Saturday 7 February 2015


Once again Putin is obtaining more time to prove to Russians everywhere that he is protecting them from aggression by the Western countries ! 

The latest "proposed agreement" prepared by Angela Merkel and François Hollande was rebuffed by Putin yesterday.   The immediate question is "Will Russia and the Pro-Russia Seperatists in Ukraine stop the armed combat in eastern Ukraine ?"

All previous cease-fire agreements have failed !  Russia has never stopped its continuous flow of arms to the Rebels !  Will Putin ever sign another "agreement" aimed at curtailing his private aims for Ukraine ?  

 It seems that Putin will not stop until he gets another large chunk of Southern and Eastern Ukraine, particularly the "corridor" he needs to preserve and protect Crimea, which he captured from "under the noses" of the West ?  

Many former Russian satellite countries started fleeing the domination of Russia the day in 1989 the Berlin Wall was breached. Later several countries joined the EU !  This haunts Putin even now because at that time he too was in Eastern Berlin but working for the KGB !  This explains why he now wants to hang on to Ukraine at all costs !

At present Russia simply crosses the border it has with Ukraine and delivers armaments whenever they are requested by the Rebels !  To stop this what is needed is a "no mans land corridor" between Russia and Ukraine, controled by a United Nations peacekeeping force ! 

Likewise Southern Ukraine must be protected to prevent Russia establishing the corridor they want between Russia and Crimea !  

 Even if  the current Sanctions are not lifted, Putin still desperately wants that "corridor" !  And he will get it, unless the West are prepared to put "feet on the ground" Russia !

Whatever the next "Agreement" contains, even if he signs it,  Putin will not give up on his current aims and intentions !



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