Monday, 16 January 2012


The leading French television station, TF1, decided to transmit, yesterday evening at prime time, the sorry story of Maud Sapin, a woman aged about 59, who was arrested at her home on the suspicion that she had falsified her driving license !!!

The facts are simple.  She was unknown to the police, i.e.  had no criminal record,  she had held a driving license for 35 years but she had been caught driving at more than 50 kilometers per hour in a built up area.  Police came to her home because there was a query about her driving license.  She had committed her "crime" on March 8, 2010 !!!

In her interview on TV she tearfully said she had been subjected to questioning as though she was a criminal, fingerprinted and was finally ordered to undress completely in the presence of a policewoman !!!  She then spent the night in a cell !!!  From the interview it was not clear whether she had been informed of her "Human Rights" or Legal Rights to call on an Advocate !!! 

The next day the police discovered that her driving license was not forged !!!  She was released. Last month only, in December 2011, 18 months after her arrest and release, she made a complaint about the police.    

France is not a Totalitarian Country !!!  The foregoing facts shock every normal thinking citizen.  However, the next Presidential Election is now less than 100 days away !!!  How can the National N° 1 Television Station, TF 1, justify transmitting the above interview just before the coming election for events which took place almost two years ago ? 

This in fact may put unecessary pressure on and orientate, the electors' choice of the future President of France.  Is this admissible ?

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