Wednesday 12 November 2014


Yesterday, November 11, 2014, a decision by the European Court of Justice reopened the debate on Tourists who seek to "profit" from Social Benefits when visiting countries where they have never worked or even tried to find work.

This judgement, which now ignites a vast discussion, arises from an appeal by a Romanian woman who was refused "rights" in Germany, where she had lived with her sister for five years !  Long term it will provoke a revision of certain fundamental provisions in the Treaties of the EU !
However, this is just a small drip of the water in the Orient !  The ripple effect will last until EU Treaties have been properly redefined.   The affirmation by Manual Borroso that "Benefits Tourism" does not exist in the EU or EUROZONE has now been officially contradicted !
David Cameron knows this is just a start.  He will now have the support some other countries which have been less combative in the past !  Even Angela Merkel cannot ignore the impact of this Judgement !

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