Thursday, 5 January 2012


In spite of the recent "BRITISH EU VETO" which David Cameron used, to make clear to Angela Merkel and Nicholas Sarkozy that Britain would not accept to pay for the "bottomless costs" to save the EURO,  another attempt to make Britain pay something has already been put together.

The European Commission, of which Manuel Barroso is the President, wants to raise 45 Billion Euros through a levy on share dealings and other financial operations in the EU.  The tax would be a minimal one centime of a EURO on each transaction !!!

This would hit the City financial area right between the eyes.  Business would be transferred from the City to other world financial centres.  The result would be lower profits and job losses;  the total loss to Britain alone would probably be much higher than the total tax collected by the EU !!!  What the effect of this tax would be on the Pound Sterling needs to be calculated !!!

Propping-up the EURO has been badly mismanaged in my humble opinion.  The EU and its LISBON TREATY were not ready for staving off the GREEK bankruptcy or to avoid the consequent run on the EURO !!!

Now no one in the EU or "EUROZONE"  really wants to provide more funding for Greece.  The Greeks know this and understand that their sole realistic option is to declare their country bankrupt and to abandon the EURO !!!  This could happen very quickly !!! 

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