Monday, 16 December 2013


The EU has no Retirement Pension Rules which would oblige all Member Countries to adopt the same rules and principles to cover future Pension Obligations in their country. 

The only measure of standardisation in this area concerns MEPs who are all paid the same wages whether they represent "rich" countries or "very poor" members of the EU !  Pension entitlements are certainly also "standard" !

Future Pensions in the EU are payable at what age ?  There are 28 EU member countries and probably 28 different answers to this question !  From experience this Blog knows that the rules adopted by France and the UK are different !

The rules adopted in different countries vary widely.  What country wants to infringe the EU "Golden Rules" by making huge "catch-up" provisions to cover expected or arising  short term future pension provisions ?

How are the accounts of "future EU Applicants" judged ? Was this problem ever considered in the past ?

What are the rights of Migrants or Immigrants who have never made any pension contributions in the country where they want to settle ?

Does the EU Commission, or Mr Barroso have an answer for the above problems ? 




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