Monday 15 September 2014


In the past Pope Francis has clearly said "War is Madness" when making pleas to end conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East !

"War is Irrational", it brings destruction, greed and the lust for more power !

However he has also said that the International Community could legitimately use force to stop the unjust aggression by the Islamic State which kills thousands of people including Christians !

World War 3 has already started, says Pope Francis !

No one wants a third World War but this same fear invaded Leaders in 1937, 1938 and 1939 until the second World War began in earnest ! 

The indecision by Western Leaders must now stop ! There is not just one war in the Middle East against the Islamic State but there is also a second war simmering in Ukraine !   Putin and Russia want Ukraine back, come what may !

It is quite clear that President Porochenko needs  Western troops, armed to the teeth, to be stationed in Ukraine to maintain its Independence and help keep the peace !   Could the UN not provide this help, and very quickly ?

All politicians and diplomats must realise that all the dithering must now stop !   In war the unready come to a sticky end !



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