Saturday, 1 February 2014


Does Scotland want total INDEPENDENCE or just more LOCAL GOVERNMENT ?  That seems to be the "REAL" question !
This is a thorny problem but it be can be reduced to a simple "either or" option !  In the end the electorate in Scotland must have "the" vote, "the" option to decide the future of Scotland ! 

Politicians in Scotland, but also others in Westminster, must point out the advantages of being part of "Great Britain" or of becoming part of a smaller country, which would be "Scotland" ! 

There are obvious advantages but there are also hidden consequences !  "Hidden" because either way wrong options  could be costly if the "COST" of "INDEPENDENCE" is not realistically put before the electorate !  

Hidden costs which must be assumed by an Independent Country, are costs connected with International Relations, Diplomats, Passports for real Scots, adhesion to the EU and UNO and other Organisations, not to speak of the cost of establishing a Scottish Parliament !  

Would Scottish electors really want to create more posts for Politicians to reduce unemployment ?

Finally, the REAL and VERY SERIOUS problem is how would Scotland finance its future ?

If Scotland wants to become independent of "BRITAIN" it must manage its own finances !  It must create its own "Money" and its own "Bank" to control its parity with other currences !

BUT, if Scottish voters really only want more influence over their "Regional Government" responsibilities, such an option would be a relatively minor Financial or Organisational problem ! 



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