this in its rules. 

Later, on a World basis, all the rules and legal criminal consequents for "Betting" and "Drug Use" and Corruption at all levels in Sport, could be consolidated and become a World Charter. 

At present such an objective is still far away !


Friday, 13 December 2013


The Ukrainian people have this week clearly expressed what they really want, which is the chance of a possible entry into the EU !

To put it another way, they want to escape from the domination or grip which Russia has on them !  They want the freedom which comes when a country or its citizens can freely decide what they want to do or attain !

To be even more precise, what Ukrainian electors now really want is a vote, a vote to decide their political future !  It seemed clear before but at the last moment after talks in Russia, Prime Minister AZAROV and President YANUKOVYCH decided not to quit the domination of Russia !

Their fear was the threat by Russia to cut supplies of gas required to combat the cold of the winter in 2013/4 !  Russia has already carried out such a threat in the past, in 2006 and 2009 ! 

Mass protests can be expected in Kiev's "Independence Square" this weekend !  It is to be hoped that the presence of Vitali Klitschko, the World Boxing Champion, will inspire his countrymen.

One must also hope that the EU is already prepared to help with Winter Fuel.  Russia, or Putin, have already played their final cards on this subject !



Thursday, 12 December 2013


Politicians never want to retire ! (1)  Even Sarkozy is a perfect example !

In January 2012, less than 3 months before his defeat by Hollande, he said to journalists:  "If I am beaten, you will never hear of me again" !

Now, to-day, already, he says "I have no choice, it is my fate, I have to come back"...!                        

In this way, he, Sarkozy has created a "wait and see" atmosphere, but this irks others around him who also want to run as Candidates !  The Statutes of his UMP Party clearly impose primary party elections.  

Sarkozy as a former President  certainly wants to avoid them !  However, as a former beaten President, does he really have any "Superior Rights" ? 

Wait and see what happens ! The next Presidential Elections are in 2017 at the latest !

(1) Read the article published by this Blog on 10 November 2011 entitled "Politicians  never want to retire".


Wednesday, 11 December 2013


Le 10 décembre dernier, la SNCF annonce l'ouverture des réservations  IDTGV  qui permet de voyager du 28 mars au 12 juin prochain, vers plus de 30 destinations en France, pour le prix de 19 euros !

Une aubaine pour ceux qui ont la possibilité de prévoir leurs dates de voyage et qui sont flexibles sur leurs dates de départ et de retour.

Toutefois, les 18 000 billets à 19 euros s'envolent un peu trop vite et particulièrement sur les Paris-Nice !  Le billet peut ainsi passer allègrement en quelques minutes à 26, 36, 45 voire 49 euros et cela au cours même de la procédure de réservation qui se fait obligatoirement par internet !

Il faut donc être rapide car un billet de train à 19 euros, ça se mérite !



To control match fixing in football is complex because there are many different ways to achieve this ultimate aim, which is to falsify the result of a match. 

The only "effective" deterrent available to the "Football Authorities" is to suspend any person involved, but for life, whatever his position may be, as a Player, or Agent, Trainer, Manager, Referee, etc... !

A timid approach will achieve nothing.  Short term or soft suspensions instead of real punishment of well known players or personalities, will never solve, even cure the problem.

Professional Footballers are paid a lot of money.  They must be made to think twice about the penalties they could face if they are caught, which must also be the cancellation of all their contractual rights with their football club ! 

The English FA should act now and even alone !  They should  not rely on FIFA to act promptly because it already has too many other current problems !

At a higher level, perhaps Michel Platini would like to intervene !


Tuesday, 10 December 2013


The legacy of Nelson Mandela is not for timid Politicians nor for Despots or for Tyrants ! 

It is the Message that Equality must be respected and that everyone has the right to live as an Equal, as a man or a woman !

This Rule must be the new and real basis for the future of Life on this, our Planet !


Monday, 9 December 2013


With all the respect one genuinely feels for what Mandela achieved in his lifetime, there is now a stampede by politicians from all over the world to attend his funeral !

Mandela deserves respect but alas did not get it when he was fighting for the equality of Blacks in South Africa, or when he was in prison !

Now almost all Politicians of note, from the past or the present, even known Statesmen or hopeful "underlings", who have never even met him or who never helped him, are coming to his "official" funeral ! 

It is normal that a country wants to be represented on an occasion like this.  However, is it normal that the taxpayers reimburse everyone's expenses just because he feels that he must be "seen" ?



Saturday, 7 December 2013


Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King both had the same "Dream" -  that "Blacks" could become equal citizens with "Whites" in their own country ! 

They fought peacefully to end Racial Prejudice in South Africa and the USA !  With their speeches they won the immense and overwhelming support of their black bretheren which finally achieved their goals.  As Leaders their examples should inspire others. 

Mandela was elected and became the first Black President of South Africa in 1994.  Martin Luther King was assassinated in 1963 but there was no surprise when Barrack Obama became the first Black President of the USA in 2008.

However, Racial and Religious Injustice are still alive today, in particular in the Middle East and Africa, which means Political Leaders must remain alert ! (In this context President Hollande has already intervened in Mali and the Central African Republic.)

How can the gratuitous acts of terrorism by Al Quaida be tolerated ?  How can Political Leaders be allowed to bend laws to stay in power and then become Tyrants ?



Friday, 6 December 2013


At last there is a breath of fresh air where FIFA hesitates to tread !

Rugby has already adopted "sin bins" to punish guilty offenders immediately.  Ice Hockey has used this method for at least sixty years to calm the hotheads in its sport !

Michel PLATINI, the President of UEFA, a former French International Footballer, must be encouraged to push through the "SIN BIN" solution to replace Yellow Cards.

At present FIFA has too many other urgent problems to resolve without launching new ideas that cannot be introduced before the election of the next President of FIFA in 2014 !

New ideas must mature and there may also be others which need consideration.

Why not "VIDEO CONSULTATIONS" to help referees, again a method which RUGBY fans appreciate !  How can a Referee see what is happening behind his back, or if he is unsighted ?  Must it be said that Television Viewers already have the right to see "playbacks" ?

Blatter's "Goal-line Technology" is not enough !

Finally, the Statutes of FIFA need a complete revision, but this is another subject !   FIFA needs fresh ideas and one can only hope that Michel Platini will be empowered to modernise the organisation !



Thursday, 5 December 2013


France was recently ordered to increase the quotas of Tobacco Products which could be brought into France by French residents and visitors coming from other EU countries !

France in fact had permitted only minimal quotas for tourists and returning French residents.   This was  found to infringe the basic rule of the free circulation of people and goods in the EU !  Cigarettes in some bordering countries are much cheaper than in France because taxes are lower !

The EU like France has the avowed Objective to reduce smoking, but in this case the EU wanted to avoid the violation of the "free trade" principle !

France wanted high cost cigarettes to deter smokers and young people becoming smokers.  Would it not have been more effective if the EU had decided to introduce the same prices for Tobacco Products in all countries of the EU ?  

In fact, is this case not another example of "meddling" by Brussels ?  It finally reduces the powers of National Parliaments but never wants to revise its own "Directives" !

The Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, David Cameron, is preparing his files to tackle a number of issues with the EU.  If the "Entente Cordiale" is still a living memory of the Past, then France may wish to join him !


Monday, 2 December 2013


Les députés ont adopté en commission des finances l'augmentation des quotas de cigarettes et cigares pouvant être rapportés de l'étranger.  Ceci après une condamnation de la France par la Cour Européenne de Justice.

C'est une mauvaise nouvelle pour tous les buralistes français notamment ceux situés à proximité des pays étrangers limitrophes, là ou le prix des cigarettes est moins cher qu'en France, et qui verront donc leur chiffre d'affaires diminué.

C'est une très mauvaise nouvelle pour la lutte anti-tabac puisque l'augmentation du prix des cigarettes avait un pouvoir dissuasif particulièrement auprès des jeunes.

Certes l'union européenne a déjà mis en place plusieurs instruments destinés à encourager les citoyens à cesser de fumer ou à dissuader les jeunes de commencer.

Toutefois la lutte contre le tabagisme au niveau européen ne devrait-elle pas aussi passer par une harmonisation des prix du tabac ?


Sunday, 1 December 2013


Russia is a two-class organisation !  Politicians who favour Putin are safe !  Politicians and anyone else who oppose the official line, are not safe !  But there is a real opposition in Russian Streets at present !

Basically all former Soviet satellites were happy to choose their future when the Berlin Wall "fell" in 1989.  Several are now in the EU (East Germany, Check Republic, Slovakia, Slovenia, Poland, Bulgaria, ...) or are now applicants for entry (Albania, ...).  All these countries explain why the EU has suddenly grown bigger !

Gorbacheff was the Leader of Russia in 1989 when the old Regime collapsed due to its former political policies and he could do nothing to stop the mass defection of former Russian "Satellites" !

Now in 2013 Putin wants to stop Ukraine from escaping the domination of Russia !  Putin threatens to use military force, whether it is Ukrainian or from elsewhere !

Why ?  Does Putin not realise that History is repeating itself ?  Do Putin and his henchmen not realise that  ex-Russian satellites want a better life, that they want "Independence" from Russian domination ?

All this started in Hungary in 1956 !  Then there was the Berlin wall in 1989 !  Now in 2013, it is the Ukraine ! What next ?
