Tuesday 25 August 2015


The prospect of 800 000 new immigrants settling in Germany in 2015 has now even startled Angela Merkel !

As Chancellor of Germany and Leader of the EUROZONE, she has always staunchly defended the principles of EU Treaties signed many years ago when, for example, Extreme Muslim terrorists were not yet active and did not yet want to conquer the Middle East or parts of Africa.

Now fleeing refugees are being driven out of their Middle East homes to avoid being slaughtered.  They have not really chosen to emigrate : they have fled to save their lives.  They know that European countries have sworn,  after two World Wars, to avoid a third War in Europe !

Chancellor Merkel now wants all countries to share the cost and responsibility of the sudden invasion of unwanted Immigrants, or "Migrants" which is the word often preferred, which is a more comforting word, albeit less precise !

This is not the solution which EU countries favour.  The message from voters in all recent elections is that they want strict controls at all points of entry into the EU to stop unwanted immigrants.

As an informed Leader of the EU, Angela Merkel must surely know that the USA and Britain are actively occupied in the Middle East.   The destructive activities of the Islamic State and its systematic extermination of all non-muslim inhabitants must be stopped or at least be contained, but not only in the Middle East and Africa but in every country of the EU as well.

This, Chancellor Merkel, is what electors in the EU want, even in Germany !



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