Sunday, 1 February 2015


What Angela Merkel said is quite clear !   Neither she nor Germany want to agree to a reduction of the Debt of 240 Billion  Euros which Greece owes to its creditors. 

What is not clear is " Have Merkel and Jean-Claude Juncker   (the President of the EU Commission) understood the mood of other countries in the EUROZONE ? 

Have they understood why in several countries extremists were elected into the EU Parliament in August 2014 and why at present there are strikes and protests flaring-up in Spain, France and Greece and perhaps very soon, elsewhere also ? 

It seems that the answer is that people want to avoid  "EUROZONE austerity" !   Some Leaders have been even more blunt by saying they do not want their countries to become "German Colonies" !

They say Germany seems to impose its will or solution everywhere !  Since 2010 Greece has been granted huge loans not to leave the EUROZONE but these loans did not solve the "economic" problems of the country !   Instead the measures of austerity imposed on the Greeks stifled the country !   It would have been a better solution if Greece had abandoned the EURO ! 

Now, as a result, the same question has arisen again, but a "Grexit" from the EURO is not the solution envisaged !  Only more austerity !  What is even worse is that a debt "reduction" is out of the question;  repayment of all the 240 Billion Euros is  expected !    

Greece cannot repay the Loans !   Merkel and Germany, however, do not want to envisage what could happen if Greece decides to leave the EUROZONE, and perhaps, even the EU ! Would or could this lead to other countries also leaving ? 

It is clearly the time NOW that all the ills in the Treaties of the EU need to be examined !   David Cameron has demanded this for a long time !  

Not to examine these problems now will only lead to more  problems in the future ?  The final abandonment of the EU  dream would then be upon us !


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