Saturday, 21 February 2015


According to Ukrainian reports, Russia yesterday delivered 20 Tanks, armaments and and countless troops to the Russian Rebels in Eastern Ukraine !  Probably more will follow !

This is a clear violation by Russia of the "Truce" signed ten days ago by Putin, Merkel, Hollande and Poroshenko in Minsk ! 

Putin is now stoking up Russian patriotism to celebrate the "recapture" of Crimea from Ukraine.  He chooses totally, not to recognise or understand, that the uprising on February 20, 2014 in Maidan Square was a Ukrainian protest against him and his lackey, President Yanukovych, because they denied Ukraine the right to join the EU ! 

Putin is peeved, mentally haunted, by the fact that 12 former countries which broke away from Russian domination after the Berlin Wall was breached in 1991 (he was in East Berlin that day) are now in the EU !  All, except East Berlin, joined the EU after he became the President of Russia's government in 1999 !

Putin now boasts that nothing will stop the might of the Russian army !  Of course !  They have "feet on the ground" in Ukraine !  Western powers "only talk" !

In Russia Putin has completely gagged the Press.  Only distressed mothers who have lost valiant sons who "volunteered" to fight in Ukraine, have doubts.  Officially all the  problems Russia faces are due to the Sanctions imposed by the West !   Why ? Because Russia is protecting Russian Nationals in Ukraine !

The West must now react !  The situation now is exactly the same as in 1939 when Hitler invaded Poland !   Politicians then only wanted to talk but it ended in a War !

While politicians are making up their minds, one can only hope that someone is compiling a little Propaganda Booklet in Russian to explain why there are Sanctions and why Russians are suffering from shortages !  If a few drones could drop a million of the booklets all over Russia, the reaction of Russian citizens might stop Putin in his tracks ! 

It could save a few lives and stop the systematic destruction of  Rebel held areas in Ukraine !

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