Thursday, 29 May 2014
Wednesday, 28 May 2014
The message of voters to their MEPs is loud and clear. They want the EU to change the way it functions and to change some of the principles enshrined in Treaties.
Some long serving MEPs have been staggered by this message and want to avoid changing treaties which it has taken years to get adopted. Everyone can remember the farce surrounding the adoption of the Lisbon Treaty in 2009.
At present politicians are preoccupied with the nomination of a candidate to become the next President of the EU Commission. This time it is the MEPs of the EU Parliament who will vote, to accept or not, the candidate proposed by the Council of the EU. It could take months to find a candidate who is acceptable to both the Council and the Parliament.
This does not mean that MEPs cannot already start work on preparing legislative changes to Treaties.
What was the leading message from electors ? Did they not want more control of "IMMIGRATION, MIGRATION and TEMPORARY VISITORS" in the EU ? This is a vast task but it must be completed during this five year EU legislature.
MEPs should start work now rather than later !
Tuesday, 27 May 2014
En reconnaissant la "vérité douloureuse" du résultat des élections européennes, François Hollande a donné l'image d'un Président KO debout. Son parti a fait moins de 14%, pourtant François Hollande entend continuer comme avant !
En l'observant hier, lors de son allocution télévisée, nous avions l'impression d'un poisson pris dans la nasse.
Le risque, c'est qu'il nous y entraine tous également !
Comme à moi, cela vous arrivera peut être : impossible ce matin de "dézoomer" l'ecran de mon I Pad ; tout y est démesurément agrandi et mes tentatives pour fermer l'écran restent vaines.
Un voisin ami vient de m'apporter la solution que j'avais en vain cherchée au préalable sur internet. Je vous la livre: il faut fermer l'écran en appuyant SIMULTANEMENT sur le bouton situé sur la tranche supérieure de l'écran et le petit carré situé au bas de l'I Pad.
Lors de la réouverture de l'I Pad, l'écran reprend sa taille normale.
In France, the EU Elections, in which the National Front (NF) won 24 seats, provoked two earthquakes which now dominate all discussions:
- One concerns French National Politics
- The second concerns the political changes expected in the EU Parliament where other extreme right NF parties have also gained additional MEPs.
The disarray of all the parties in France who lost a total of 22 seats to the NF means errors of judgement before the 2012 General Election must now be seen in a new light and corrected.
In particular the UMP party which had several similar political objectives as NF but refused any collaboration with that party, must now rethink its strategy. It led to the defeat of President Sarkozy by François Hollande and also the defeat of UMP at the General election. It is expected that UMP heads will roll and that Sarkozy will reappear on the political stage !
The Socialists also and President Hollande in particular, must reappraise their position. The popularity of President Hollande is now at its lowest ebb. His popularity is the lowest of any of the preceding six Presidents since the creation of the Fifth Republic by de Gaulle in 1960.
The new Prime Minister, Manual Valls, appointed recently after the disasterous Local Election results, is clearly conscious of what needs to be done.
The second "Earthquake" will result in changes in the organisation and the politics of the EU Parliament in Brussels. Changes to Treaties must also be made.
In spite of these "earthquakes" nothing will be easy. There are 28 member states now, large and small ! All will protect their national interests !
The first problem to be surmounted is the election of a new President of the EU Commission to replace the retiring Manual Barroso. This will produce a lot of political wrangling and could take weeks if not months before a suitable "President" can be "adopted" !
Monday, 26 May 2014
En envoyant 24 députés Front National au Parlement européen, contre 3 précédemment, les français ont adressé un signal fort à l'Europe et à François Hollande.
Les gesticulations de Manuel Valls et ses promesses de dernière minute (baisse des impôts pour 1,8 million de foyers dès 2014) n' y auront rien changé. Pas plus que les accents lepénistes de Nicolas Sarkozy qui dans une longue tribune dans "Le Point" réclamait la suspension immédiate de Schengen et la restitution aux Etats de "pas moins de la moitié des actuelles compétences communautaires".
Dès hier soir Jean-Christophe Cambadélis, Premier secrétaire du Parti Socialiste, parlait "d'un jour sombre pour la démocratie, pour la France et pour l'Europe".
Toutefois, ce qui est scandaleux c'est que par le jeu des modalités actuelles du scrutin électoral, un parti politique qui rassemble 25% des électeurs, ne soit actuellement représenté que par deux députés à l'Assemblée Nationale !
Seule l'élection des députés à la proportionnelle permettrait d'assurer une meilleure représentativité des partis politiques. François Hollande s'y était engagé et chacun attend maintenant qu'il tienne sa promesse électorale !
L'élection du Parlement européen par les 28 pays de l'Union a mis en lumière leurs différences sur les modalités du vote; en voici un exemple:
En France, avant de mettre son bulletin de vote dans l'urne, il faut présenter une pièce d'identité avec photographie. La présentation de la carte d'électeur n'est toutefois pas obligatoire.
En Angleterre, aucune pièce d'identité n'est exigée et la présentation de la carte électorale n'est pas non plus requise. Il suffit de donner son nom et son adresse au bureau de vote avant de glisser son bulletin dans l'urne.
De telles modalités seraient elles concevables en France ?
On peut imaginer les possibilités de fraude qui s'ensuivraient !
The sweeping gains made by the Extreme Right wing parties in the EU Elections will serve as a "Wake-up call" to the leaders of Political Parties which have suffered losses. However, some electors have only registered a protest vote, while others clearly want to see changes to EU policies and Treaties.
In France the National Front Party of Marine Le Pen won 24 seats, a gain of 21. In the United Kingdom, Nigel Farage, the leader of UKIP, also won 24 seats with a gain of 11 on the 2009 election .There are 28 large and small countries, all prepared to protect their national interests. This is normal but could this not also stifle change ?
The very first thing to be settled is the appointment of the new President of the EU Commission to replace Manual Barroso whose term of office expires this year. Germany for example, will want a candidate who accepts the current rules of managing the EURO, that the "Golden Rules" remain intact, that leaving the EURO is not an option for any country of the EUROZONE !Let us not forget, previously the post of President of the EU Commission was an appointment made by the Council of Ministers. Now the Council of Ministers can only propose a candidate and it is the EU Parliament which votes, to adopt or not, the proposed nomination.
Friday, 23 May 2014
Debates on television and the radio, press reports and conversations in shops and markets, all reveal one thing : at the moment electors do not trust the EU and therefore remain fervent "Nationalists" !
Whether the subject concerns Immigration, Migration, the EURO, Centralised Banking, all the electors want to be certain that life afterwards in the EU will be better than it was when their country joined the EU !
In the same country some electors plead that their country should leave the EU before it is too late, others plead the EU must change and that all countries must be prepared to make concessions ! Few admit that ultimately the EU could become a better place than their country to live in afterwards. Accepting changes needs guts and courage !
President Kennedy knew this when he said "Ask not what your COUNTRY can do for you, ask what YOU can do for your country" !
Thursday, 22 May 2014
In order to attain the ultimate objective of a "Federated Block of European Nations" which can then protect itself against other Geographical or Political blocks, the EU needs a currency like the EURO to ensure cohesion.
However, at present the EURO is out of favour ! Is this not because the EURO was created too quickly and too early ? Afterwards were new member countries not permitted to join before they were really ready ? Was it not the cost of adopting and applying certain new principles in the major Treaties of the EU constitution that led to "bail-outs" ?
Many political parties in the EU elections want changes to Treaties and Principles. Immigration and Migration rule changes top of their lists.
EURO rules are also singled out. Germans think bail-outs are a costly experience ! The famous 3% rule is being questioned ? Countries in the EUROZONE can no longer devalue their EURO currency - they are "bailed out" instead and their citizens suffer the consequences !
Instead of "Bail outs" would a softer approach not be to permit "opt outs" from the EURO for a certain time, so that countries can devalue their new local currency and then rejoin the EURO after having correctly realigned their national principles with those of the EU ?
The EUROZONE must review certain of its principles which were adopted too quickly and too early !
Dans une longue tribune parue dans l'hebdomadaire "Le Point" ce 22 Mai Nicolas Sarkozy tente une nouvelle fois de "siphonner" les voix du Front National pour la prochaine élection du Parlement européen.
Il y formule ces propositions que ne désavouerait pas Marine Le Pen:
- "suspendre immédiatement Schengen",
- remplacer Schengen par "un Schengen 2" auquel les pays membres ne pourraient adhérer qu'après avoir préalablement adopté une même politique d'immigration",
- "défense de notre identité",
- "sauvegarde des spécificités nationales",
- restitution aux Etats de "pas moins de la moitié des actuelles compétences communautaires".
Ne croirait-on pas entendre sur ces points la Présidente du Front National ?
Sanctionner le stationnement illicite, verbaliser les propriétaires de chiens qui "oublient" de ramasser les déjections de leur animal, interdire d'étendre le linge entre 6 heures du matin et 22 heures aux balcons, fenêtres et façades des immeubles donnant sur la rue dans le centre ville... Quoi de plus normal pour un maire soucieux de l'image, de l'esthétique et de la propreté de sa ville ?
De nombreuses municipalités ont depuis longtemps pris des arrêtés en ce sens.
Or, les mêmes arrêtés pris tout récemment sur ces points par la municipalité de Béziers font l'objet, depuis hier, de larges commentaires railleurs dans la presse et les journaux télévisés !
Il est vrai que le nouveau maire de Béziers est Robert Ménard, un proche du Front National ...
Wednesday, 21 May 2014
Everyone seems to want changes in the EU. Some extremists simply want to "get out" of the EU. Others drag their feet when pleas for changes are proposed !
For many diverse reasons changes must be made after the EU Parliamentary Elections this week.
For more than 65 years, from small beginnings, 6 European "forefathers" met and then with the ROME Treaty in 1957 the EU of 6 countries was born. Slowly more countries joined until now there are 29, with others itching to join !
There have been an ever increasing number of ideologists of all types who have influenced the basic Treaties of the EU over the last 60 years, while European life and thinking since the Second World War has also completely changed.
Simply said there are many things RIGHT and many things WRONG in the "EU" and in its Treaties. NOW the time has come to calmly "clean-up" ! Do EUROSCEPTICS and EXTREMISTS, who advocate getting-out of the EU, or ending the whole existence of the EU, really merit our vote ?
What Candidates should be explaining now is what is wrong and what changes they propose to support ! They should be giving the EU a real chance to realise its aims ! If in 5 years time the EU has not changed enough, everyone can change their vote !
En principe le stationnement des deux roues motorisées sur les trottoirs est passible d'une amende de 35 euros.
Toutefois à Paris, compte tenu de l'insuffisance du nombre de places de stationnement, le Préfet de Police dans une note du 13 mars 2008, a incité les agents verbalisateurs à la clémence, dans la mesure où le "deux roues" ne gène pas le cheminement des piétons et des fauteuils roulants.
Mais la clémence est devenue laxisme et c'est en toute impunité que les motos ont désormais envahi les trottoirs parisiens et y circulent pour atteindre une place de stationnement ... Difficile alors pour les piétons de se frayer un passage sur les trottoirs au milieu de dizaines d'imposantes motos !
Aussi le 17 décembre 2013, face à cette situation et à l'initiative de Christophe Najdovski, le Conseil de Paris a voté à l'unanimité un "vœu" contre le stationnement des deux roues motorisées sur les trottoirs. Or Christophe Najdovski, élu de EELV au conseil municipal, vient d'être nommé adjoint au maire chargé des transports, de la voirie et des déplacements...
Les piétons auront ils enfin une chance d'être entendus et le "vœu" du conseil municipal se concrétisera- t-il ?
Tuesday, 20 May 2014
Stormy days seem to lie ahead for Blatter, FIFA and its organisation ! In particular...
1 - Brazil and the World Cup next month: in view of the social unrest against the cost of staging the World Cup Finals, will the safety of the cream of the world's footballers and the visiting spectators be assured ? Also, will all the stadiums be ready in time ?
2 - What will happen if in 2018 Russia is at war or cannot stage as planned the World Cup Finals ? Is there an agreed reserve venue available ?
3 - Will Qatar as planned still "Host" the 2022 World Cup Finals, in spite of alleged fraud, the extreme heat and the problems linked to the building of football stadiums ? Will FIFA vote to change the venue of the 2022 World Cup at the next assembly ?
Would it not be wise if FIFA always nominated a reserve venue for any World Cup Hosts to avoid the effect of unpredictable circumstances ?
Also should FIFA not "vet" the suitability of "Candidate Hosts" before choosing future venues ? Who went to Qatar and did not notice there could be a heat problem ?
Finally, the statutes of FIFA place no limitation on the length of service for elected officials. This prevents the promotion of younger blood in the organisation and represents a weakness in the internal control system.
The 16 year reign of Sepp Blatter as President has not been very smoothe. With all the ongoing problems the closing of the accounts of FIFA will not be easy. Will the auditors sign a "clean certificate" ? Will everything be explained in the notes to the Accounts !
Many Politicians in Europe are worried by the effect the election of MEPs this week will have on the EU Parliament !
For the first time, EU national electors appear to understand that their local national MPs are limited by the overriding powers of "Brussels". Without knowing how this can be done, they want changes : they want some of these powers to be returned to national Parliaments. Is this not normal ?
From a total EU standpoint, this frustration is even more complex because the same changes are not sought by each or all the 28 member countries of the EU.
The only way forward, in order to respect the wishes of electors, is to make changes to certain rules embedded in the treaties which form the Constitution of the EU. This is very difficult and, alas, is exactly what some older seasoned EU politicians want to avoid at all costs !
Sometimes the same changes are sought by several countries. An example is the Schengen Treaty and its principles of free movement of goods and people. Some countries want EU immigration controls and a right to fix national quotas to limit the number of immigrants. This Treaty really needs to be reviewed and modified.
The EUROZONE of 18 countries will also have a battle over the 3% golden rule. This again is an example of how the sacred rules of the EU risk changing particularly now when the EURO seems to be weakening.
There will be changes after the elections this week; these changes must keep the EU competitive with other major trading blocks in the world.
Electors must therefore vote for the candidate they think is best ! If you do not vote it means you are giving others a better chance to get what THEY want !
Monday, 19 May 2014
All eyes will closely watch President Putin and Russia during the coming hours and days. Basically the question is : "Will Putin, with the benediction of the Douma, decide to protect rioting ethnic Russians in Ukraine and in this way, annexe Ukraine" ?
When in February 2014 the last President of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych, an ethnic Russian, fled to Moscow after he was overthrown, it was decided to hold a new Presidential Election on 25 May 2014. Will Putin now try to stop this Election ?
Putin has already annexed Crimea this year and would dearly like to repeat this operation. He wants to recover Ukraine which fled the yoke of Communist Russia in 1991 at the same time as 10 other satellite countries, most of which are now in the EU.
In the meantime, Russian troops are constantly manoeuvering near the borders with Ukraine while Putin repeats that Ukraine must pay Russia for the Siberian Gas it has supplied. The Russian Rouble is sliding towards a new devaluation because rich oligarchs have transferred Billions of hard currencies into western tax havens.
Will something happen this week ?
AN EXPLOSIVE WEEK : 19-25 MAY 2014 !
One always talks about the "Merry Month of May" but this coming week in particular promises to be "explosive" ! A selection of the upcoming events and/or problems are;
1 - Will Russia permit Ukraine to hold its Presidential Elections on May 25 ?
2 - EU Parliamentary Elections will take place in all EU countries this week.
3 - Cannes Film Festival ends on May 25.
4 - Monaco Grand Prix takes place on May 25.
5 - French Open Tennis Tournament starts May 25.
6 - FIFA must decide if the 2014 World Football Cup can be held in Brazil next month !
Sunday, 18 May 2014
The last article in this Blog (GB : Double Sentencing to ensure tougher Justice) was partly inspired by the New York experience of Zero Tolerance.
With the help of a Google search ("ZERO TOLERANCE") and the free Wikipedia Encyclopedia one can find (in English and in French) the results obtained in countries where zero tolerance has already been tried.
It is clear that if such a policy is adopted, it must be applied with determination but also with discretion. When police officers act they must be very careful to find the right balance to obtain and maintain the respect of both criminals and the innocent public.
Criminals must be deterred. New York statistics have proved that this is possible. There was less crime afterwards. However, to achieve this Judges also need clear laws and room in prisons to pass the sentences merited.
In prisons where the comfortable lifestyles permit television viewing, changes may need to be made. Should inmates not be trained before re-entering society ?.
Saturday, 17 May 2014
The Justice Minister, Damian Green, urges Judges to apply the new Victims' Code which permits young traumatised victims of crime to explain in Court how they were affected. Judges should bear this in mind when sentencing criminals !
Is this really the best way to ensure a reduction of crime ? Will this be a new deterrent to make criminals think twice before committing their next crime ? Hardened, recidivist criminals will not be stopped by a few tears in Court !
There are many good reasons for giving a "first time" offender a "last chance", but there should never be a second chance for offenders !
The punishment of habitual, recidivist criminals should act as a deterrent to commit further crimes. Judges know this and really want instructions and laws to enable them to do this.
After a "first time" "last chance" soft rap over the knuckles, should punishment not be doubled with each new conviction ? Should Damian Green, the Justice Minister not consult a group of leading Judges to determine what they really want him to do, so that they can dispense real Justice ?
Victims of crime want Burglers, Sex Offenders, Gangsters and the like, to be made to think twice before ruining the lives of everyone around them ! The lives of their victim's family but also the lives of their own family !
* * *
(Read also the next article in this Blog (Zero tolerance for criminels in New York).
Tuesday, 13 May 2014
Voici une lettre ouverte de Daniel Irrmann-Marin à Madame Taubira qui l'aidera peut être à comprendre pourquoi son attitude a choqué et blessé de nombreux Français.
"Madame Taubira
Aux Etats Unis, si l’ Attorney général ( ministre de la justice) déclarait devant les cameras de CNN que l’hymne national était « un karaoké d’estrade » il serait, dans l’heure, démis de ses fonctions.
Madame la garde des Sceaux vous êtes trop jeune pour avoir connu la Libération. Je n’étais qu’ un gamin de 9 ans. Nous étions avec mes parents, dans un très petit village de Touraine. Un soir le garde champêtre est venu sur la place, devant l’église, il agité une clochette, les gens sont sortis de chez eux, une cinquantaine , il a lu un papier : « Paris est libéré » !. On n’a jamais entendu la suite , couverte par les cris de joie. Quelqu’un a entonné la MARSEILLAISE. Tout le monde l’a reprise en chœur. Je n’avais jamais entendu l’hymne national, il n’avait jamais été ni joué ni chanté sur le territoire national pendant la guerre, sauf par quelques résistants devant le peloton d’exécution. J’ai vu ce soir là, des adultes pleurer tout en chantant.
Depuis, au cours de ma vie d’adulte j’ai chanté la Marseillaise des dizaines de fois mais je suis rarement arrivé jusqu’au bout. Après quelques mesures ma gorge se serre et malgré mes efforts pour articuler les paroles, aucun son ne sort.
Depuis, au cours de ma vie d’adulte j’ai chanté la Marseillaise des dizaines de fois mais je suis rarement arrivé jusqu’au bout. Après quelques mesures ma gorge se serre et malgré mes efforts pour articuler les paroles, aucun son ne sort.
Voila Madame Taubira, Garde des sceaux, Ministre de la Justice, ce qu’est, pour les Français, le « karaoké d’estrade »."
Friday, 9 May 2014
Putin is always right, because he frequently corrects what he has said before when the context has changed only very slightly.
For example, he was quick to invade Crimea and to permit it to rejoin Russia, while at the same time violating the Independence of Ukraine ! He said his reasons were to correct a mistake made 50 years ago !
There are now protests and riots in eastern Ukraine where, like in Crimea, there are many ethnic Russians. They want to vote to join Russia, just like the Crimeans did ! Putin has advised them to delay their referendum !
The ethnic Russians now wonder why ! Even they cannot understand Putin ! Is it because Putin in Geneva agreed that the rioting had to stop ? He has done nothing to stop the rioting. But, he has always said that Russians in Ukraine needed protection.
Does or can anyone really believe Putin ? He has now stopped military exercices close on the border with Ukraine. Why ? What do you think he is planning to do next ? Does he really want peaceful Presidential Elections in Ukraine on May 25, 2014, the same day when EU Parliamentary Elections are due to end ?
Or, just before May 25, will he be instructed by a worried DUMA to intervene at once to save the lives of ethnic Russians in Ukraine ?
Wednesday, 7 May 2014
Dans les immeubles anciens, les chambres de service sont généralement dépourvues de cabinets d'aisance faute de possibilité technique de raccordement immédiat.
Il est néanmoins possible d'installer des sani-broyeurs sous réserve de respecter le règlement sanitaire départemental et d'obtenir l'accord du syndicat des copropriétaires.
A Paris, c'est l'article 47 du règlement sanitaire qui fixe les conditions d'installation des sani-broyeurs: le conduit d'évacuation doit se raccorder directement et indépendamment de tout appareil sanitaire sur une canalisation d'eaux vannes (eaux de chasse d'eau des toilettes), de diamètre suffisant et convenablement ventilée; il ne doit comporter aucune partie ascendante.
Le raccordement du conduit d'évacuation sur une descente d'eaux pluviales est interdite, de même que le raccordement sur des canalisations d'évacuation d'eaux ménagères (cuisines et salle de bains).
Précisons qu'en principe il faut avoir obtenu l'autorisation préalable de l'autorité sanitaire départementale.
De plus, avant d'entreprendre de tels travaux de raccordement sur une partie commune, il est nécessaire de demander l'accord du syndicat des copropriétaires(cass.civ. 10 mars 1981) ; en cas de refus, il faudra saisir l'autorité judiciaire.
Le branchement réalisé ne doit pas entraver le fonctionnement du réseau d'évacuation ni entrainer de nuisances pour les autres copropriétaires. Sinon, la responsabilité du copropriétaire à l'origine de ce branchement serait engagée (mise à sa charge des frais nécessaires pour désengorger les conduites d'évacuation).
Brunei was a former British Protectorate of 400 000 people until it gained its indepence in 1984. This tiny State of 400 000 inhabitants is situated in the north of Borneo and ruled by Sultan Hassanal Bolkiah. Three quarters of the population are Muslims.
Last week the Sultan announced that Sharia Laws will be gradually introduced and they will apply to not only Muslims but other religions as well.
Sharia penal laws permit death by stoning, amputations and flogging. The laws are heavily weighed against Females young and old. They protect polygamy and the rights of Men.
The Principles of Human Rights enshrined in Western legal systems are totally absent. The United Nations has voiced its concern, but this is not enough ! Sanctions must be envisaged. Brunei is a member of UNO !
There are many articles on the Internet on Sharia Laws which can and should be consulted. One must clearly understand what "Islam" means. Having Muslim friends is one thing, but "extremists" are dangerous. Blindly adopting the Muslim Faith or its principles, could be a disasterous experience.
Tuesday, 6 May 2014
Only very slowly has FIFA modernised the old rules of Football to ensure more respect for Referees by using modern technology. Alas much more should be done.
True, FIFA, or Sepp Blatter, have introduced Goal Line Technology, but does this help referees when in open play, behind their backs, players start a fight ?
Rugby Union has introduced some effective modern technology which commands the respect of players and supporters alike. The instant availability of television play-backs on a big screen, which the referee can ask for, and which supporters can then also see, means everyone can understand the Referee's decision.
Spectators in fact feel they are participating in the decision ! After the match this leads to even more discussions and this can only be good for the Game.
FIFA has introduced Yellow and Red cards for bad fouls. Rugby has gone one logical step further ! They have introduced "Sin Bins" where players who have been penalised, immediately spend a certain amount of time away from the game. This is a good example of instant justice ! Sin Bins have been used in Ice Hochey for at least 50 years!
In Ice Hockey there are two referees, generally one in each half because the game is very fast ! In Football, there is one referee helped by two linesmen. The pitch is much bigger, so should they not always have an intercom system during a match ?
When will FIFA simply do what everyone else does in this modern world and adopt the best ideas wherever they find them ? As one says in French, re-inventing the Wheel is a waste of time !
Monday, 5 May 2014
When Qatar was "unexpectedly" chosen to Host the FIFA World Cup Finals in 2022, everyone began asking "How did that happen ?". Press reports have since revealed that votes were paid for, they were bought !
The next logical question is "What went wrong in the FIFA organisation that so many votes could be bought ?". The answer seems to be in the FIFA Statutes.
Nothing in the August 2010 version of the FIFA Statutes places a time restriction on the length of office of the President or of any Executive of FIFA. On the contrary, Sections 30 (2) and 30 (5) state that they may be re-elected ! Auditors know that security is a conducive element for collusion !
The obvious conclusion is that FIFA must review its Statutes. Continual re-elections only blunt aspirations and prevents others from expressing themselves.
FIFA must also review how Congress votes. Why cannot all the 200+ national FA members have a right to vote ?
Sunday, 4 May 2014
Michel Rocard, a former Prime Minister of France (1988/91) has again become the latest French politician whose wish is that the UK should leave the EU ! The crime of the British is that they want to change Treaties rather than encourage the transfer of more powers to Brussels !
Britain is not alone. There are several other countries which also want EU "pioneers" to concentrate on rectifying Treaties instead of trying to introduce more idealistic principles.
The election of EU Members of Parliament (MEPs) will take place in the week ending Sunday, 25 May 2014. The main changes Nationalist Parties in several countries are proposing to voters are;
- More controle of Migration and Immigration,
- A revision of the powers of the Court of Human Rights,
- Changes in the Financial and Economic Golden Rules.
At the moment Opinion Polls seem to indicate that there will be many more new MEPs this time than after previous elections. Also, this time more voters will vote !
As Michel Rocard must certainly know, here in France the National Front are expected to make large gains; in Britain UKIP, who want Britain to leave the EU, may make some gains. David Cameron has clearly stated that the Conservatives want changes to Treaties. In Germany there are many who consider that the EUROZONE is a very costly experience...
The EU will probably change soon but not how Michel Rocard would like it to !
Friday, 2 May 2014
Regularly one reads in the press of the payment of huge "Bonuses" or "Pay offs" or "Leaving Indemnities" to Directors or temporary "Experts" !
These "huge" payments are usually in cash or shares or private pension contributions. They are "huge" because they frequently represent more than what an average worker can earn as wages during his whole working life, which underlines the "immorality" of this issue !
What is really wrong is that at an international level there is no co-ordinated attempt by Governments to regulate such payments. Laws must be passed and the EU could help by creating an international "think tank" on this subject.
Initially bonuses were paid to reward good work performances. This idea spread until profit sharing (but not loss sharing !) quickly became a habit. Shareholders were not required to ratify such payments.
Shareholders are also forgotten when Bonuses are considered. Are bonuses ever limited when a dividend for shareholders cannot be paid ? Do Directors accept a reduction of their salaries when there are low profits or when there are losses ?
There is also another change which is needed. When Directors or Experts qualify for a huge payment, should there not be condition that it is only payable 3 years later ? Then, with hindsight, one knows why subsequent results were not quite what they were expected to be. This could even lead to a recalculation of the "Bonus" !
Thursday, 1 May 2014
Depuis le 25 décembre 2013, la teneur en plomb de l'eau potable ne doit pas dépasser 10 microgrammes par litre; ceci en application de la directive européenne du 3 novembre 1998 transposée dans le droit français.
Les syndics de copropriété insistent trop souvent sur la nécessité de changer les canalisations en plomb et agitent la menace de sanctions possibles... Les copropriétaires s'inquiètent donc de l'ampleur et du coût de tels travaux d'autant que les colonnes montantes d'alimentation en eau potable sont souvent difficiles d'accès et que leur remplacement nécessitent d'importants travaux de dégagement en amont !
Que les copropriétaires se rassurent: la directive européenne et la réglementation française relative à la qualité de l'eau destinée à la consommation humaine n'exigent pas le remplacement systématique des canalisations en plomb des réseaux intérieurs tout en imposant le respect des valeurs limites (réponse du Ministère des Affaires sociales et de la santé à Rudy Salles, JO AN du 24 septembre 2013).
D'autres solutions existent pour réduire l'éventuelle exposition de la population au plomb via l'eau du robinet, indique le Ministère des Affaires sociales; par exemple, la mise à l'équilibre calco-carbonique de l'eau potable par traitement permet de réduire l'agressivité de l'eau vis à vis des canalisations.
D'une manière générale, il est recommandé de laisser l'eau couler quelques minutes avant de la consommer lorsque l'eau a stagné dans les canalisations et d'utiliser l'eau froide pour la boisson, la préparation et la cuisson des aliments.
Par ailleurs, afin que l'eau qu'elles délivrent aux usagers soit conforme aux normes fixées, les collectivités publiques se sont lancées dans des programmes de remplacement des branchements publics en plomb entre la canalisation publique et les canalisations privées.
In accordance with the conditions of the new Syrian Constitution adopted on 26 February 2012, the next Presidential Election is scheduled to take place on June 3, 2014.
There are at present several opposition candidates but these will be trimmed down to at most three. This is due to the "Constitutional Laws" which ensure that Bachar al Assad alone can realistically expect to be "elected" !
Sections 84 and 85 of the Constitution prescribe the following conditions for Presidential Candidates;
- Candidates must be at least 40 years old.
- They must be arab Syrians born of arab Syrian parents having the Syrian Nationality since birth.
- They must never have lost their Nationality.
- They must not be married to a foreigner.
- They must have lived in Syria for the last 10 years.
- They need the written support of 35 Syrian MPs.
The Syrian Parliament has 250 elected MPs, of which currently the Ba'ath Party of Assad has 134 MPs. This means that a maximum of 3 candidates only can stand against Bachar who will have 134 sponsors !
Many opposition politicians have sought asylum abroad. As many as 2 Million other civilians have also fled to neighbouring countries. 200 000 have perished, victims of the civil war.
Bachar al Assad's "New Syrian Constitution" mocks democracy. Also as President he has been accused of Human Rights Violations during the Civil War, but his friend Putin used his Veto to save him from any UNO "agression" ! One must not forget that Russia has a fleet of warships stationed in a Syrian Harbour !
Needless to say there will be no Election Debate on TV and it is doubtful that any international organisation will "observe" or monitor the actual voting !
Assad's "re-election" is assured. For the West his only redeeming feature is that he affirms he is fighting "al Quaïda" in Syria !
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