There are disturbances in Hong Kong at present because the totalitarian Republic of China seems to have forgotten the terms of the agreement signed in 1997. That year Hong Kong gained its independence and became a special administrative region of China !
In that way Hong Kong became China's "trade window to the western world" !
Hong Kong is an independent city of 7 million inhabitants and the agreement of 1997 stated that it would retain political and economic autonomy for the next 50 years except for questions of Foreign Relations and Defence.
For the election of its new chief executive in 2017 China wants Hong Kong to vote for one of three vetted candidates proposed by the Communist Party in Beijing. Is this real democracy ?
What the City wants as candidates are "independent Hong Kong residents" not totalitarian "trained" Communinist Party members.
The situation at present is delicate. If China sends in its troops to "restore order" they will not use "feather dusters" and another Tiananmen Square massacre like in June 1989 could result !
If that happens, China's "trade window to the western world" will close !