Tuesday 8 September 2015


The current invasion of the EU by Immigrants was not foreseen when EU Treaties were adopted.  This has already created confusion which is testified by the lose way "new arrivals" at EU frontiers are described.

One cannot simply refuse entry to all "new arrivals", particularly when they are victims of oppression like those fleeing their homes to escape callous Extremist Muslims in the Middle East. 

Germany is prepared to accept more than its fair share of immigrants and other countries also will help.  This is admirable, but with probably more than a million "new arrivals" this year and in 2016 as well, what will their rights be ?

The SCHENGEN Treaty was originally signed in 1985 and provided for the "free movement of persons" within the EU.  Finally it was integrated in the AMSTERDAM Treaty of 1997 and now forms the basic law on "immigration" into the EU.

The question now becomes "could new immigrants from outside the EU acquire the right to migrate to any other country once they have obtained the "right to reside" in an EU country" ?  If the answer is "Yes" then what would happen if all the new migrants later decide they would prefer to settle in France rather than in Germany.

If immigrants obtain the nationality and passport of an EU country, could they then freely move to another EU country of their choice like a migrant who was "born and bred" in the EU ? 

Should a clear definition not be enacted in the EU Treaties that only an EU Citizen who was born and bred in the EU has the "right to migrate" to another EU country ?        

Smaller countries in the EU need protection because they cannot afford to accommodate floods of migrants !  Some are already manifesting their reluctance and threatening to close their Frontier to all immigrants. 

Also European Leaders must realise that there are many other potential immigrants from other corners of the World like Africa and Asia, who are watching and wondering if now is not the time to try their luck.

Without "Action" the current immigration crisis will not "just go away" for a long time !




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