There are "Golden Rules" for countries in the EUROZONE, but what are these "golden rules" for State Pensions promises which must be honoured and are payable in the near future, within the next year or next five years ?
Do all the Official National Accounts cover this long term liability ? Or is the "glib" answer that current contributions by active workers will cover this liability in spite of the rising longevity of humans ?
All and any plans for the future must take into account this rising cost ? Pension liabilities in EUROZONE and also in EU countries, vary widely !
When Immigrants or Migrants settle in an EU country, what are the principles and their rights ? Which rules does the Court of Human Rights apply ? Does it apply only EU rules ?
When MEPs vote, or when the EU Commission Auditors verify the accounts officially published by an EU country, or by countries wanting to join the EU, what rules on the Uniformity of Accounting Principles in the EU do they use ?