Wednesday, 2 April 2014


After the heavy losses suffered in the Local Elections by the Left in France, the new Prime Minister, Manuel Valls and President Hollande have named the Members of the new Cabinet.

As expected there are  fewer Ministers (16 now, 20 before) of which half, as before, are males and half  females. Except for two Ministers, all have served in the previous cabinet...  the Secretaries of State will be named next week. 

The "Greens" decided they did not want to remain in the Socialist Coalition and therefore are no longer in the Cabinet.  Ségolene Royal, the former compagnion of President Hollande and mother of his four children, is one of two new Ministers ; her nomination, as Minister for Ecology, has been favourably received.

Everyone will now closely follow how Valls and Hollande will work together on current but urgent problems.  They must try to kick-start the French economy !

Hollande needs to find 50 billion Euros before his stated date of April 15, 2014 to finance his "Pact of Responsibility" and his "Pact of Solidarity". Unemployment in France has not declined like Hollande had expected each month even since his election as President nearly two years ago.

The reasons behind the "unexpected high losses" in the Local Elections have served as a "Wake-up call".   The next elections on the agenda are the EU Parliamentary Elections on May 25, 2014.  Once again in France, as was the case last week in the Local Elections, large gains are expected for the National Front (or Extreme Right).

To complete the picture, Regional Elections will take place in France in 2015 and the Presidential Elections in 2017, if not before !


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