Thursday 27 August 2015


Everyone everywhere is quick to talk about the urgent problem of "uncontrolled" immigration into the EU !  Sometimes figures or statistics are published to reveal the importance of the problem being highlighted.

What is never published is an authoritative statement of the whole subject of migration and immigration into each and all countries of the EU.  How many Chinese, Japanese, Syrians and Nigerians etc. have entered and left ?  

Likewise for what reason have immigrants wanted to enter the EU.  Are they temporary visitors or long term migrants from another EU country ?   Or are they  refugees fleeing from oppression ? 

The current trend is to use the word "migrant" which then covers everyone leaving for another country.  Any isolated statistics which are then quoted to underline the importance of what is being said, cannot be understood in the total context of "immigration" !  Imprecise language abounds !

Finally, Angela Merkel, the Chancellor of Germany says the EU cannot refuse to help refugees coming from the Middle East countries which are being destroyed by Extremist Muslims.   This is a normal and pious hope.     

Accepting such refugees is one thing, but what are her solutions to stop the increasing flow of these miserable people who are forced out of their home countries ?  For how many more years will German Electors tolerate the arrival of 800 000 refugees ?   This is her estimate for 2015 !  




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