Wednesday, 11 July 2012


At last FIFA and its President Sepp Blatter have managed to agree that two goalline technology systems should be tested.  They are called Hawk-eye and GoalRef.

The Hawk-eye system was developed in 2001 and is well known to followers of Tennis and Cricket.  The GoalRef system is more recent.  Both systems must be tested in normal Football Match conditions.  The systems are very different as the GoalRef system uses a chip inside the ball.

If FIFA now has come to grips with the simple question of  "Has the ball crossed the goalline ?"  there are other very urgent problems on the football pitch that must be tackled !!! 

Football referees need help and protection to punish offenders correctly, especially when offences are commutted behind their backs !!!  This needs a different system than that of goalline technology.

The leading offences which need to be closely examined are the following;

     -  Body-checking to prevent an oponent from playing the ball.
     -  Body-checking with outstretched arms to prevent an oponent from playing the ball.
     -  Body-checking an oponent when intentionally not playing the ball.

     -  Bustling in the penalty area.
     -  Shirt pulling.
     -  Off the ball fighting.
     -  Feigning pain after an incident or after having lost the ball.

Video assistence for referees must be seriously considered.  It is easy to blame the referee when something is missed.  The system already in use in Rugby is clearly much more professional than no system at all as in Football at present !!!  

 FIFA is the Guardian of the Game of Football.  It has the responsibility and must act in the interests of the game !!!

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