Thursday 17 December 2015


France has declared war on IS Terrorists and other countries like Britain, USA and Russia have also launched Drones or bombed Terrorist strongholds in the Middle East.

However, have all members of the EU passed legislation in their own country to permit the rapid arrest of suspected IS activists or terrorists ?  The IS never respects any "human rights" when attacks are launched in the Middle East, in the EU or anywhere else !   It kills civilians and destroys everything in its path.

Have all countries created special laws for arresting and detaining Terrorists ?  In France a "State of Emergency" has been declared to help the detection of crime by organised gangs of Terrorists.

Even this is not enough !  Where do you put suspected terrorists while investigations are ongoing ?   In France there are not enough prisons for even normal criminals. 

In fact, Terrorists should not be detained in normal Prisons.  They must be housed in purpose built prisons and in separate cells.  If they are convicted and sentenced to serve many years in jail, that Jail should not be in a populated town but on a remote island !     

Building secure Prisons takes time and should be undertaken as soon as possible.  Stopping IS in the Middle East will take time but wiping out independent Terrorist cells in all EU countries and elsewhere, will take much longer !  



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