Thursday, 24 April 2014


When there is a General Election, 75% of the votes usually go to the Left, Right or Center Parties;  they are the hard core which always votes the same way.  The other 25% are "floating" voters who can be pursuaded to change from how they voted last time.  They can often unseat a Government.

Farage has his project that Britain should leave the EU;  Salmond's project seeks Scottish Independence ! Both need to attract the voters to support their new project, but neither can really count on the hardcore 75% of habitual voters.  These they must attract with solid facts, figures and arguments to make them vote for their plans.

This also implies that all the "Pros and Cons" of their Projects have been examined and the Financial consequences have been highlighted in a Statement. The key information voters want is to know how they will be hit in the Pocket !

Really, the facts and figures of each Project should be verified by impartial Auditors and their report should be published !  Have Farage and Salmond done this ?

Nigel Farage is desperate for Britain to leave the EU.  His main fear is the Uncontrolled Migration and Immigration in the EU and into Britain.   But, has he weighed all the other consequences ?  For example, if Britain leaves the EU, how will the Balance of Trade with the EU be affected ?  Has he published these risks in a Statement ?

Alex Salmond seeks a vote for Scottish Independence !  He has made many enquieries but has he raised and explained ALL the problems ?   Has he detailed all the Assets AND Liabilities which Scotland will or will not accept ?   Has Westminster agreed the figures in his project ?  Will Scotland really be allowed to keep the English Pound Sterling as its currency ?

The EU Elections are next month.  The referendum on Scottish Independence is in September 2014 !  The deadlines are approaching !

For each project voters must be convinced to vote for what is proposed.  If a voter is not convinced, would it not be better to vote against the proposed project to avoid being remorseful later ?  There will always be a time for a another vote in a few years time !









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