Monday, 23 July 2012


When you read reports on why Britain cannot reduce the number of illegal immigrants, you ultimately get to the problem "What can any immigration officer do when faced with an illegal immigrant ?"   In fact , when is a foreigner just a visitor or a potential illegal immigrant ?    

This problem is never highlighted when reports and statistics are presented or when "Bonuses" are justified for the meritorious managers or employees. Nothing is ever said about the visitors or illegal immigrants who have "escaped" detection or even evaded deportation !!! 

All that one reads in the last report is that there is a remaining backlog of 250 000 cases, down from a backlog of 450 000 cases six years ago !!!  Can anyone believe figures like these ?     

You read about bogus students and the Maestricht treaty on free movement in the EU and Human Rights, but never anything about the number of deportations !!!

Another statistic never published is the number of illegal immigrants detained in prisons and awaiting judgement and deportation !!! 

To go even further, does anyone know how many prison places are required to enable British judges not to be fettered when they consider prison sentences for criminals and immigration offenders ? 

Keith Vaz, the chairman of the Home Affairs Select Committee has big problems and someone who should help him is Kenneth Clark, the Minister for Justice !!!  No new prisons leads to more illegal immigrants, Mr Clark !!! There are many high unemployment areas where they would readily accept the building of a new state of the arts prison !!!

If Kenneth Clark will not insist that more prisons are built or modernised soft British Justice will continue !!!  Such a situation would not be tolerated in Russia or the USA, not to mention other countries !!!

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