Saturday 28 February 2015


Our cartoonist friend "Marin" sent us this now very topical cartoon yesterday morning with a short text.   Below it is a translation into English. 
                                           -  x  x  x  -

Selon "Novaya Gazeta", quotidien d'opposition russe, Vladimir Poutine aurait tout planifié depuis un an dans la crise de l'Ukraine.
Lire aussi l'article de "Libération" du 25 février: "Ukraine: une invasion très préméditée par le Kremlin".


According to "Novaya Gazeta" a Russian Opposition Newspaper Vladimir Putin planned the whole crisis in Ukraine a year ago.  
Read also the article in "Liberation" dated February 25, entitled "Ukraine : an invasion carefully planned by the Kremlin".

François Hollande :  "This war goes on and on...  "
Angela Merkel :        "You're right Franzois... I can't 
                                    understand why Putin takes so 
                                    long before annexing Eastern 

Wednesday 25 February 2015


En utilisant l'expression "Français de souche, comme on dit " pour désigner les auteurs de la profanation du cimetière juif de Sarre-Union, François Hollande nous a ramenés plus de 50 ans en arrière. 
C'était l'époque à laquelle, dans les départements d'Algérie, on distinguait les Français de souche européenne et les Français de souche nord-africaine.  Et le général de Gaulle, dans son discours du 29 janvier 1960, faisait lui-même référence à "la communauté de souche française en Algérie".

Aujourd'hui la formule "français de souche"  étonne, choque , d'autant que François Hollande en ajoutant "comme on dit", a laissé entendre que l'expression était passée dans le langage courant sans être désormais l'apanage de groupuscules d'extrême droite.

Toutefois, le dernier mot revient à François Fillon qui, interrogé ce matin sur RTL à propos de l'utilisation de cette formule par le chef de l'Etat, a déclaré: "chacun a compris ce qu'il voulait dire"!



Lu avec intérêt et attention l'ouvrage de Chistopher Caldwell "Une Révolution sous nos Yeux" ou, comment l'Islam va transformer la France et l'Europe (1).
Dans le contexte politique actuelle, certaines des questions posées résonnent tout particulièrement...  Je vous en livre deux exemples:
"Si l'Islam n'a rien à voir avec le terrorisme, alors pourquoi tous les gouvernements européens éprouvent-ils le besoin de tendre la main aux groupes musulmans après chaque attaque terroriste ?"
"Si un "musulman modéré" est une personne qui pratique l'Islam de façon modérée, alors par définition il en existe une autre version, immodérée".
(1) traduit de l'anglais par Johan Frederik Hel Guedj, préfacé par Michèle Tribalat et publié aux Editions du Toucan.

Monday 23 February 2015


In this blog we appeal to John KERRY, the Secretary of State of the USA, to consider the cancellation of the 2018 FIFA World Football Cup Finals which are sheduled to be held in Russia !

No one at present can, or wants to, do anything before the next FIFA Presidential Elections on May 29, 2015 ! 

Such a Sanction against Russia, or more directly against Putin, would cause a great deal of heartfelt pain !  Last year the Sochi Winter Olympics were a magnificent success, but we should not forget, the next big event was Putin's annexation of Crimea !

How can a country like Russia guarantee the safety of sportmen and spectators when it actively encourages hostilities like those in Ukraine at present ?  No one is safe !

What would happen, for example, if Russia was losing a game of football against the USA or Germany or Ukraine and could be elimated from the Competition ? 

The whole world of genuine Football Followers would rejoice in such a Sanction !




Dans les départements de l'Outre-mer, le Préfet en concertation avec les partenaires sociaux pourra remplacer des jours fériés chrétiens par un même nombre de jours fériés locaux .  Tel est l'objet d'un amendement au projet de loi sur la croissance et l'activité dite "loi Macron" voté le 14 février dernier.

L'idée n'est pas neuve mais trace son chemin : déjà en 2013, Douna Bouzar, anthropologue spécialiste du fait religieux et nommée à l'observatoire de la laïcité par Jean-Marc Ayrault, proposait de remplacer deux jours fériés chrétiens pour fêter kippour et l'AID (voir ce blog du 28 septembre 2013)...

On se demande si, une disposition permettant de substituer d'autres jours fériés à des jours fériés chrétiens, a vraiment sa place dans un projet de loi sur la croissance et l'activité.  Pas sûr ; sauf à faire coïncider ces jours fériés avec un dimanche, jour (encore) de repos ; les entreprises pourraient alors y trouver leur compte...

Attendons le passage de la loi devant le Sénat et un recours éventuel au Conseil Constitutionnel.


Saturday 21 February 2015


At the meeting of EU Finance Ministers in Brussels yesterday, a rapid agreement was reached to extend the Greek bailout by 4 months.

However, this coming Monday evening Greece must explain the measures which it proposes to take to restore the Greek economy !   This will lead to lengthier discussions concerning the repayment of EUROZONE loans of 245 Billion Euros.

Nothing has been decided about a possible "Grexit", but recently Greek citizens, and perhaps others as well, have been withdrawing vast amounts of money from their bank accounts. 

Where and how will this money be invested ? No one knows... ! 


According to Ukrainian reports, Russia yesterday delivered 20 Tanks, armaments and and countless troops to the Russian Rebels in Eastern Ukraine !  Probably more will follow !

This is a clear violation by Russia of the "Truce" signed ten days ago by Putin, Merkel, Hollande and Poroshenko in Minsk ! 

Putin is now stoking up Russian patriotism to celebrate the "recapture" of Crimea from Ukraine.  He chooses totally, not to recognise or understand, that the uprising on February 20, 2014 in Maidan Square was a Ukrainian protest against him and his lackey, President Yanukovych, because they denied Ukraine the right to join the EU ! 

Putin is peeved, mentally haunted, by the fact that 12 former countries which broke away from Russian domination after the Berlin Wall was breached in 1991 (he was in East Berlin that day) are now in the EU !  All, except East Berlin, joined the EU after he became the President of Russia's government in 1999 !

Putin now boasts that nothing will stop the might of the Russian army !  Of course !  They have "feet on the ground" in Ukraine !  Western powers "only talk" !

In Russia Putin has completely gagged the Press.  Only distressed mothers who have lost valiant sons who "volunteered" to fight in Ukraine, have doubts.  Officially all the  problems Russia faces are due to the Sanctions imposed by the West !   Why ? Because Russia is protecting Russian Nationals in Ukraine !

The West must now react !  The situation now is exactly the same as in 1939 when Hitler invaded Poland !   Politicians then only wanted to talk but it ended in a War !

While politicians are making up their minds, one can only hope that someone is compiling a little Propaganda Booklet in Russian to explain why there are Sanctions and why Russians are suffering from shortages !  If a few drones could drop a million of the booklets all over Russia, the reaction of Russian citizens might stop Putin in his tracks ! 

It could save a few lives and stop the systematic destruction of  Rebel held areas in Ukraine !

Friday 20 February 2015



En février 2013 Jean-Vincent Placé , Président du groupe EELV au Sénat, avait déposé une proposition de loi visant à créer une taxe sur les mégots de cigarettes. En  2014, il relançait son idée dans le cadre des dispositions anti-tabac à l'étude.

Réitérera-t-il son originale proposition par voie d'amendement au projet de loi santé qui sera prochainement débattu au Parlement?

 Cela a inspiré notre caricaturiste!



The "stillborn" Truce hatched in Minsk and signed by all parties last week, has been violated repeatedly by the ethnic Russian rebels. They have not missed any chance to entrench their positions and gain further important footholds, thanks also to the help of more soldiers and armaments provided by Moscow !
Putin has obtained more than he could ever have hoped before negotiations began in Minsk !  In the end there was no real agreement, but everyone signed ! 

Why did the West not immediately increase their Sanctions against Russia ?  Why did NATO not strengthen its footholds on  the borders with Russia ?  Putin has now again  ordered Russian Combat Aircraft to survey the Mainland of Britain and France by flying down the English Channel, or "La Manche" ! 

Must it be continually repeated that Putin has every intention to retain Crimea and wants more than just Rebel held Eastern Ukraine ?  That he will not stop even if he gets Mariopol in Southern Ukraine, because he wants a land corridor from Russia to Crimea !  

If the West is just waiting for the Rouble to collapse this Spring, this gives Putin more time to get this corridor ! 


The perfect solution to the "Grexit" problem, where no one loses face in the eyes of the electorate nor its reputation on  international Financial Markets, will probably be adopted today in Brussels, or very shortly, after the meeting of Finance Ministers of the EUROZONE !  

The problem is a classic !  A drunk wanted 10 Euros for a meal !  A magnanimous donor gave him a "loan" of 100 Euros to "sleep it off".  The drunk had another drink to celebrate !

The Greek State now needs and wants a bridging loan to cover foreseeable short term obligations in order to start the long overdue reorganisation of the Greek economy.  Greece cannot at the same time continue repayments due on its debts of 245 billion Euros to the Eurozone !

Tsipras, the new Greek Prime Minister was recently elected on the back of these promises to the voters !

The only way forward now is to cancel all interest falling due and the repayments, for a period of at least ten years !  By then, in 2025, Greece should have recovered financially, to resume repayments but the present day value value of the Euro will probably have declined by at least 20% !  This fall in value will never be seen in Financial statements by electors !

The ultimate depreciation of the Euro may be even more than 20% !  For example, the Policy of "Quantitative Easing" by the European Central Bank, to encourage investment must not be allowed to flood Financial Markets with too many Euros.  This however is really a pure Eurozone problem, not a Greek problem !   
Greece really wants to stay in the EUROZONE !  If it is forced out it must readopt the Drachma, but this would not be easy and could be painful !  For example, would Putin and Russia not like to seduce Greece with promises of financial and economic help ?   

Beware of the Bear-hug ! 

Thursday 19 February 2015


Everyone has remarked the recent efforts of Hollande and Merkel trying to resolve current European problems.  

True, Merkel, the Chancellor of Germany has attacked Hollande, the President of France, for the poor economic performance by France in 2014.  Temporally France is in the EUROZONE "doghouse" !

However, Merkel did commisserate with Hollande after Islamic Terrorists took revenge against "Charlie Hebdo" early last month !  Whether now Merkel will agree to stricter immigration controls on EU borders remains to be seen ! 

Merkel and Hollande have again joined forces in an attempt to negotiate a cease-fire agreement in Ukraine with Russian President Putin.  An agreement has been signed but does it  provide any guaranties or sanctions if the Truce is not respected ?

The EUROZONE loans of 245 Billion Euros, which Greece now refuses to repay, worries Merkel and Germany in particular but France as well.   Merkel refuses the suggestion that a large part of the loans should be written off to prevent a "Grexit", i.e. Greece leaving the EURO !   What Greece will opt to do could be decided before the end of this week !                              



Wednesday 18 February 2015


En 2006 Dominique de Villepin avait utilisé le 49-3.

François Hollande Premier secrétaire du Parti Socialiste avait violemment réagi...

Les temps changent!



Tuesday 17 February 2015


Après les attentats meurtriers des 7,8, et 9 janvier à Paris et du 14 février à Copenhague, chacun a répété en boucle que leurs auteurs étaient passés par la case "prison" et s'y étaient radicalisés. Et certains d'incriminer le rôle des prisons.

La prison seule, responsable de ce que ces "jeunes" sont devenus ?  Cela serait oublier que lorsqu'ils ont été incarcérés, ces individus étaient déjà des délinquants ayant commis des faits d'une réelle gravité.  Ainsi le danois Omar El-Hussein avait été condamné à une peine de prison pour avoir poignardé un jeune homme dans un train de banlieue.

Le terrain était déjà prêt pour faire germer et prospérer les idées d'un islamisme radical.



In a Totalitarian State everything is secret but everyone seems to know what to do when he is expected to act !

So what is the set-up ?  There is always a N° 1 man who then delegates powers to his "cabinet" of close friends.  They in turn ensure that their helpers are all reliable friends who will obey instructions and the Party dogma !  They will help to vet dummy politicians who will be elected to vote in the Parliament and others who will be regional controlers !

The central organisation is the Army and the Police and the Judiciary !  They all know what should be done.  Normally the Press is "controled" by a Cabinet Minister to ensure citizens are correctly informed of all current events !  The Minister of Foreign Affairs will ensure that Ambassadors spread the official political "Gospel" !

Everyone has a clear job description !  In a Totalitarian  State one man at the top has ALL the strings to ensure the control of everything !

In fact have we not already often seen and heard men like this before ?  Are such Dictators not like Ventriloquists with their dummies ?


Monday 16 February 2015


If Greece does not obtain a massive reduction of its debt and then decides to leave the EURO, this will not be the end of the EURO or the EUROZONE !

A Greek exit (Grexit) would cost about 245 Billion Euros and could jolt relations with other countries which also have outstanding debts, but the total finances of the Eurozone are solid enough to absorb such a loss ! 

What really worries the EUROZONE at present is that writing down or writing off a substantial part of the debt, could become a precedent for the future.  It might encourage other countries in difficulties to leave the EURO !

The EUROZONE must understand and accept some responsibility for this !    When Greece was allowed to join the EU and then to adopt the EURO as its currency, the accounts presented by Greece were materially incorrect !   This was not spotted by those who verified the statements !  

Later when Greece was virtually bankrupt, loans were made to avoid a Bankruptcy !   Was the real aim not to prevent Greece leaving the EURO ?

The Loans granted were much too high and too late !  Strict conditions to trim National costs were not implemented by the  last Greek Governments !  The repayments were too high and prevented any improvement in the Financial condition of the country.  There was nothing the EUROZONE could then do !

Faced with an impossible task, Alexis Tsipras promised voters that he would demand a reduction of the debt and was promptly elected as the new  Prime Minister of Greece.   He had also promised to reform Greece !

Without the help of a debt write-off he cannot reorganise Greece and make the country profitable again !  If he does not do what he promised, there will be riots in Greece and he could even be lynched ! 

His final option then will be what ?   Readopt the Drachma which was abandoned in 2002 ?   If permitted he will probably want to stay in the EU !   Then he will be able to restore the pride Greeks feel they have lost.

The EUROZONE must, however, revise its basic "Golden Rules"  to avoid more "bankruptcies" in the future !


Aux prochaines élections départementales, l'Union des démocrates musulmans de France, présentera 8 listes de candidats aux prochaines élections départementales.

Au programme de ce tout jeune parti fondé en novembre 2012 : La relance de l'économie par le hallal, l'abrogation de la loi interdisant les signes religieux ostensibles et notoires et donc le retour du port du voile à l'école... 
 Et ce parti songe déjà à un candidat pour 2017 !  On n' est pas loin du roman prophétique de Michel Houellebecq qui imagine l'arrivée au pouvoir en 2022, d'un Président de la République Française issu d'un parti appelé "fraternité musulmane" !

A ce propos, on a pu lire avec intérêt l'éditorial de Yves Thréard publié dans le "Figaro" du 14 février où il affirme:  "les revendications d'un Islam intransigeant posent un problème à la France".  
Yves Thréard invite "nos responsables politiques à montrer une détermination sans faille dans la lutte contre toutes les dérives islamiques".
"Finis les concessions et les compromis , les renoncements à notre héritage et à notre culture.  Il y va de l'unité de notre pays " ajoute l'éditorialiste du "Figaro" .


Sunday 15 February 2015


It is well known that Putin is an accomplished player of chess and this becomes very evident when, as a politician, he is negotiating Truces such as the one in Minsk this week.

When accomplished players move in a game of chess, they try to attack but without weakening their defensive position.  They may entice their oponent by conceding a possible opening, but they are always ready to profit if the response by their oponent is weak and permits this !

This affirmation leads directly to an obvious question !  Was there an accomplished player of chess in the team surrounding the Western negotiators in Minsk ?  Also, how many of the leaders in the West can play chess competently ?  

To be quite clear, when a game is in progress, it takes less than five seconds for a competent player to know who is on top !  Playing chess is to know what could happen during the next five moves, if not more !   That competence is needed in negotiations !

Putin knows how to play chess !   He also knows there are flaws in the Minsk Truce !


The ceasefire in Ukraine has started but the next question is whether Russia will withdraw its armaments and troops from Eastern Ukraine in accordance with the "Truce" signed in Minsk ? 

Did Putin not transfer at least 50 tanks to the Russian Rebels in Eastern Ukraine while negotiations were still going on ?  Together with the tanks already there, how many will now be withdrawn ?

Will the tanks and armaments be returned to the factory where they were produced, or will they be hidden somewhere near the Black Sea where the Russian Armada is docked ?  There they could be quickly redeployed when the Truce "breaks down" !  Or will they be required for a Military Training exercise ? 

That the Truce has not been honoured will be quickly seized upon by Putin for the smallest of reasons !  He desperately needs a reason to convince Russian citizens that he is doing all he can to protect Russia's interests. This would also  demonstrate his authority and deflect attention from the crumbling "Rouble" ! 

With his "crumbling dream" of a bigger Russia, Putin must now prove that he is still the right leader for Russia ! He has his back against the wall !

For the West the message is clear !  Hillary Clinton was right when she said that the West must regroup and become more united. 

Feet on the ground very near the Borders of Western Ukraine are required to counter Russian feet which are very near the Borders of Eastern Ukraine at present ! 

Saturday 14 February 2015


After the long negotiations in Minsk, Putin has managed to keep all that he has already grabbed in Ukraine, including Crimea !   Of course he would dearly like to be free of the "Sanctions" imposed by the West which still remain in place, but... 

The Sanctions are biting, the Rouble is crumbling and the shops in Russia have few Western products !

He has never admitted that there are Russian soldiers in Eastern Ukraine or that there are Russian armaments there as well !  Russia is not guilty of fighting a war against Ukraine, even if photographic evidence proves the contrary !

Who pays the wages of the Russian Rebels or Russian Volunteers and also the foreign Merceneries ?  It certainly is not the Government of Ukraine or President Poroshenko !
Russian Armaments have often been photographed entering Ukraine, even this week while negotiations were going on in Minsk.  Whom does Russia invoice for these military weapons ?  Or are they only being loaned ? 

Putin has Russian feet on the ground in Ukraine and will not budge !  He does not need a truce to stop the fighting !  The cost of the war is doing no good to the Russian Rouble but for the time being his reputation is still intact inside Russia becaused he has gagged the Press !

Hillary Clinton is reported as saying that the USA and Europe must keep up the pressure on Russia because Putin still has dreams of restoring the Grand Russia which resulted from the post World War 2 Peace Conferences in 1945 !

She is absolutely right !


Friday 13 February 2015


It is regrettable but true, the Truce hammered out and signed by Putin,  Merkel, Hollande and President Poroshenko of Ukraine, which should come into force at midnight tomorrow, February  14, 2015, lacks the intention necessary to ensure a real cease-fire !

Press reports during negotiations and after the signing of the "Agreement" reveal that countless Tanks, Armoured Vehicules and Artillery Units crossed from Russia into Eastern Ukraine to help Russian Rebels to, as Putin always says, "defend" themselves !

As with previous agreements, any lull in the fighting is used to consolidate territorial positions gained before the official start of the cease-fire and afterwards to win more land and strategic positions ! 

Putin is fully aware of what is going on !  He can no longer glibly deny that Russia does not help the Rebels.   Nor can he pretend that he is defending or protecting Russians living peacefully in Eastern Ukraine from agression by Ukrainian Nationalists ! 

Western politicians must not be naïve !  NATO Generals know what needs to be done !   Putin wants to keep Crimea and to ensure this he needs more of South and Eastern Ukraine !  He has already done all that is needed to achieve his dream !




En principe chaque logement doit être équipé d'un détecteur de fumée d'ici le 8 mars 2015.

Toutefois, un amendement voté par l'Assemblée nationale dans le cadre de la "loi Macron" reporte cette date au 1er janvier 2016 à condition que les propriétaires aient signé un contrat d'achat de détecteurs au plus tard le 8 mars 2015.

Ceci pour soulager les bailleurs d'importants parcs immobiliers qui étaient en effet dans l'incapacité de respecter le délai ! On peut s'en étonner sachant que la proposition de loi sur les détecteurs de fumée avait été enregistrée le 28 septembre 2005 puis votée et publiée au JO du 10 mars 2010!

Rappelons que plus de 800 décès sont causés chaque année par des incendies d'habitation, qu'un incendie se déclare toutes les deux minutes en France, et que l'intoxication par inhalation de fumée est à l'origine de 80% des décès.

Au Sénat maintenant de se prononcer et peut être de préciser si tous les propriétaires de logement, y compris les particuliers, sont concernés par le report de délai ou pas !



Thursday 12 February 2015


When candidates want to be elected they normally have good reasons and they must explain their ideas to voters !  If they cover all the major changes voters are yearning for, in a convincing manner, they may get enough votes to be elected !

FIFA, or to be more precise, President Blatter, does not want to organise a debate by candidates to be televised and broadcast worldwide:  perhaps a television chain would do a program ?

The subjects which football fanatics want to see debated can be summarised as follows;

     1)  Should the Statutes of FIFA be updated to limit the number of terms a President or elected Executive can serve ?

     2)  The "Garcia Report" is being redacted because the "Eckert Summary" was challenged; what are the views of Candidates on this subject ?  Have they had any Inside Information from the outgoing President Blatter ? 

     3)  What are the views of candidates concerning any new rules in Football such as; 

             - "Sin Bin time penalties" instead of "yellow cards" (like in Ice Hockey)    

             - Suspension for three yellow cards !

             - Limitation of the number of players in a "First Team Pool"

    4)  Would candidates support ideas which provide  referees with more help ?  Would they,

             - advocate "TV replays" during matches. (like in Rugby)  

             - consider the possibility of two referees in matches ? (like in Ice Hockey)

The foregoing are simple ideas which could animate a debate.  There are certainly many other subjects the candidates themselves would like to propose. 

How can electors vote for Candidates when they have not had a chance to explain what changes they think are necessary ?



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Wednesday 11 February 2015


Les copropriétaires sont tenus de participer aux charges entrainées par les services collectifs et les éléments d'équipement commun en fonction de l'utilité qu'ils retirent de ces services et éléments.  Il en est ainsi par exemple pour les dépenses d'ascenseurs.

En revanche, chaque copropriétaire est tenu de participer aux charges relatives à la conservation, à l'entretien et à l'administration des parties communes proportionnellement à la valeur de son lot.

Tels sont les principes posés par la loi du 10 juillet 1965, art 10 et rappelés dans cette toute récente affaire.

Un copropriétaire utilisait une entrée indépendante pour se rendre dans son logement.  Il contestait donc devoir participer aux frais de peinture et d'électricité de l'escalier de son bâtiment au motif qu'il n'en avait ni l'accès ni l'utilité.

A tort, ont estimé les juges: les escaliers faisant partie du gros œuvre de l'immeuble, les travaux de réfection des peintures et les travaux d'électricité sont bien des charges de conservation et d'entretien des parties communes.  Les copropriétaires doivent donc y participer en fonction de leurs tantièmes de propriété ( Décision du 3 février 2015, 8ème chambre, 1ère section SAS NEXITY LAMY c/ C. ).

Peu importe l'utilisation qui est faite de l'escalier ou de l'utilité que le copropriétaire en retire .



The FIFA Electoral Committee has validated the candidature of the four people to stand for election to become the next President of FIFA.

The date of the Election is May 29, 2015.

The Candidates are; 

          Joseph BLATTER (Switzerland) 

          Ali Bin HUSSEIN (Jordan)

          Luis FIGO (Portugal)

          Michael van PRAAG (Netherlands).

In view of the numerous problems that FIFA is facing at present it would be of interest to all football followers to hear each candidate explain what his policies would be if he became the next President of FIFA !

This is generally accepted as being democratically necessary because electors must know what they are voting for.  However, the outgoing President, Joseph Blatter, has already expressed his personal feelings on this subject by saying  that a televised debate by all candidates was not necessary.   "It's playing politics" he said ! 

This has disappointed football followers everywhere and also the representatives of all the countries who will be voting !

Mr Blatter is well known because he has travelled to all corners of the FIFA Football World.  The other candidates have not, which is a handicap !   Also, how can electors vote for or against a candidate if he and his programme are not made public ?

Two or three debates, televised and shown worldwide, would probably be money spinners !  Television companies would be more than just keen to organise such an event, even if only three candidates participated ! 

Could a prominent personality in the World of Football provoke action on this subject ?  







During the last twelve months, President Putin has changed his mind so often over what he accepts or not with respect to the "Independent Country of Ukraine", even after signing agreements, that western diplomats have now stopped trying to understand him ! 

Diplomacy has failed, Western Sanctions have not deterred his singularity of mind which is to "reconquer" Ukraine.  Putin wants Ukraine back in Russia  ! 

To stop Putin in his tracks, to recover Crimea and to restore Peace in Ukraine, it would seem the West has only one remaining option, which is War !   

The West has often hesitated during this last year because it does not want a war !  Putin has stoically ignored everything in his way which could prevent him from achieving his objectives !

He has encouraged and armed ethnic Russian Rebels in Eastern Ukraine.  They have destroyed Towns and Villages. As a result, at least 1.4 millions ethnic Ukrainian refugees have fled from the East of Ukraine to the West, seeking a shelter and the means to survive !

Putin wants even more !  He wants still more land in southern Ukraine to build a direct corridor between Russia and Crimea !  That is another reason why he continues to supply all the armaments and soldiers Russian Rebels say they need ! 

The West must now adopt the same tactics as Russia !  Play for time by rejecting Russian proposals for an immediate Peace Plan, while sending troops into eastern Ukraine and Crimea ! 

Later, Putin might take things more seriously if the West accepts to negotiate because it has "feet on the ground" ! Alas by then it may already be too late ! 

The Rouble has started to collapse, oil and gas prices have slumped due to overproduction and Russian civilians are divided about what Putin is doing... !   Putin knows trouble lies in store for him !


Monday 9 February 2015


Who really did win the Bye-election in Doubs yesterday ?  One could legitimately ask this question !  

The official result is that the Socialist Party (PS) candidate, Frédéric Barbier, defeated Sophie Montel, the National Front (FN) candidate, by 800 votes !  The PS polled 51.43 %, the FN polled 48.57 % of the votes ! There were 9.51% less abstentions in the second round run-off.

Officially UMP, whose candidate was eliminated in the first round with 26.54% of the votes, appealed to its electors to vote neither for FN nor for PS.  However, certain leaders like Juppé and Kosciusko-Morizet said they would personnally vote for the Socialist Candidate.  As for Sarkozy, the President of UMP, he proposed a vote for the Socialists, or a blank vote, or an abstention from voting !  Above all, no vote for FN !

In the absense of complete agreement by UMP, some of their electors did not hesitate to vote for FN !  This resulted in  a very small victory by the Socialists. 

This is not only a setback for UMP but a serious warning of what could happen in forthcoming elections !


Saturday 7 February 2015


Once again Putin is obtaining more time to prove to Russians everywhere that he is protecting them from aggression by the Western countries ! 

The latest "proposed agreement" prepared by Angela Merkel and François Hollande was rebuffed by Putin yesterday.   The immediate question is "Will Russia and the Pro-Russia Seperatists in Ukraine stop the armed combat in eastern Ukraine ?"

All previous cease-fire agreements have failed !  Russia has never stopped its continuous flow of arms to the Rebels !  Will Putin ever sign another "agreement" aimed at curtailing his private aims for Ukraine ?  

 It seems that Putin will not stop until he gets another large chunk of Southern and Eastern Ukraine, particularly the "corridor" he needs to preserve and protect Crimea, which he captured from "under the noses" of the West ?  

Many former Russian satellite countries started fleeing the domination of Russia the day in 1989 the Berlin Wall was breached. Later several countries joined the EU !  This haunts Putin even now because at that time he too was in Eastern Berlin but working for the KGB !  This explains why he now wants to hang on to Ukraine at all costs !

At present Russia simply crosses the border it has with Ukraine and delivers armaments whenever they are requested by the Rebels !  To stop this what is needed is a "no mans land corridor" between Russia and Ukraine, controled by a United Nations peacekeeping force ! 

Likewise Southern Ukraine must be protected to prevent Russia establishing the corridor they want between Russia and Crimea !  

 Even if  the current Sanctions are not lifted, Putin still desperately wants that "corridor" !  And he will get it, unless the West are prepared to put "feet on the ground" Russia !

Whatever the next "Agreement" contains, even if he signs it,  Putin will not give up on his current aims and intentions !



Friday 6 February 2015


The "Times of London" yesterday reported that Sepp Blatter rejected the idea of a live debate by all Candidates seeking to be elected as President of FIFA !  He said one should not "imitate politics". 

One should not dupe electors either !  Every candidate should also have a clear program of action which would justify his wish to be elected !  Each candidate should be heard, and preferably, be seen on Television, debating "off the cuff" questions raised by the others ! 

As there are still four valid candidates (their credentials are still being vetted) why does Blatter reject the chance to explain why he needs a fifth term of four years ?  Are the current FIFA problems so complicated that only HE could unravel the "mess" he has accumulated during his 16 years in office ? 

It is pointless in this Blog to enumerate again all the changes which lovers of football would like to see introduced, but Blatter's rejection of a debate is an inexcusable denial of the basic rights of candidates in an election ! 

It is not democratic and resembles the policies of a Totalitarian State !  This is inacceptable !


Thursday 5 February 2015


The facts of the situation are already well known.   Greece has   received long-term loans from the EUROZONE which should be repaid on a regular basis together with the interest due.  This now appears to be impossible because the country is bankrupt and 30% of its workers are unemployed.  

The EUROZONE cannot accept to write-off the 245 Billion Euros Greek Debt.  This would become a precedent which could ultimately destroy the EURO as a world currency ! 

The newly elected Prime Minister of Greece, Alexis Tsipras, promised electors to reorganise Greece and to restore its pride, which quite logically costs money !  As an election promise he threatened to withdraw Greece from the EUROZONE if it did not agree to a hefty Debt write-off !

The speculation now is that repayments of the Debt could be postponed (but for how long ?) and that only a reduced amount of the current interest falling due would be paid by Greece !

This, theoretically, would enable Mr Tsipras to reorganise Greece and would not endanger the EURO !  Angela Merkel would not be obliged to change any of the fundamental rules of the EU which are enshrined in Treaties !

Mario Draghi, President of the European Central Bank (ECB), has in the meantime introduced a new policy of buying-up short term Bank debt in the EUROZONE so as to provide finance to banks which could then make loans to Industry !  This should help to Kick-start industrial activity !

Are there not some evident risks in these plans ? 

What happens if Alexis Tsipras reorganises Greece but the economy does not perform as expected ?  Will he then not want to withdraw Greece from the EUROZONE by adopting the drachme and never repay the Loans ?  Likewise, if Mr Draghi floods the world with too many EUROS will this not create a spiral of inflation ? 

Will it not be the taxpayer who will ultimately bear the cost from the loss in value of the EURO in his pocket ?  That would be like a hidden tax on his wealth !


Wednesday 4 February 2015


The whole political scene in France at present is in complete disarray !  On the Left the Government Coalition has lost its majority and on the Right, UMP fears that the National Front (FN) could get the upper hand.

The Government Coalition was slowly being deserted and this led President Hollande to appoint Manuel Valls as Prime Minister and then Emmanuel Macron as Minister of the Economy.  Their policies are more centrist and less left than the original Socialist policies, and this change appeals more to the "big business" leaders.  Choosing them is proving to be a master stroke by President Hollande !

On the Right Nicolas Sarkozy, who once said if he was beaten as President he would leave politics, made a non-easy comeback as President of the UMP party.  He obviously wants to stand again in the Presidential Election in 2017 !  Alas others also have this ambition !  This has cause rifts in the ranks of UMP !

Further UMP rifts are created by the FN party which has been mopping-up drifting voters, on the left and the right, for about ten years in all the elections.  In the first round of the current bye election in Doubs, the FN candidate came first by beating the Socialist.  The UMP candidate was eliminated !  

For whom should UMP Voters vote in the second round ?  No one, official, choice could be agreed !  UMP was split by this issue !

To become the President of France, the next election in 2017   will be the last chance for several well known but older politicians on the Right and Left !  Marine Le Pen, the leader of FN is feared by everyone, on the Left or Right ! 

Additionally, there are also other much younger candidates in the wings of the Socialist Party and of UMP, even if it does manage to survive until May 2017 !


Tuesday 3 February 2015


In the first round of voting in the last bye-election the extreme right National Front (FN ) candidate came first ; the centre right UMP candidate came third, behind the socialist candidate and was therefore eliminated ! 

This has created a real panic because the Socialists could lose the seat and FN could get a third MP into the National Assembly ! 

The regular increase of the FN share of the votes in all types of Elections, has so irked both the Socialist and UMP parties, that in recent years they have both instructed their electors to vote against FN candidates in the second and last round !

This may not be undemocratic but it does reveal a low esteem by politicians for their electors !  In recent years FN has gathered increasing support due to the inaction of the main parties with respect to Immigration, Migration and Unemployment !

Nicolas Sarkozy, has decided not to impose any official line.  This alas, does not appeal to all of the UMP leaders !  Alain Juppé and Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet have already said that between an FN candidate and a Socialist candidate, they will vote for the Socialist  ! 

In the end electors will decide for themselves how to vote !


Monday 2 February 2015


On New Year's Day 2015 President Hollande had the lowest popularity ratings of any French President in the history of France.  This correctly reflected the general public opinion that he had accumulated problems instead of solving them !  France also had become the bad boy of the class in the EUROZONE ! 

Then, on Wednesday January 7, Muslim Extremists killed 12 people in the satyrical newspaper "Charlie Hebdo" to avenge Mahomet for cartoons they had published. The next day a Policewoman was shot dead and three days later, in a Jewish Hypermarket, a Muslim extremist again killed 4 jewish people.

Hollande immediately declared three days of mourning and invited more than 40 Heads of State to a symbolical march in Paris on Sunday January 11 ! 

Not only France but the whole World was shocked by what had happened.   The next day Prime Minister Valls declared war on Muslim Extremists in the National Assemby.  He was backed by all Parties in the House.  There was National Unity !

The Popularity Polls for both Hollande and Valls shot up to unseen levels !  

Hollande has been attending numerous Commemorations since then.  Together with Valls they have been planning increased security measures against Islamic Terrorism. 

However, the old problems are still there and unsolved !  Merkel and the EUROZONE still insist that France must introduce economic measures to balance national income and expenses !  This really means cutting State expenses amongst other things ! 

There was however, bad news yesterday in the first round of the latest partial Election.  The National Front Party has polled many more votes than the Socialists and the right wing UMP party candidate was eliminated !   

Will the Socialists be able to retain the Seat ?  Will the UMP party ask its electors to vote against the National Front Party and for the Socialist candidate ?  Nicolas Sarkozy will decide tomorrow what should be done...   


Sunday 1 February 2015


A compter du 8 mars 2015, chaque logement devra être équipé d'au moins un détecteur de fumée, installé de préférence dans le dégagement desservant les chambres. Si le logement est occupé par un locataire, il appartient au propriétaire de fournir le détecteur ou d'en rembourser l'achat; la pose incombe au locataire.
 Les copropriétés ne sont pas concernées par cette mesure .
L'installation de détecteurs de fumée dans les parties communes de l'immeuble est même interdite (arrêté du 5 février 2013).
Ceci dans la mesure où une détection de fumée déclencherait l'alarme et inciterait des gens à sortir de leur logement et à entrer dans les fumées. Or ce sont précisément les fumées qui tuent (réponse ministérielle à Marc Francina, JO AN du 29 janvier 2013).


There is not one citizen nor one MEP in the European Union, who is totally and 100% satisfied with the way politicians are conducting the Affairs of State which concern us all !  

There are 28 countries, 751 Members of the European Parliament (MEPs), and more than 500 million electors.  No one is convinced that the main problems in their country are adquately covered and dealt with at the EU level ! 

Examples of "high level" EU preoccupations are the "current" Greek + EURO crisis and the "never ending" Immigration and Migration problems ! 

Is it not time that Jean-Claude Juncker, who is the President of the European Commission, should prove that transparent Democracy does exist or is possible in the EU Parliament ? 

Could he not organise a presentation/debate in which one MEP from each country is given 5 or 10 minutes maximum to explain which three problems are the most important for his country ?  If such a debate is transmitted live to at least all the 28 EU member countries, would this not create an enormous amount of interest and goodwill ? 

A summary of the problems notified by the countries should then be prepared and published.  It could become the subject of a special debate in the EU parliament at a later date. This debate also should be transmitted by live television broadcasts. 

If Mr Juncker would undertake something like this (and why not each year ?), it would certainly restore the confidence of electors in the EU Parliament !  
