From a report in the Daily Express dated 28 December 2013, it would seem that Great Britain will have 12 million more "Migrants" by 2060 !
"The projections were made more than a year ago but have not been circulated widely outside Brussels and were buried on an obscure part of the Eurostat website" according to the Daily Express !
This is a remarkable statement which makes you wonder what the 78 elected British MEP's in Brussels have been doing all the time ! Has none of them ever alerted their Parties or electors to this report ? Were none of the Political leaders in Britain aware of this report ?
What is quite unclear is whether this report covers only EU "Migrants" or also other non EU Immigrants from Asia, Africa or from somewhere else !
All leading politicians in the EU must be aware of this Report ! Its implications for the future economic well being of the EU are fundamental and need to be addressed now !
Border Controls must be defined to clearly limit "immigration". The EU cannot "invite" an explosion of its population ! Was China really wrong to limit the number of births per family ?
Without changing the "EU" economic principles would a population explosion in the EU not lead to mayhem ?