Every two or three years there are animated discussions in Britain on the problem of EUTHANASIA. Recently another report was issued on the subject and of course both sides, those who are for and those who are against, aired their views.
Should any form of euthanasia be permitted ?
The updated (amended) SUICIDE ACT (1961) states quite clearly that it is not a crime to commit suicide !!! The Act also makes clear that complicity, aiding and/or abetting anyone to commit suicide, is a criminal act. The punishment is Imprisonment for up to 14 Years.
What is not covered by the Act or by Jurisprudence, is the case of a terminally ill patient or person who is suffering enormous pain and who wants to die !!! Those who are mentally alert can obtain legal advice, sign documents, then go abroad with a friend or family member to a country where Euthanasia is permitted. In this case it would, in my oppinion, be difficult for the Director of Public Presecutions (DPP) to bring someone to trial.
The main case that remains, is that of a terminally ill person who is considered as being insane or who cannot express himself coherently. People around him are fully aware of his condition and know he wants to die. In such a case a procedure should be established where a judge is named to proceed with an enquiery. The DPP is probably the best person to propose most of the conditions.
The object must be to introduce a Euthanasia Rights Law. Without such a law, situations will arise when the lives of hopelessly terminally sick people are secretly ended on grounds of compassion.
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