Friday, 11 April 2014


When David Cameron says he wants changes to EU Treaties before proposing a vote on "staying in or getting out" of the EU, he is faced by a battery of criticism.  Smug politicians always want to "score points" but what they never do is to present any serious calculations to support what they say ! 

For example, it is easy to say that Britain wants selective immigration.  If for this sole reason Britain quits the EU how much "trade" would Britain lose ?  What savings could Britain expect ?   If there are other reasons for quitting the EU, what is the economic impact ?  Would there be more or less job losses in Britain ? 

There is a duty to be constructive when one criticises, whether one is in the Opposition, in a Coalition, or in the Government. 

Next month the EU election of MEPs will take place.  UKIP expect to win many more seats than 5 years ago simply by vowing to fight to get Britain out of the EU !  Have they really done their homework ? 

Has Nigel Farage, the leader of UKIP, calculated the economic effect of the changes to certain EU Treaties which David Cameron wants to negotiate ?  Who has "verified or audited" the UKIP calculations and project to get Britain out of the EU ?  Was a report published ?

One should never try to hoodwink the electors !


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