Monday, 29 September 2014


There are disturbances in Hong Kong at present because the totalitarian Republic of China seems to have forgotten the terms of the agreement signed in 1997.  That year Hong Kong gained its independence and became a special administrative region of China !

In that way Hong Kong became China's "trade window to the western world" !

Hong Kong is an independent city of 7 million inhabitants and the agreement of 1997 stated that it would retain political and economic autonomy for the next 50 years except for questions of Foreign Relations and Defence.

For the election of its new chief executive in 2017 China wants Hong Kong to vote for one of three vetted candidates proposed by the Communist Party in Beijing.  Is this real democracy ?

What the City wants as candidates are "independent Hong Kong residents" not totalitarian "trained" Communinist Party members.

The situation at present is delicate.  If China sends in its troops to "restore order" they will not use "feather dusters" and another Tiananmen Square massacre like in June 1989 could result !

If that happens, China's "trade window to the western world" will close !             


Sunday, 28 September 2014


Atrocities have been committed by Islamic Extremists in Syria and Irak.  Reports of the torture, rape, murder, beheadings and executions of non extremist Muslim citizens have been witnessed on television in many countries and revolted every viewer.

The object of these Islamic Extremists is to carve out and create a new Islamic State in the countries of Syria and Irak and then impose strict Sharia laws !  Would these extremists then be satisfied and live peacefully forever afterwards ?  Certainly not !  They would want to extend their domination using the same methods !

This is the reason why Western Countries and NATO Allies have started bombing key Islamic State installations and encampments with the help of the most modern weapons ever used in any war.

This has however, created suspicions about Muslims who live and worship happily and peacefully in many of the Western countries, which are now at war against the "Islamic State" !

As a result, Muslim leaders yesterday organised  peaceful marches to tell France and its citizens, that they too were horrified by the creation of the Islamic State and by what it is doing.  They want to continue practicing their religious beliefs quietly as before, in the same way as Christians and Jews practice their religions !

They quite rightly said "we too are French and France is our home"!   Why should they feel the scorn of others around them ?  France understand this plea ! 

One must remember that Muslims are not necessarily Arabs, just like one must also never forget,  that in the Second World War Arabs helped to liberate France !



Friday, 26 September 2014


Sarkozy's official reappearance in the French political arena, after his unexpected defeat by François Hollande in the Presidential Election in May 2012, has been meticulously planned for some time. He announced his return last Sunday on French television.

For almost a week he has been seen at Prime Time on almost every TV channel, but he gave little away about his ideas and intentions, except to say that he would be a candidate for the post of President of his "political family".   He wanted to reorganise and rejuvenate the party after a turbulent but sterile period.

Some leading members of UMP were clearly worried by what this meant.  Last night they found out !  Sarkozy held his first meeting in Lambersart (in the Calais area) as a candidate for the Presidency of the party.

He spoke about changes which are now necessary in France after the disasterous two and a half years of the Presidency of François Hollande.

He wants to build a new team, a new party for the future.  He said that there would be a Primary Election to determine one sole official Party Candidate for the next Presidential Elections in 2017 !  To do otherwise would be suicide and could result in the National Front candidate being in the final run-off with a Socialist !

Long held principles of the Socialist Movement must be revised to make France competitive again.  Trade Unions must expect and accept changes in the Law ! 

The Schengen Treaty must be modified to help not only France but other countries as well and also to protect not only the EUROZONE but the EU as a whole !

Hollande has diverted public attention to the problems in the Middle East, but today Sarkozy made a forceful speech.  It was a real wake-up call which covered internal politics and the economic problems France is facing.  Changes must come !

There are just three little observations worth noting ! 
   -  He talked about a "new political union" but never mentioned the name of UMP.

    -  He talked about the "new team" he needed !  There will surely be more speculation about what this means !

    -  Finally, while the Candidate Sarkozy was delivering his speech, one was not quite sure whether it was the   future President of the Party, or of France, who was speaking !  In fact it was both !


Thursday, 25 September 2014


The world at this present time is preoccupied with two possible wars.  One situation concerns Russia and Ukraine, the other is centred on the Islamic State.  The latter is really a world wide problem !

FIFA must be prepared for such eventualities ! The 2018 World Cup Final games are sheduled to be held in Russia and those of 2022 in Qatar, an Islamic country with a hot climate.  If they have to be cancelled at a late date, for whatever reason, what would FIFA do ? 

The Security of international visitors cannot be ignored ! The consequent Financial Loss for Football and FIFA is another consideration !

Should FIFA therefore, not systematically order a second vote to select a Reserve Venue for the Finals on the same day as the Vote for the Host country ?  This second vote could select one of the losing bidding countries ? 

Would it not make sense to adopt such a vote for a "Reserve Host Country" as normal FIFA Policy ?   

Who knows what catastrophy could arise in future ?  It could be a war, a revolution, a health problem (ebola !) or even an earthquake !


Tuesday, 23 September 2014


To the astonishment of everyone Qatar was voted to Host the Finals of the 2022 World Cup.  Immediately other bidding countries wanted to know how this exremely hot and humid country with no real "football heritage" managed to be selected !  Losing bidders  were suspicious that something was very wrong, that there was perhaps even corruption !

The FIFA Ethics Committee ordered an Investigation into the Bidding Process and the Report of 350 pages by Michel Garcia became available early September 2014.  

Qatar has no real football stadiums of the required  quality and capacity to cater for large crowds of supporters.  They must all be built !

Theo Zwanziger, a member of the FIFA Executive Committee has said that the tournament will probably be moved away from Qatar because of the heat !    Hans-Joachim Eckert of the Ethics Committee has now bluntly said  the Report would not be made public ! 

Why ?  The suspicion was that there was corruption and now that FIFA refuses to make the report public ?  This convinces everyone that something is being hidden !

Why does President Blatter not impose his will to clean up FIFA as he promised he would before his last election ?  How is it that only now, suddenly, Qatar may be too hot to stage the 2022 World Cup Finals ?

Mr Blatter, FIFA will never be free of possible corruption until it changes its Statutes ! 



Monday, 22 September 2014


When Putin denied Ukraine, an Independent country with a Russian President, the right to start talks aimed at  joining the EU, he revealed his real intentions !  This in turn led to direct confrontations with the West. 

Putin had this secret, non-avowed dream, to recover the might of Russia which it lost in 1990 when the Berlin Wall was breached and which then led to the liberation of many communist satellite countries in 1991.

That was a bad mistake by Putin and it provoked the hatred of Ukrainians who had all dreamed of joining the EU !  To save face he grabbed Crimea before the West could move !  This way he recovered his personal reputation !

But Putin wanted still more !  He wanted all of Ukraine and there is now irrefutable evidence that he was and is helping the Russian Rebels with weapons and soldiers.  The West slammed him with sanctions and they are now beginning to bite !

The shops in Russia lack supplies of Western goods but  Russian citizens know what is going on.  They have contacts with people who live in Ukraine.  The next bubble to burst will probably be the "Rouble" which is fast losing its value.  Oligarch friends of Putin are moving their fortunes out of Russia and Sanctions mean that the Rouble can no longer find support on western Money Markets !

These are the serious issues which explain why suddenly there are Anti-Putin revolts in Moscow and other large Russian cities !   They will go on.  

How long can Putin last ?



 Alex Salmond and the Nationalist "YES voters for Scottish Independence" are brokenhearted that the "NO" vote finally settled the issue.

However, not all is lost !  In its article "What do Scotland and the Scots really want ?" published in this Blog on Feb. 1, 2014, the question was clearly asked whether Scotland really wanted "INDEPENDENCE" or just "MORE LOCAL GOVERNMENT". 

Neither of these possible solutions was "comprehensively" presented by Alex Salmond or his supporters.  In the end voters were unsure what was being proposed !  They voted "NO" to avoid unexpected problems and costs ! 

The "political fight" by top heavy MPs on both sides did provoke a rethink,  of what should and should not be delegated to regional parliaments in Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland !

Scotland wants more tax-raising powers.  Does this mean Scotland would assume completely a cost that is at present covered by UK taxation ?  Or does it mean just extra tax payable by Scots only ?

This is just the "tip of more complex problems" which the "NO" vote has discretely avoided, but which must be carefully studied before any future decision !



Scotland will vote "YES"   This is what Polls are saying this morning, Tuesday, two days before the Vote !

Will the 18 September in future become a Scottish Bank Holiday,  i.e. Scottish Independence Day ?

Or will Scots wonder in two or three years time whether it was worth it to become "Independent" ? 

I am not Scottish and I do not have a right to vote.  I am just an accountant who lives in France but who was frequently involved in Company Takeovers.

Voting for Independence is just like buying a Company !

Buying a Company means that you have to analyse everything that Company does.  You have to weigh what it does well and what it does badly, but also what it does not do but should !  Everything determines the purchase price to be paid, but this must also satisfy the Shareholders on both sides !

Directors and Accountants are sacked if they make mistakes !

Is everyone in Scotland sure that hidden or unexplained costs are not lurking somewhere ?   Has Alex Salmond satisfied Voters with clear, informative Financial Statements ? 

If Alex Salmond has overestimated the "Benefits" and underestimated the "Costs" of "Independence" it may be his Swan Song, but every Scot will pay the cost !


Several news agencies (AFP  BBC ...) today carry reports that there are revolts in Russia urging Putin to stop the Russian war effort in Ukraine !  

He has been sending  troops and armaments into Ukraine to bolster the Rebels of Russian origine in their quest to become a province of Russia !

For this Blog it is not a surprise that these Revolts today are in Russia, even in Moscow !  The article published on September 9, 2014 - "Stop Putin hiding the truth from Russian citizens" even suggested that the West should reveal the truth to Russian citizens by showering Russia with information leaflets !

Western Sanctions are biting but Putin's Sanctions are biting even more !   The mothers, of soldiers who have been sent to Ukraine, who have no direct news from their sons, are worried !   Putin must cunjure up a magical   reply !  Putin's head is on the block, how long can he last ?


Sunday, 21 September 2014


"Je crois qu'il est temps de réintroduire le référendum. Le référendum, c'est la clef".

Nicolas Sarkozy, invité au 20 heures de France 2, vient donc de reprendre à son compte l'idée maintes fois exprimée par la Présidente du Front National, Marine Le Pen: " Rendre la parole au peuple et mettre en place des référendum".

Certes en 2012, à quelques semaines de l'élection présidentielle, Nicolas Sarkozy avait déjà fait du recours au référendum une de ses ultimes promesses de campagne. 

 Mais c'est ce même Nicolas Sarkozy, qui en 2005, alors Président de l'UMP, avait critiqué la décision de Jacques Chirac d'organiser au mois de Mai un référendum sur le traité constitutionnel européen... 

Devenu Président en 2007, Nicolas Sarkozy avait passé outre au rejet par les Français, puisqu'après révision de la constitution, il avait fait adopter le Traité de Lisbonne par le Parlement.

En outre, tout au long de son quinquennat, Nicolas Sarkozy s'est bel et bien abstenu de recourir au référendum alors que pourtant certains sujets, tel que celui de la réforme des retraites, s'y prêtaient.



Regularly one is informed that a boat full of "migrants" has perished in the Mediterranean Sea !  There are seldom any follow-up reports by any country or any person !  No one seems to care !  Is this normal ?

The basic facts are simple.  People traffickers are known in certain ports around the North African Mediterranean Basin.  For payment they promise to take illegal immigrants to a port in the EU.  The boats are frequently not seaworthy, extremely overcrowded and there are no Life Jackets.  The passengers are men and women of all ages and there are even babies !   For different reasons they all want to flee and to seek a better life elsewhere !

The astonishing fact is that no politicians anywhere, want to recognise that these miserable people are "Humans", who theoretically have "Rights" !   No one, or no organisation anywhere, tries to catch these criminal "People Traffickers" to punish them !   Simply said, they are really "Terrorists" who have specialised in Robbery and Premeditated Murder on a large scale for Financial Gain !   They massacre for money !

Who should be tracking down these People Traffickers to  ensure that the Law and the Punishment become a deterrent.  Should the Death Penalty be reintroduced for such crimes ?

Since almost all countries in the World are members of the United Nations Organisation (UNO), it would seem that is best place to create and impose a set of Laws.

However, countries where "People Traffickers" live, must be made to participate in a clamp down on such operations !

Countries which only want selective immigration must participate in the cost of policing frontiers, wherever they may be.  If the EU wants only Migrants but not Immigrants, it must not forget that it must bear its share of the cost of properly policing the Mediterranian Waters !   The results of the recent EU Parliamentary Elections made it very clear, that "Immigrants" are not welcome everywhere in the EU !

Angela Merkel and Jean-Claude Juncker must not forget this message from their Electors !            

Friday, 19 September 2014


Yesterday for the fourth time since his Presidential Election in May 2012, President Hollande met the Press.  During more than an hour and a half he explained how recent important events have affected France.

First of all he covered Foreign Affairs and then the General Economic slump in the World Economy and how this affected France. 

As the Head of State, the French Constitution permits him to decide all matters of foreign Policy, and to act,  without any previous debate in the National Assembly.  France learned today that two aircraft "Rafale" had attacked the Islamic State in Irak to destroy a secret "Stockpile of Weapons" !  France is working with the NATO alliance and will be present when matters are discussed in the Security Council of the United Nations.

Secondly he presented a review of the Economic Slump in France and seemed powerless, repeating several times "it is not easy" !  

He clearly identified all the reasons why in France "unemployment" was still rising and he was quick to point out that France was not the only country in the EUROZONE with this Problem !  He wants Brussels to change some of the Golden Rules !  He underlined the mounting debt problem and his "Pact of Responsibility", a "Carrot" with which he is trying to encourage Private Indutry to invest !  He also pointed out the cost of Social Aid with which the Socialists are helping the needy to surmount the current Economic slump, but also said that Income Tax and the rate of Turnover Tax would not increase.                 

The conclusion is that nothing will change during the second half of Hollande's Presidential Term;  and he is bereft of any "new" ideas which could help to save France in the near future. 

As one says, the French will have to "Grin and Bear it" ! 
The unknown factor is "How will different sectors of France react ".  There is already unrest, there are strikes, and in general no one seems satisfied ! 



Wednesday, 17 September 2014


The Socialist Government led by Manuel Valls obtained the "Vote of Confidence" from the National Assembly after his vigorous speech which lasted 45 minutes.  269 MPs voted for  and 244 against. 

The majority was only 25 but 31 Socialists abstained ! 

The vote was really a criticism of the way in which President  Hollande has conducted the Affairs of State since his election in May 2012.  His inaction, hesitation  and Style have been a catastrophy.

The result seems to be a comfort for several parties !

The UMP party on the Right at present is not ready to fight a General Election.   UMP awaits the decision by Sarkozy whether he will return as their Leader.  

It is also a comfort for the Socialists who would lose  many seats in a snap election now ! 

The Extreme Right National Front Party needs time. It must convert its rising popularity into many more seats in the National Assembly during the next General Election to become a political force.  

With just a little more patience by everyone, the Socialists will be a spent force before the next General Election due in 2017 !    

Tuesday, 16 September 2014


"Air France - KLM" created a subsidiary "Transavia" to fight "low cost" flights coming from other countries.  "Low Cost" means tickets are cheap for passengers but flight services are cut to a minimum !

The principles are similar in all international "low cost" flights.  France has created many internal short flights  and flights to other countries.

Suddenly the Pilots in France have decided to strike because Air France Pilots are paid more and for shorter working hours, than the Pilots of Transavia !  From reports, Air France is losing 15 million Euros a day as a result of the strike !   Foreign "low cost" companies are increasing the number of their flights to cover the increased demand !

This is a perfect example of how to increase unemployment in France !  Transavia could become "Bankrupt" and ultimately Air France also unless someone somewhere (Strikers, Unions, Employers, or  Government Ministers) organises a proper discussion with all the interested parties.  This strike is industrial suicide !

A previous article in this Blog (1) highlights the fact that to make companies competitive old principles and legislation need to be reviewed to cover changing practices in France.

Alas this is not something a Socialist Government really wants to undertake, particularly in the current political climate.
  (1) Read the article entitled "Why is there unemployment in France ?" 


Monday, 15 September 2014


In the past Pope Francis has clearly said "War is Madness" when making pleas to end conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East !

"War is Irrational", it brings destruction, greed and the lust for more power !

However he has also said that the International Community could legitimately use force to stop the unjust aggression by the Islamic State which kills thousands of people including Christians !

World War 3 has already started, says Pope Francis !

No one wants a third World War but this same fear invaded Leaders in 1937, 1938 and 1939 until the second World War began in earnest ! 

The indecision by Western Leaders must now stop ! There is not just one war in the Middle East against the Islamic State but there is also a second war simmering in Ukraine !   Putin and Russia want Ukraine back, come what may !

It is quite clear that President Porochenko needs  Western troops, armed to the teeth, to be stationed in Ukraine to maintain its Independence and help keep the peace !   Could the UN not provide this help, and very quickly ?

All politicians and diplomats must realise that all the dithering must now stop !   In war the unready come to a sticky end !




Le coup de pouce annoncé, puis démenti, sur les petites retraites continue de soulever interrogations, protestations et mécontentements !  Retour sur les volte-face du gouvernement...

Dans un premier temps, gel des retraites pour tous. Face aux voix qui s'élèvent à gauche, le gouvernement annonce un "coup de pouce" pour les retraites inférieures à 1200 euros par mois, puis revient sur son annonce au motif que l'inflation ne justifie pas l'augmentation.  Enfin nouveau volte face : un geste sera fait pour les "petites retraites".

Mais qu'appelle-t-on une "petite retraite" ?  Son montant inclut-il celui de la retraite complémentaire ?   Son montant s'apprécie-t-il dans le cadre du couple de retraités ? Une épouse qui a peu travaillé et perçoit donc une "petite retraite" bénéficiera-t-elle du "coup de pouce" alors que son époux, ancien cadre supérieur, perçoit une retraite de plusieurs milliers d'euros ?  Les titulaires d'une "petite retraite" qui disposent de substantiels revenus locatifs seront ils également concernés ?

Réponses dans les jours à venir...


Sunday, 14 September 2014


Key Events taking place this coming week on  subjects frequently covered by articles in this Blog, are as follows; 

Monday, Sept. 15  

International Summit in Paris on IS Terrorists in Irak, hosted by President Hollande of France and President  Fuad Masum of IRAK.

Tuesday, Sept. 16

French Prime Minister Valls seeks a "Vote of Confidence" for his second Government from the National Assembly in Paris. 

Thursday, Sept. 18

Press Conference by President Hollande in Paris.
Voting takes place for the Scottish Referendum on Independence.

Friday, Sept. 19

Ukrainian President Petro Porochenko meets President Obama in the White House in Washington.
Spanish MPs vote on whether a referendum should be held for the Independence of Catalonia.



When there is unemployment the classic reason is that there is no demand and therefore there are no orders from customers.  Alternatively, the reason could be competition ;  the cost of the goods produced are too expensive here but cheaper elsewhere !

When Martine Aubry introduced the 35 hour working week in February 2000,  this became the law and has since been vigorously defended by Labour Unions ! It did not reduce unemployment as expected, but it increased the hourly cost of labour ! 

Is this what France needs now, during this general economic slump ?

This is a good strategy when order books are strong and healthy.  BUT, when there is an economic slump what  Employers really want are flexible labour laws to be able to make their companies competitive in France and to fight off imported, cheaper goods (from China, Asia, Africa) and also to be able to compete on foreign markets !

It is quite true that in undeveloped countries labour laws are very flexible, in fact too flexible !  However, the reality is also that their cheap goods create employment problems in Western countries !      

To permit companies to recover their competitivity, a Tri-Partide agreement by Employers, Unions and the Government, enshrined by Legislation, should allow Labour contracts to be suspended or modified to protect a company's future existence.  It is the duty of all three parties to negotiate this !        

When the Company has recovered its normal level of production and has averted "bankruptcy" normal employment contracts would then be resumed without fear !

Being stubborn and inflexible, or doing nothing, will never solve this problem or any other problem !



Saturday, 13 September 2014


In May 2012 François Hollande beat Nicolas Sarkozy in the Presidential Election.  Now, half way through his five year mandate, President Hollande is on the brink of an abyss, pilloried by dissatisfied electors everywhere, even among his own Socialists !

Sarkozy who in 2012 vowed "If I am beaten you'll never hear of me again !" has never refrained from testing the water to prepare his return !  His first official step, expected in the coming days, is to announce that he will be "the" candidate for the Presidency of the UMP Party (election on 18 November).

If he is chosen, would this make him the natural UMP Candidate for the next Presidential Election ?  But, the current Statutes of the UMP party impose a primary selection process, and some, like Juppé and Fillon, have already declared that they will stand... 

Sarkozy has been aloof from politics since May 2012, watching Hollande make a complete mess of almost everything he has tried, thus becoming the least popular President of the last 60 years !

Could Sarkozy now make a come-back and become the "Saviour" of France, just when the Economy is on the rocks facing an onslaught of criticism from the EUROZONE ?   The next President will have to take on an unenviable and testing Mandate ! 

Friday, 12 September 2014


Alex Salmon, a true Scot with a big heart, dreams of leading an Independent Scotland after the "YES" or "NO" vote on Thursday, 18 September 2014.

Has he convinced YOU, the Scottish voter ?  If he has,  then you should vote "YES" !   If he has not convinced you with his reasoning, then you already know that you should vote "NO" ! 

There are certainly many Scottish voters who are worried, that there are hidden problems which have not been debated.  If this is the case, they have not been convinced that a change would be good for Scotland and true Scots.  They must vote "NO" to ensure there will be no unexpected changes !

To put it another way:  True Scots wearing kilts should be very careful not to jump from the frying pan into the fire !



Wednesday, 10 September 2014


President Hollande has had a dismal time during recent weeks  and he will face his "Judgement Day" on Tuesday, September 16,  when the Valls Government will ask for a vote of confidence in the National Assembly.

To be very frank, this vote will judge President Hollande and his close political allies, not really Valls for his two Cabinets which have only carried out the Program dictated by the President.

The efforts made by Valls to hold together the Socialist Party have been admirable and much appreciated by Socialist stalwart supporters.  The President, alas, has been completely nonplussed by all the problems he has encountered since his election in May 2012 !

He has dithered in the face of rising unemployment, raised taxes and abandoned all his election promises. 

During the last six months Growth has been zero, but revised forecasts for 2014 are now O,4 %:  even this appears to be optimistic !  Added to this, he sacked his former Mistress who has just published an unflattering book about their 8 year "Relationship", (which in fact does not reflect too well on her either) !  This was followed by the sacking of a new Government Minister after 9 days in office, because he was guilty of not paying his taxes during the last 3 years !  To cap all that Personal Opinion Polls for the President have been more than just a disaster !

What will happen next ?  Everyone is now speculating ! 

Will Valls obtain a vote of confidence in the Assembly ?  This is not at all a certainty !  The Socialist Party alone (without any Coalition help) has a majority of just one MP but several left-wingers are fleeing !  Most of the small Coalition parties have already withdrawn !

What can Hollande do if the vote of confidence is lost ?  He has no other choice but to order a General Election because opposition Leaders have already said they would refuse to work in a Coalition with the Socialists !  

One thing is certain:  President Hollande will not resign !


Tuesday, 9 September 2014


With reference to the previous article (1) which suggests that "information leaflets" should be dropped by Drones at key points in Russia, consideration should be given to the fact that certain Russian speaking personalities living in the West are also well known inside Russia.

President KOMOROWSKI of Poland and President POROCHENKO of Ukraine are obvious examples and could help by signing leaflets and perhaps even appearing on photos.  This could make an impact on Soviet citizens when they read the leaflets.

Penetrating Russia and escaping Putin's blackout of news from the West in this way could open the eyes of even indoctrinated Russians. 

Is this not what happened before the Berlin Wall was finally breached ?   Even today in Russia there is certainly already a silent opposition without a voice !

(1)  Read the previous article entitled "Stop Putin from hiding the truth from Russian citizens" !



Every day in the Western Press, articles reveal that Putin has lied knowingly about direct Moscow led activities in Ukraine, such as deliveries of armaments to Rebels in Eastern Ukraine and the infiltration of soldiers from the Russian Army to bolster the activities of the Rebels !

Russian citizens have been cut-off from all the sources of information normally available through the Internet and via Radios and Television networks.  Even this humble Blog no longer has any visits from Russia !

In the West we know that Soldiers sent from Russia have died in fighting and have been hastily buried in Mass graves in Ukraine.  There are certainly some Russian Mothers who are yearning for information from their Sons !      

Should the Western Powers not shower all parts of Russia with information leaflets (dropped by drones during the night !) to make Russian Citizens aware of the Putin tactics ?

If Putin is obliged to answer questions (from worried mothers !) would this not help to destabilise him ?  He often talks about the Facists but is he not also deluding his own people ?

Western Sanctions hit the Russian Rich (Oligarchs) but there are other Russians who need to know why they are suffering !



Monday, 8 September 2014


The recent activities of the Islamic State (IS) in Syria and Iraq, where people are summarily executed without the semblance of a fair trial, again raises the question  whether the Death Penalty should not be reintroduced for all Terrorist killings !

The Islamic State has not declared war, it just orders the killing of anyone considered to be an opponent !  The  Human Rights of victims are totally ignored.

IS "soldiers" are recruited whenever anyone is willing to serve their cause and, unexpectedly, come from many different Western countries !  Should they not be treated as "outlaws" and automatically lose their passports.

The Sanctions Western countries are applying at present should be enlarged.  The Human Rights Act must be adjusted.  It was conceived to protect Victims but, alas,  all too often seems to protect only "criminals".

Furthermore, Sanctions must be imposed rapidly !  Only in this way could the Law act as a deterrent !  One must fight Fire with Fire !

The real problem is,  "Who will promote the required changes to the various Human Rights Acts ?"  Should it not be the United Nations ?  Or would that take too long ?


Sunday, 7 September 2014


The vote for or against Independence for Scotland is a serious decision.  It will have long lasting effects not only for Scotland but for Britain as a whole !  The fact that only Scots have a right to vote is rather strange.

What is even stranger is that even now politicians from down South of the Border and from up North of the Border are still making new promises !   Is no one really agreed on what is being offered or what could change ?

Does any enfranchised voter clearly understand how much a "yes" vote will benefit him during any of the next 5 or 10 years ?

If you are sure how you want to vote, it is very important to vote  "yes" or "no" on September 22, 2014.

If you are not sure how to vote because you have not been convinced by either of the parties, then you should vote against anything changing by voting "no" !

                                       x     x     x

This vote for Independence is not the last chance !  If ever Scotland really wants "Independence" again, a file can be prepared, with the help of Westminster, which contains agreement on all the hard facts and figures. This file would then be "The Contract for Scottish Independence" !      



La publication du livre de l'ex compagne de François Hollande "Merci pour ce moment" a soulevé un véritable tollé dans le monde politique de droite comme de gauche.

Le récit de Valérie Trierweiler, c' est d'abord l'histoire d'une douloureuse séparation, mais c'est aussi une réflexion sur le pouvoir qui au fil des mois, vous isole et vous éloigne de ceux qui vous ont fait confiance et vous ont élu.

Oui François Hollande y apparait comme un dissimulateur, un menteur, un indécis, mais cela les français le savent depuis plus de deux ans.  L'image du Président de la République qui se voulait "exemplaire" est certes ternie, mais pas plus qu'après la sortie de "Closer" montrant un Président dissimulé sous un casque de moto, pour se rendre en toute discrétion chez Julie Gayet !

Dans son livre, Valérie Trierweiler ne s'épargne pas non plus se révelant tour à tour jalouse, exclusive, tyrannique et souvent maladroite ...

Les réactions indignées, de droite comme de gauche, ne sont elles pas guidées par la solidarité de toute la classe politique dans le seul but de se protéger et par la crainte d'être un jour ou l'autre mis à nu?

Valérie Trierweiler a ouvert une brèche, d'autres s'y engouffreront !



Friday, 5 September 2014


President Hollande has now got to the point where,  whatever he tries to do to improve things, it becomes the next disaster ! 

Flash back of the last two years.

François Hollande was the secretary of the Socialist Party in 2011 when "DSK" the hot favourite of the Party to stand in the Presidentials, was detained and accused of assaulting a maid in a New York hotel. This scandal opened the door for Hollande become the Socialist candidate in 2012 and he seized his chance !

Although not a great orator or debator, in the last confrontation with President Sarkozy he launched an unexpected avalanche of accusations that Sarkozy had not delivered on his election promises, and he then made numerous promises of what HE would do if elected as the new President !  "I will, I will, I will...."

Sarkozy was stunned and unable to reply;  Hollande became President almost as if by accident, but also because of a rejection of President Sarkozy's personality !

The changes promised by Hollande have been too slow in coming.   For instance, he expected and repeated monthly that Unemployment would fall before end 2013.  In fact, unemployment has risen every month until now ! Taxes have increased !

In 2014, the disasterous results of the local élections, led to a change of Prime Minister.  Manuel Valls was like a breath of fresh air but less than five months later he was obliged to reshuffle his Cabinet because of problems with left wing Socialist Ministers !

Again, yesterday, a newly appointed Minister (Thomas Thévenoud) was obliged to resign due to personal tax problems.

However Valls has made two impressive speeches, to the Leaders of Industry and to the Members of the Socialist Party and on both occasions received a rousing ovation !   This could lead to a new Socialist era...but will this help President Hollande personally ? 

According to popularity polls, Hollande is the least popular of Presidents since 1958 and only 13 % of people now trust him !

On top of all this, the book published this week by his ex girlfriend of 10 years, will certainly not help restore his public standing.

With still 2 1/2 years to go before the end of his mandate, does President Hollande really know how to improve the economic condition of France ?         



Le 1er Août dernier Manuel Valls l'annonçait : "La rentrée sera difficile en matière de conjoncture économique".  Avait il envisagé que la rentrée serait aussi catastrophique pour le gouvernement et pour François Hollande : révolte des députés frondeurs, départ fracassant ou démission exigée de trois importants ministres dont le ministre de l'économie et du redressement Arnaud Montebourg, nouveau remaniement ministériel...

Enfin hier on apprenait que le tout nouveau secrétaire     d'Etat au Commerce Extérieur, Thomas Thévenoud, était contraint de démissionner en raison de "problèmes fiscaux"...  celui là même qui, alors député, devant l'Assemblée Nationale, s'était fait le chantre de la lutte contre la fraude fiscale et insistait sur la nécessité    d'être irréprochable !

Enfin le coup de grâce a été donné par l'ex compagne du Président de la République, Valérie Trierweiler, qui dans le livre publié cette semaine dresse un portrait peu flatteur de François Hollande ...

A mi-mandat le Président de la République peut il rebondir et continuer de mériter son sobriquet : "le culbuto" ?



Thursday, 4 September 2014


As the previous article pointed out (1) China and Russia have created firm political and commercial links.  China pursues aggressive policies while flouting generally accepted international principles, notably child labour laws.

The effect is that China "dumps" mass produced products in the EU, sold at prices which defy any competition !  As a result unemployment in the EU rises while growth in China knows no limits.

Angela Merkel, the German Chancellor is in principle against a revision of the basic principles in the EU Treaties.  This suits the boyant German Economy, even though some EU countries are suffering and the EURO is overpriced on Markets.

In the recent EU Parliamentary elections voters clearly wanted changes.  In particular they voted for;

   1)  Controled Immigration and Migration
   2)  Control of Imports from China and Asia
   3)  Proper controls of EU wide Frontiers.

If nothing is done to protect Europeans in the EU, it is clear the European "Union" will be inundated by foreigners, unwanted even in the countries where they were born !  The "Union" will collapse !

Jean-Claude Juncker must heed the message of the EU electors !  His own future depends on his performance !      
If the EU penalises China with sanctions now, it may make Putin and Russia think twice !

 (1) Read the article in this blog entitled "EU and West must also sanction China".  


While Putin and Russia are agressively preoccupied with the sole aim of recovering their domination of Ukraine, the divided "West" is meekly watching but applying sanctions which seem to be biting.

In the meantime Putin has developed Russia's political and commercial relations with China, since future Gas supplies to EU countries will diminish.

These two countries are totalitarian states in which democracy is not encouraged.  They are "dictatorships" similar to those that existed in the old USSR. The current problems in Hong Kong illustrate this perfectly !

Russia at present has armed soldiers and a complete arsenal of armaments in Ukraine to help Rebels to liberate the country which would then become a Russian state.  Factories in East Ukraine have already been closed and transferred to Russia.  Citizens have been killed and whole towns have been destroyed.  This, Putin says, is due to aggression by Ukrainian troops ! 

The West watches but Putin will only stop when he gets a "bloody nose" !  Pussy-footing sanctions only irritate him.  It is only when Russian soldiers are killed in battles that the Russian people will become aware of what is happening !

Russia's close ally, China, must also be sanctioned !  It helps Russia politically and commercially while exploiting cheap child labour to produce increasing low cost sales to Europe and elsewhere !  This creates more unemployment in the Western World but bolsters Chinese aggression ! 


Wednesday, 3 September 2014


When a married man starts a relationship with a woman who becomes his lover or mistress, there are soon rules concerning the unsuspecting wife and children and friends.

When the person is in the Public Limelight, or the President of France, the rules of secrecy and discretion are that much more important.

In fact, the secrecy and discretion of Lovers, over hundreds of years, has been such that the best secrets have never become known and have certainly never been published in books !  How many children have never known their real parents ? 

When a Master or Mistress betrays the rules of Secrecy or Discretion to get rich quick, it is like a butler or prostitute who kicks up a fuss when not paid for special services rendered !

Yet how many happy husbands and wives have unknowingly benefitted through a secret liaison ?

Telling tales reflects badly on the indiscreet lover !