Saturday 25 April 2015


What is becoming quite clear is that Nicola Sturgeon wants to become the Deputy Prime Minister either in a coalition with the Conservatives or with the Socialists !  

Of secondary importance are the conditions she would impose for her SNP party !  These seem to depend on who is Prime Minister !  Does this not display a certain amount of arrogance ? 

Should she not now be fighting first of all for her electors, in particular on the issues which need to be resolved and which are still in the domaine of the responsibilities of the Westminster Parliament ?  

She must accept that last year in the Referendum, Scotland voted against total Independence !  She must also accept that this question cannot eternally become an issue each time there is an Election !  

In fact with the increased devolution of responsibilities, do Scottish voters not want to see how Scottish SMPs acquit themselves in their Holyrood Parliament, before again voting "for or against" Independence ?  

The next time the Scottish Electorate "clammers" for such a vote, their then Leader must prepare a Manifesto containing all the hard Financial facts and figures (agreed with the Chancellor in Westminster) justifying the main arguments and effects of Independence (or more Devolution) !  To say the least, those calculations will be complex ! 

Without entering into any of the details in this short article, there are two Acts of Parliament which both sides must also take into account !  They are the Act of Union of England and Scotland in 1603 and the Act of Union 1707. 

If or when there is another "Referendum" should all electors in the UK not have a right to vote ? The "Manifesto" must specify what assets Scotland would obtain in the case of Independence.  Will Scotland get North Sea Oil assets for example ?  They cannot be allowed to "cherry pick" some assets without considering connected obligations !

Timewise would it be reasonable, or even possible, to plan another Referendum within the next 15 years !  

In the current election, Nicola Sturgeon is jumping the gun and confusing voters !                                                                                                          
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