Wednesday, 18 July 2012


There was a time in Britain when justice was seen to be applied.  When criminals were caught, they were brought to the Court, legally aided but if found guilty, punished !!! The aim was to deter criminals and to protect law abiding citizens. 

British Justice then was admired all over the World.  Alas this is no longer the case !!!  It is now mocked, particularly by criminals and immigrants !!!  Not a week goes by without a British Judge somewhere lamenting the fact that he cannot punish a habitual petty criminal because there is no room in the prison system !!!

Judges cannot use prison sentences to knock common sense into habitual criminals because for "good behaviour in prison" sentences are reduced by at least a third, if not by a half when prisons are full !!!

There has also been a big change in the way "crime" is perceived.  Social workers all too often want to give another chance to criminals, but does this help judges, the police or the innocent victim ?

In the past, to know if a law proposed was admissible, the yardstick was "Can this law be enforced"?  In present conditions this question cannot be answered !!! 

No one in Britain seems to care !!!  The standard reply these days is: "It is the fault of the Human Rights Act in Europe" !!!  Is that really true ?  What would happen if more prisons were built, without Television sets and other homely comforts ?

It is not easy but doing nothing solves nothing !!!  The last real Prime Minister Britain had was Margaret Thatcher, the Iron Lady.  I would like to hear what she would say on this subject !!! 


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