Saturday, 7 December 2013


Nelson Mandela and Martin Luther King both had the same "Dream" -  that "Blacks" could become equal citizens with "Whites" in their own country ! 

They fought peacefully to end Racial Prejudice in South Africa and the USA !  With their speeches they won the immense and overwhelming support of their black bretheren which finally achieved their goals.  As Leaders their examples should inspire others. 

Mandela was elected and became the first Black President of South Africa in 1994.  Martin Luther King was assassinated in 1963 but there was no surprise when Barrack Obama became the first Black President of the USA in 2008.

However, Racial and Religious Injustice are still alive today, in particular in the Middle East and Africa, which means Political Leaders must remain alert ! (In this context President Hollande has already intervened in Mali and the Central African Republic.)

How can the gratuitous acts of terrorism by Al Quaida be tolerated ?  How can Political Leaders be allowed to bend laws to stay in power and then become Tyrants ?



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