Monday, 1 September 2014


The accepted definition of Euthanasia is "killing someone painlessly to relieve suffering" often from an incurable illness or affliction.  

In some cases the Patient asks for the means (drugs) to commit suicide or asks someone to provoke death (by withdrawing medecins...).

Human Rights acts in many countries recognise the Right to Live, but seldom the Right to Die.  Helping a person to die is considered to be premeditated murder !

Switzerland is a country well known for accepting to end painlessly the lives of people for whom a file of information has been completed and accepted.  Patients with money can thus attain their objective.

One must now ask some pertinent questions;

   1)  Why do Human Rights Acts recognise the "Right to Live" but not the "Right to Die" ?
   2)  Why do Medical Professions not promote or support movements which want Euthanasia legalised in their country ?
   3)  Why do all Politicians, on the left or in the centre or on the right, all refuse to promote any worthwhile legislation on Euthanasia ?
   4)  Why do legally qualified Professors and leading Barristers or Judges not propose a Law on Euthanasia ?

There is no simple answer, but the biggest stumbling block is probably the fact that politicians consider such a Law would be a certain "Vote loser" !   Most religions and their "voting followers" would be against such a Law.

Doctors and Hospitals probably do not need such an act.  They know better than anyone when a patient cannot be saved.

The legal profession knows the risks involved and knows that any law must propose a procedure which is a safeguard for everyone involved when a "Mercy Killing" is required.  Whether a suffering patient asks to be put to sleep forever or when Specialists know a patient will never "recover", there should be an official legal procedure which a close family member can put in motion by applying to a judge.

The European Convention on Human Rights is the Act which must be amended to cover Euthanasia.  The Council of Ministers and Jean-Claude Junker should give instructions for studies to be undertaken to determine if amendments to the Convention should be made.  

Not to act would be a shabby way to ignore the needs and wants of people who can no longer, without help,  make themselves heard !  

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