Wednesday 9 September 2015


The Middle East is at present a hotbed of local conflicts.  Extreme Islamists, in the name of Allah, are destroying everything in their path, with the avowed aim of wanting to create a new totalitarian State of Islam; this has resulted in thousands of people of all religious communities to flee from the Middle East.  

For the last 18 months the Western Coalition has increasingly bombarded key Islamic State positions in Iraq.   France has just started  reconnaissance flights  over the Syrian State. 

It is Feet on the Ground from local areas of conflict which are required, to ensure the gradual recovery of land conquered by the Islamist State.

Several Western Countries have also been attacked by Islamic Terrorists and they now work together to identify nests of activists in their respective countries.  

These activists plan more attacks in Europe and  also recruit and prepare future soldiers to fight in the Middle East to further the cause of the Islamic State.  It is a sad reality that these "soldiers" in fact become cheap "cannon fodder" on the front lines and are 90% of the battle casualties !

Urgent meetings are taking place to increase the co-ordination of the efforts of the West.  It is only in this way that one can reasonably expect a diminution of the number of refugees fleeing against their will. 




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