Sunday 28 September 2014


Atrocities have been committed by Islamic Extremists in Syria and Irak.  Reports of the torture, rape, murder, beheadings and executions of non extremist Muslim citizens have been witnessed on television in many countries and revolted every viewer.

The object of these Islamic Extremists is to carve out and create a new Islamic State in the countries of Syria and Irak and then impose strict Sharia laws !  Would these extremists then be satisfied and live peacefully forever afterwards ?  Certainly not !  They would want to extend their domination using the same methods !

This is the reason why Western Countries and NATO Allies have started bombing key Islamic State installations and encampments with the help of the most modern weapons ever used in any war.

This has however, created suspicions about Muslims who live and worship happily and peacefully in many of the Western countries, which are now at war against the "Islamic State" !

As a result, Muslim leaders yesterday organised  peaceful marches to tell France and its citizens, that they too were horrified by the creation of the Islamic State and by what it is doing.  They want to continue practicing their religious beliefs quietly as before, in the same way as Christians and Jews practice their religions !

They quite rightly said "we too are French and France is our home"!   Why should they feel the scorn of others around them ?  France understand this plea ! 

One must remember that Muslims are not necessarily Arabs, just like one must also never forget,  that in the Second World War Arabs helped to liberate France !



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