Friday 21 August 2015


This week Britain and France have signed an agreement to jointly act and bear the cost for the control of Migrants in Calais who aim to cross the channel to Britain.  Just another agreement...

In effect, for at least ten years Calais has been inundated with unwanted "Migrants" from Asia, Africa and recently from the Middle East. 

France and Great Britain have regularly met over the years to try to stem the tide of "migrants" from all over the world, who are trying to escape persecution and misery, often caused by polititical unrest, civil war and terrorism.

Does the United Nations act ?  Do other world powers act to prevent the abuse of Human Rights ?  Does the European Union act to protect its citizens ?   No one acts or does anything to solve basic problems !  Has Ban Ki moon proposed effective solutions to reduce the number  of refugees forced to leave the Middle East ?

Do Politicians and Diplomats think that the continued agression of Extremist Muslims can ultimately lead to a lasting Peace in the Middle East ?

Likewise, perhaps by not firmly closing the Borders of the European Union, do EU politicians hope that unwanted Migrants will be dissuaded if they are sent back home, cost-free, on an areoplane by Britain or France ?  

Angela Merckel, on behalf of Germany and the EUROZONE has closely examined the Greek economy, but has made no recomendations on how to reduce the number of "Migrants" from the Middle East that daily invade Greece.


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