Tuesday, 6 May 2014


Only very slowly has FIFA modernised the old rules of Football to ensure more respect for Referees by using modern technology.  Alas much more should be done.

True, FIFA, or Sepp Blatter, have introduced Goal Line Technology, but does this help referees when in open play, behind their backs, players start a fight ?

Rugby Union has introduced some effective modern technology which commands the respect of players and supporters alike.  The instant availability of television play-backs on a big screen, which the referee can ask for, and which supporters can then also see, means everyone can understand the Referee's decision.

Spectators in fact feel they are participating in the decision !  After the match this leads to even more discussions and this can only be good for the Game.

FIFA has introduced Yellow and Red cards for bad fouls.  Rugby has gone one logical step further !  They have introduced "Sin Bins" where players who have been penalised, immediately spend a certain amount of time away from the game.  This is a good example of instant justice !  Sin Bins have been used in Ice Hochey for at least 50 years!
In Ice Hockey there are two referees, generally one in each half  because the game is very fast !  In Football, there is one referee helped by two linesmen.  The pitch is much bigger, so should they not always have an intercom system during a match ?   
When will FIFA simply do what everyone else does in this modern world and adopt the best ideas wherever they find them ?   As one says in French, re-inventing the Wheel is a waste of time !

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